Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 125: The distance of death


In front of him was Han Shu running.

In the ears, there is a noisy sound formed by various sounds such as roars, screams, explosions, etc.

Tianyang was running on a stone bridge. This piece of stone bridges built on both sides of the abyss formed a three-dimensional complex network.

This allowed him and Han Shu to use these stone bridges to approach the super-large black creature above.

That thing has multiple tentacles, which allows it to move easily between the stone bridges. If it weren't for its huge size, it would be difficult for the Elemental Hearts and soldiers' guns to hit it.

A loud roar was heard above his head. Tianyang looked up and saw a figure leaping out from a stone bridge in the sky above his left.

The Ascendant's right wrist was emitting star-like silver light. He held the sword in both hands, raised it above his head, and slashed at one of the monster's tentacles.

Just when he was about to succeed, another tentacle suddenly stretched out. At the end of the tentacle, a giant human-like hand opened wide and slapped the Ascendant like slapping a fly.

The tentacles continued to move, and the palm pushed the sublimator and hit the cliff on one side. Bang, a circle of lime was shaken around the palm, and the tentacles retracted, and half of the sublimator's body was embedded in the cliff.

Fortunately, he was not dead yet. His physique as a war god and the defensive armor on his body barely saved his life.

But before he could get away, a fist suddenly hit him, causing his eyeballs to almost pop out and a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

The heavy blow made his consciousness blurry, and he accidentally saw a young man with silver hair on a stone bridge below, shouting something at him.

The next moment, the view was covered by a huge shadow.


Before Tian Yang finished speaking, he saw the second fist hit the face of the Ascendant. Then, the monster waved a few tentacles, and the fists at the end were like machine guns, hitting the cliff in a difficult-to-see movement.

The cliffs were bombarded with muffled sounds, and spider-web-like cracks spread in all directions, and then pieces of stone would peel off the mountain and fall into the abyss.

After a few seconds, the monster retracted its tentacles, leaving only a pool of blood and flesh on the cliff.

The Ascendant's head was almost embedded in the stone wall. His facial features had long been deformed, his jaw was broken and crooked, and his blood and flesh were all connected. It was a horrible sight.

Tianyang gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and a nameless rage arose.

"Let's go." Han Shu's sighing voice came from the front, and then footsteps sounded again, and Captain Raven ran towards another stone bridge extending upwards.

Tianyang took two steps back, as if he wanted to engrave the tragic situation of his comrades in his heart, then turned around and ran as fast as he could.

The battle continues.

The monster moved between the stone bridges, and its flexible tentacles could attack from almost any angle, forcing the humans fighting on the stone bridges to be careful.

Even so, from time to time people were still killed by the monsters' hammers, or swept towards the stone bridge by their tentacles and fell into the abyss.

When he jumped onto another stone bridge, Tianyang suddenly heard a cheer. Then a section of his tentacles hit the stone bridge in front.

The arm was cut off neatly, with a smooth cut. It fell on the bridge, still dancing, and finally slid off the stone bridge and fell into the abyss.

Tianyang looked up and saw a figure running on another diagonal stone bridge. The man was not wearing a Night Walker uniform, but the defensive armor on his body was exactly the same as Tianyang's.

The black hair fluttered in the wind like a ball of dark flame.

He wore a hideous demon mask on his face, but the eyes beneath the mask's eye sockets were as calm as a big lake.

He held a sword with a long and narrow blade, but the blade of this sword was slightly curved, which was very different from other swords.

The man jumped over a tentacles that swept across the bridge, sprinting continuously, and suddenly stopped. He jumped to a stone bridge on the left instead, avoiding another tentacles that hammered the bridge from top to bottom, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed forward fiercely.

In the cold light of the knife, a huge gap was cut in the tentacle, and blood plasma like black mud gushed out.

There was another round of cheers from all around the bridge.

It seemed that being hit twice by that man aroused the monster's ferocity. A strange howl was heard in the gradually dimming light in the sky.

Then a dark shadow came roaring down.

The man wearing the ghost mask acted decisively, put away his knife, stepped back, paused at the edge of the stone bridge, and leaped in front of Tianyang.

Then, without stopping, he took two steps and leaped towards another stone bridge.

"Get down!"

Han Shu's warning suddenly rang in Tianyang's ears. Without thinking, the boy lunged forward and fell onto the bridge.

There was a strong wind blowing overhead, and Tianyang saw a shadow passing over the bridge. When he looked up again, he saw a hand sweeping across the bridge. If he had not been lying down just now, he would have been swept off the bridge or caught by this hand.

This hand is different from those tentacles. Like human arms, it has obvious muscle groups and bones.

On the outside of the arm, there is even a 7-shaped bone blade with dense serrations on the edge. It would definitely not be pleasant to be scratched by it.

And behind that arm, Tianyang saw a face.

The moment he looked into its eyes, the boy's mind went blank. It was a terrifying face that was hard to describe, and it looked like an animal like a goat or a bison.

The surface of this face is covered with pale bone armor, and between the bone armor is red and white muscle tissue. It looks like it has no such thing as skin.

On both sides of the forehead, there was a thick curved horn. A circle of black mane under the neck hung down, making the face vaguely visible behind the black hair.

Under the bone armor eye sockets, the two vertical pupils emitting yellow light were reflecting Tianyang's figure.

Then the monster, which was hanging upside down on several stone bridges, swung its body up again like a swing.

At this time, Tianyang saw that at the bottom of the thing, deep among the many tentacles, there was actually a face of a human woman.

The face's eyes and mouth were tightly closed, but now they began to open.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and there were dots of red light in them.

Tianyang didn't have time to think about it, and didn't even bother to get up. He just rolled hard and rolled off the stone bridge.

As the monster rolled over, the boy saw red flesh thorns suddenly spurting out from the eyes and mouth of the woman's face at the bottom of the monster. They intersected and covered the area of the two nearby stone bridges.

Those flesh thorns looked very sharp. They even penetrated the bridge surface and the ends stuck out from under the bridge.

Then Tianyang fell under a stone bridge and almost rolled down, but fortunately he grabbed the edge of the bridge in time.

He broke out in a cold sweat, climbed onto the stone bridge, and saw the flesh thorn retract.

A corpse was carried into the air and then fell down, landing on the stone bridge under the boy's feet, less than one meter away from Tianyang.

This is a soldier, and the face inside the helmet is full of astonishment, as if he can't believe that he is not going to die like this.

His body was riddled with holes, and even though he was dead, blood was still gushing out.

Tianyang's chest heaved and his heartbeat accelerated. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough

If it were not for this, he might have been like this corpse now, with thousands of holes all over his body.

The killing continues.

The gunshots gradually became less frequent, and the explosions created by the Heart of Elements were not as intense as before. Although the monster was already injured, and some of its tentacles were even chopped off by the War God.

But there is still a long way to go before we can kill it.

Tianyang continued to move upwards, staring at the monster as he ran, but his vision did not fade, and he could not sense the monster's weakness.

When he was extremely anxious, Han Shu's voice came from above, Captain Raven was approaching the monster. After putting on the Star Barrier and the Indestructible Armor, he activated the vortex force field.

The spear was condensed from the energy of the stars, and its surface was covered with spiral ripples. Han Shu raised the spear and stabbed a tentacles.

The flesh and blood of the tentacle flew everywhere immediately, and it was torn apart by the vortex force field of the gun, and a black blood rain was immediately sprinkled.

The monster felt pain, raised its arm with the 7-shaped bone blade, and clenched its fist to strike down.

Suddenly, a little frost quietly appeared on its fist, and then spread rapidly. The monster still swung its arm down, but as its arm was frozen by the frost, its speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped on Han Shu's head.

Han Shu looked over and saw that the spreading frost had frozen one of the monster's arms, half of its shoulder, and half of its head.

"You are already an adult, yet you still act so recklessly. Mr. Han, do you think you are still young?"

Rita's voice came from a stone bridge above. Han Shu grinned and suddenly held the spear in reverse.

Roar and exert force.

Just like throwing a javelin, he threw out the Star Spear with a vortex force field attached to it!

The spear broke through the air, passed through the frozen arm, and hit the half-frozen head of the monster.

The spiral waves on the gun were like a drill, breaking through the ice, piercing through the monster's head and disappearing in an instant.

The eye socket and part of the skull on the left side of the monster's head were missing, and juice was splattered everywhere, but the monster was not dead yet, just screaming in pain.

The other Ascendants and soldiers wisely concentrated their firepower on the monster's frozen arm. The covering attack quickly blasted the arm and the ice layer into pieces.

The monster was injured continuously, and its remaining eyeballs were filled with rage.

It looked at Han Shu and opened its mouth. This big mouth was split to both sides, and was connected in the middle only by a few red and white muscles of varying thickness.

When it opened its mouth, Tianyang suddenly felt something and looked towards the monster's mouth.

The body of that thing gradually faded from Tianyang's vision, and finally, a blood-red sphere appeared in Tianyang's sight.

That perfect sphere, connected to many things like nerves or blood vessels, had a round hole suddenly appearing on the side facing the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shot out from the round hole!

When the monster opened its mouth, Han Shu secretly cried out in alarm and turned around and ran away.

The next second, the beam flew out, and as if affected by the recoil, the monster's head lifted up uncontrollably, pulling the beam across many stone bridges and disappearing in an instant.

After the light beam disappeared, the stone bridge where Han Shu was located, and the ground swept by the light beam suddenly caused an invisible impact!

The stone bridge exploded, and the flying debris, smoke, and air currents caused by the impact all erupted in the direction where the light beam was moving away!

Rumbling sounds were heard one after another, and countless stone bridges were blown off. Even the unknown area in the distance shrouded in black fog was estimated to have suffered huge damage...