Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 120: Retreat (seeking collection)


In Lao Xu's room.

"Here, these are for you." Old Xu pointed at the potted plants on the shelf, "I have some at home anyway, and I can't put them away if I take them back. It just so happens that your place is empty, so I can use them as decoration, and it will be nice to have more greenery in the room."

He enthusiastically pulled Tianyang to the bookshelf in the corner and said, "I don't have much use for the books on it, so I'll give them to you. And you don't have to return the book 'Analysis of the Texts in the Reverse World'. If you have time, come to my house and hang out, have a meal or something."

Tian Yang frowned and said, "You haven't told me yet, why did you leave so suddenly?"

Old Xu scratched his head, leaned against the window, looked outside and said, "It can't be said to be sudden. I have wanted to retire for a long time. It's just that there has never been a suitable opportunity before. However, a few days ago, Tianqing Academy hired me to be a lecturer. I think that since there is a way out, there is no need to continue hanging around in Night Walker."

"Wouldn't it be better to give up the position and let young people like you perform?"

Tianyang felt that this was probably not what Lao Xu really thought.

Old Xu looked up at the sky above the fortress and said, "I am not a child anymore. I have lost the vigor and vitality of my youth. I am not like our captain, who is carefree. In fact, I have been thinking about retiring since I came back from Huanggu Town last time."

"Those things are too scary, Tianyang. When I was chased by that tree demon in Huanggu Town, I almost thought I would never come back. Do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

How could Tianyang know, so he shook his head.

Old Xu laughed, and a pair of crow's feet appeared at the corners of his eyes: "I was thinking, if I die, what will happen to my wife and daughter at home? Especially my daughter, she is still so young, I haven't hugged her enough. So, I am very scared."

The man's shoulders trembled slightly: "I'm scared. If it happens again, I won't be able to come back."

Tian Yang didn't know what to say for a moment, he could only pat Lao Xu's shoulder to comfort him.

Old Xu rubbed his eye sockets, wiped his face, and forced a smile again: "Although I made that kid Cangdu very angry, but I don't have to worry anymore. Tianyang, aren't you going to bless me?"

Tian Yang laughed and said, "Then I wish you a long life, so that I can often come to your place for free meals."

"You just want to eat for free!" Old Xu laughed happily. But there seemed to be a bit of loss in his eyes. Maybe in his heart, he didn't really want to leave Night Walker.

Old Xu is gone.

His room became empty, but Tianyang's room had a lot more things.

After closing the door, the boy didn't rush to tidy up. He walked to a terminal in the corner.

He tapped on the terminal screen, entered his passcode, and logged into the Night Walker's internal network.

After accessing the intranet, Tianyang opened a query window and entered the word "Su Lie".

His finger hovered over the screen for a moment before tapping it.

The screen clearly showed that it was searching, but after a moment, it showed that there were no records.

Tianyang frowned slightly. Although the markings on Su Lie's uniform were slightly different from those of the Night Walker, it was indeed the uniform of the Night Walker. How could there be no record of it

Could it be that his file was deleted


Tianyang searched for "the person who broke the formation" again, and this time the reply he got was that he did not have enough authority and could not search.

In this way, he didn't know whether Su Lie's file was deleted or was still in the system of the person who broke the formation

This leads to another question: What is a formation breaker

Perhaps, this question can be asked to other people.

But if this is not something I should know now, asking might arouse suspicion.

Tianyang thought about it for a moment and decided not to explore this issue for the time being. Originally, when he was at the Yunxiang base, he also planned to put Su Lie's matter aside for the time being to avoid attracting the attention of some high-level officials in the fortress.

The next day, Tianyang went to listen to Liu Jinglin's class at Tianqing College. In this class, Liu Jinglin talked about the military civilization of the opposite world.

According to the evidence collected so far, the Reverse Realm, at least the Reverse Realm No. 127, has sufficient military power.

However, there are no obvious signs of war in the Reverse Realm, which shows that their military strength is more of a deterrent. This is another enviable place, a world without war is really beautiful.

When the get out of class was over, Liu Jinglin seemed to have noticed Tianyang early in the morning. He nodded to him and gestured for Tianyang to follow him.

Tianyang went to an office with him.

After closing the door, Liu Jinglin asked his assistant to pour two glasses of water and said, "Can I ask why you want to learn the language of the reverse world?"

Tian Yang answered seriously: "We often have to go in and out of the adversity world, so I think if I can understand their writing, it may be helpful in the operation."

He thought of the video that Su Lie had left behind. Would it have been better if Su Lie hadn't known what information was recorded on the Disaster Compass? So when he said this, the boy wasn't so sure.

Liu Jinglin didn't hear it, instead he looked at Tianyang with some appreciation: "Your idea is very good. In fact, our research on the civilization of the opposite world depends to a large extent on explorers like you who bring back various valuable things from the world over there."

"Unfortunately, not all explorers know the language of the Reverse Realm, so they often miss out on some precious and valuable items. By the time we scholars discover them and enter the Reverse Realm to explore, they are often gone."

“So, do you have a way to learn?”

Tian Yang nodded and said, "A friend gave me a book called "Analysis of the Texts in the Reverse World."

Liu Jinglin smiled, and this smile looked very subtle: "So it's that book, what a coincidence, it was written by me."

Tian Yang also laughed: "In this case, I must read it more carefully."

Liu Jinglin laughed: "In fact, the reverse world language is very easy to learn. At least, the square-like font we know now is not difficult to master."

"This kind of reverse boundary text has a strong sense of meaning. It is like a simplified pictographic symbol. We compared the reverse boundary text with ours through patterns, meanings, and indications, and figured out the meaning of most of the text."

"Of course, there may be some deviations in meaning at some point. However, our understanding of the language of the reverse world has accelerated our research on that strange world."

There was a knock on the door at an inopportune moment, and Liu Jinglin's office assistant opened the door and walked in: "Teacher Liu, your wife is here."

Tian Yang heard this and knew that Liu Jinglin had other things to do, so he stood up and said goodbye: "Then I won't bother Teacher Liu. I will come to listen to the class next time."

"Okay, I'll take you there." When Liu Jinglin was seeing Tianyang off, a beautiful and dignified woman walked in.

Thinking that this must be Liu Jinglin's wife, Tianyang nodded and said goodbye.

Just after leaving Tianqing College, I received a notice from Han Shu, asking all members

Returning to the team house, a new task was assigned.

Tianyang returned to the team house, walked around the partition, and saw that Han Shu and others had arrived.

Only Old Xu's chair was empty, and the young man couldn't help but sigh.

Han Shu put his legs on the table, his expression much more relaxed than yesterday. At least he didn't seem depressed about Lao Xu's retirement.

He still had a cigarette between his lips as he announced the mission: "I just received a mission from Four Eyes. Fortress is organizing a joint operation."

"Joint action?" Cangdu's eyes lit up. "How many years has it been since we had a joint action?"

Han Shu hummed, "It's been many years. This time it's mainly because of the incident in Huanggu Town. After our report went up, the high-ranking officials of the fortress took it very seriously. They felt that they couldn't just leave the Black Princes in Huanggu Town alone, lest they really breed a new king."

"Therefore, the Fortress has decided to send enough troops from the Night Walker and Storm Legions to raze the entire Desolate Valley Town. The detailed content and strategic plan will be sent to your personal communicators later, so remember to check them."

Tianyang raised his hand: "Captain, when do we act?"

"Three days later." Han Shu dusted off his cigarette ashes. "By then, a large number of people will take the high-speed train to the Lighthouse Base to gather. So we have to go in batches. The date for our team has been set, which is three days later."

Ji Yu glanced at the empty chair and asked, "Is Old Xu aware of this?"

Cang Du snorted and said, "Is there any need to say this? Otherwise, why did you retreat at this time instead of earlier or later?!"

Tianyang then understood why Lao Xu wanted to retire early. It turned out that he had received news of the joint operation.

Han Shu patted the table and said, "Alright, alright. It's up to Old Xu to leave or stay. He has served the Night Walkers for more than twenty years. The fortress has a rule that if you have served for more than fifteen years, you can freely choose to quit."

"Old Xu chose to retire at this time. He has his own difficulties. No one can blame him, including me!"

Although Cangdu didn't quite agree with Han Shu's statement, he didn't say anything else.

Han Shu pointed at him and said, "You, take Tianyang to the material warehouse and ask them to take out the list of strategic materials for Tianyang to choose from."

Cangdu was displeased and asked, "Why me again? Can't Jiyu go?"

Ji Yu smiled but did not answer.

Han Shu threw the cigarette butt at him: "You little bastard, just go when I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

He looked at Tianyang again: "You haven't used up all your contribution points, have you?"

Tianyang shook his head.

"That's good." Han Shu said lazily, "For a large operation like this, the allocated resources are definitely not enough. If you want to make a fortune in this operation, it's best to go to the warehouse and exchange contribution points for some additional supplies."

Cang Du closed his eyes and said, "He is a rank 1, why would he need extra supplies? Don't let him lose a lot of money. It will be too late to cry then."

"Why are you still sitting here?" Han Shu picked up the ashtray on the table and was about to throw it at him, "Are you going or not? If you don't go, you won't be included in this operation!"

How could an ambitious young man who wanted to earn a hundred thousand points and bring honor to his family miss such a big move? At that moment, Cangdu stood up reluctantly, pointed at Tianyang and said, "Follow me, and do whatever I say. Don't ask, don't talk to me, not a single word!"

Jiyu rolled her eyes: "You're sick!"

PS: Thank you for the reward from Liezu Liezong kk. Please collect, recommend and vote for me. Brothers, please guide me.