Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 123: battlefield


After the mobilization meeting, people slowly left.

They will have a day to rest and then set off for Huanggu Town tomorrow.

But this is for Storm and Night Walker, the regular army has already set off today, they will enter the town in advance and set up the battlefield.

When walking out of the hall, Cang Du suddenly said: "One day, I will also stand on that high platform!"

Han Shu looked at him and laughed dryly: "Then you have to work hard. If you want to stand on that stage, you must have the strength of at least Rank 7."

Tianyang's heart moved. When the captain said this, didn't he mean the woman just now... No, no, no, General Feimei just now was at least a strong man of rank 7!

So far, judging from the information released by fortresses around the world, the highest level that can be reached among all the job levels is only level 9.

Although in theory, scholars who study the sublimators believe that the road to sublimation should be an endless road. Above level 9, there will definitely be new levels.

Unfortunately, for the past three hundred years, Rank 9 was the highest level that Ascendants could reach.

There has been no news of any stronger people at a higher level appearing yet, so people estimate the combat power ceiling of a Flower Ascender using Job Level 9.

Therefore, rank 4 is defined as the watershed for ascenders, and those above rank 7 can be called high-ranking strongmen!

It seems that General Feimei is still very young, but he is unexpectedly a high-ranking expert. However, if you think about it the other way around, if you don’t have that kind of strength, how can you hold the general’s throne

After all, he is the person with real power in the second echelon of the fortress, and not just anyone can sit on it.

Of course, this is not absolute. For example, the director of the strategic department is said to be just an ordinary person.

However, the department responsible for formulating strategies does not need high-powered personnel.

"Captain, what is the battle list that General Feimei mentioned just now?" Tianyang asked his question.

Han Shu pushed Cang Du irresponsibly and said, "Come on, explain to him."

Cangdu jumped up immediately: "Why me again!"

"Because you are determined to become a general." Han Shu laughed, "Then now, you should learn how to communicate with your subordinates. A good general must master many skills. Communication is undoubtedly one of them, and it is a relatively important one."

Cangdu was half-believing and half-doubting, but he still explained to Tianyang. Han Shu called Jiyu to check the preparation of supplies.

"The Battle Ranking, full name for Battle Merit Ranking, is a list designed to stimulate the performance of combatants on the battlefield."

Cang Du explained with almost mechanical evidence: "Just like what General Feimei said just now, the battle list is usually divided into the team list and the individual list. The former will receive a corresponding financial budget based on the ranking, which is used to improve the team environment and increase the team's public equipment. At the same time, it also determines the location of the team's dormitory!"

"As for the individual rankings, the rewards are varied. Contribution points are the most basic, and there are also various equipment and weapons, medicine resources, etc. Among them, the most important is the material of the sublimation medium. For example, the ectoplasm crystal."

"Of course, it's still too early for you to use the sublimation medium. But it's always a good thing to get this kind of thing now. So some low-ranking people will also work hard to get battle honors. In short, every time the battle list is opened, the competition will be fierce."

Looking towards Tianyang, Cangdu concluded: "For a rookie like you, don't think too much. In a battlefield like that, only those above rank 4 can earn a lot of military honors."

"Of course, a class like our captain who lacks offensive means will be at a disadvantage."

After saying this, without giving Tianyang a chance to ask questions, Cang

They all left impatiently.

The time to set off soon arrived.

The next day, Tianyang boarded the Raven Squadron's Falcon Chariot. After all the members arrived, the chariot drove into the square and joined with the vehicles of other teams to form several long convoys, heading towards the base gate.

In the car, Han Shu threw a watch-like instrument and asked Tianyang to wear it, saying that it was used to record military achievements.

After Tianyang put it on, he looked out the window and saw a rolling stream of vehicles on both sides. This did not include the regular troops that had already set out yesterday, otherwise the lineup would be even more spectacular.

Along with the army, there is also a logistics team of several thousand people who will be responsible for the service work of the operation, including repairing vehicles and machinery, and treating the wounded.

Luo Shan and Xun were in the logistics team, but now, even Tian Yang didn’t know which car they were in.

"Don't get too excited."

Han Shu sat in the co-pilot seat, his two thick legs resting on the console, smoking a cigarette and saying without looking back: "Being too excited can easily consume physical strength. On the battlefield, one more or one less physical strength can sometimes lead to completely different outcomes."

Tianyang looked around and saw Cangdu and Jiyu were on another chariot. Now, besides him and Han Shu, there were only a few soldiers on the chariot.

Two of them were new recruits who had just come out of the training camp and joined the team. They were about the same age as Tianyang, at most a little older.

They were also excited, but amidst their excitement, there was also a flicker of fear in their eyes.

This is normal. No one can remain calm when participating in such a large-scale operation right after leaving the camp.

Suddenly something fell into his hand. Tianyang looked down and saw that it was a pack of cigarettes.

Han Shu in front said, "One for each of you. It will help calm your overly excited spirits."

Tianyang passed out cigarettes. The two old soldiers had already lit them, closed their eyes and puffed away, looking like they were enjoying it.

The boy had never smoked before, so he followed Han Shu's example, took out a cigarette, put it between his lips, and then lit it.

He took a puff, but inhaled too hard and the spicy taste choked him.

Han Shu in front laughed: "It's okay, you'll get used to it after a few more times."

But for the rest of the journey, Tianyang didn't dare to try again, as this thing was much harder to control than strong liquor. However, after the initial excitement, the boy was able to remain calm.

He even fell asleep on the bumpy road, and when he was woken up, Huanggu Town was not far away.

Tianyang looked out the window and saw the vehicle climbing the slope, with friendly vehicles still on both sides.

However, from a distance, there were continuous rumbling sounds of artillery fire. Although nothing could be seen for the time being, a bright light would occasionally appear in the sky shrouded in black fog in the distance.

The regular army has gone to war with the dark creatures in town!

Judging from the frequency of the shelling, the fighting in the town seemed to be fierce, which meant that there were quite a few black civilians.

Tianyang was very confused. The last time they were in the town, they didn't see many illegal immigrants. How come there were suddenly so many of them

"I guess I was summoned."

Han Shu put one hand on the window and supported his head. "After all, a new king will be born here. It would be unreasonable if there were no subjects to congratulate him. Besides, since there is a king, there must be an army. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing."

As they approached the town, the sound of artillery fire became louder and louder. By the time Tianyang saw the checkpoint leading to the town, people had to communicate by shouting or using text messages on communicators.

There was no way, the cannon fire was too loud.

The ground was shaking constantly, and the normal volume would basically be covered by the sound of the artillery.

The checkpoints that day had been basically demolished, and the fortress had built a temporary camp at the entrance of the town. Various communication equipment was being set up in the camp so that the command of the headquarters could be quickly transmitted to the various teams.

Under the command of the camp headquarters, the newly arrived vehicles entered the designated area for rest and recuperation. The team leaders, including Han Shu, were called together.

Without receiving any orders for the time being, Tianyang and the others stayed in the car. The young man couldn't stay there, so he simply got into the heavy artillery firing cabin on the roof of the car.

It was not difficult to see from here that in the distance, bright flashes kept appearing above the town. Suddenly, a huge fireball appeared in the sky, and in the fireball, the outline of some giant creature could be vaguely seen.

It was just that the thing seemed to be hit by a fireball, constantly splattering out dark shadows of some fragments, and then falling to the ground in the gradually extinguished firelight.

An indescribable whistling sound came from the distant sky. A moment later, the ground shook, and even the chariot under Tianyang's feet shook.

Burning, explosions, flashes... In the distant small town battlefield, light and shadows interweave, and the roar continues.

Tianyang no longer had the excitement he had when he set out, and instead, he was in a heavy mood.

A moment later, Han Shu came back and a soldier informed Tian Yang to get back in the car.

As soon as I got into the tank, I heard Han Shu roaring loudly: "After our team went to that tree wall, the command wanted to organize an attack. So, they wanted us to lead the way."

"We are about to set off, everyone get ready. Check your equipment and see if you have brought your rations. Even if everything goes well, we won't be back to camp until tomorrow at the earliest."

"I don't want you to go to the battlefield hungry. Now, you have five minutes to check your equipment!"

Tianyang took out the Death Knell and began to infuse star essence into the gun. The five bullet crystal slots lit up one by one, and the boy's total star essence was consumed by more than 20%.

After Uncle Tie's repair, the star essence consumed by the Death Bell was reduced, and the infusion speed was increased. This way, even on the battlefield, as long as the star essence is sufficient, it can be replenished immediately.

Next, the boy counted the supplies on him, hid the first aid injection that Xun gave him in the safest place, and placed various grenades in easy-to-reach places.

Especially the gravity grenade that was exchanged for 3,500 points. This can be said to be Tianyang’s biggest trump card now, so the boy put it in a place where it can be used immediately.

To ensure that when needed, you will not miss the opportunity or even lose your life due to position issues.

Five minutes later, the vehicle started and drove out of the rest area.

Together with more than 20 other chariots, they formed a convoy and headed for the arch bridge that led into the town. Tianyang knew that there was a section of the arch bridge where about one-third of the bridge deck was missing.

However, when the vehicle found the middle section of the bridge, the boy saw that the missing part had been filled in. This was obviously the work of the fortress's engineering department, who used special materials to fill the gap and reinforced it with metal components around it.

In this way, not only does the bridge deck become spacious, but it can also support the passage of heavy vehicles, which should be prepared for large-scale combat readiness and three-dimensional armament.

Just as they were about to reach the gap where the bridge once was, a strong wind suddenly blew up from the abyss under the bridge, causing the cables on the bridge to sway slightly.

The convoy had to stop and wait for the strong wind to pass before continuing on its way.

Tianyang was looking at the window, and when his eyes accidentally swept across the edge of the arch bridge, he suddenly saw a hand quietly grasping a cable on the bridge.

Then, pull hard!