Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 126: Falling into the abyss


The effect of the flares is coming to an end. Although this abyss area has not yet fallen into complete darkness, the light above is no longer as bright as before.

The monster seemed to be completely enraged and had entered a state of frenzy. It kept moving between the stone bridges, opening its mouth from time to time, and each time it opened, it would spray out a beam of extremely powerful light with a very long range.

Although it is not like the Ghost Car that can release a force field with special properties, that kind of light beam is still a headache.

During this time, someone threw a gravity grenade at the monster, but it was swept by the monster's beam, and the gravity field released by the grenade immediately went out of control. Not only did it not hurt the monster, but it also crushed three stone bridges around it and several soldiers to death!

The monsters' beams of light either shot straight or swept across, madly attacking the humans around them. As a result, the survivors on the stone bridge had a hard time just dodging these beams, and had no time to replenish flares.

What's more, there are still seven or eight tentacles left at the bottom of the monster. Except for three or four used to move its body, the others are dancing around, causing all kinds of trouble for people.

Han Shu ducked his head to avoid a tentacle that swept over his head, and yelled in the direction of Lida: "Can't you freeze that thing?"

"Do you think my ability is like tap water that comes out just by turning it? Ah!"

Rita's scream rang out, and in the dim light, Han Shu saw her lying on the stone bridge, awkwardly dodging a beam of light that passed over her head.

But the bald lady's troubles were not over yet. Although she dodged the beam of light, a tentacle came towards her.

Fortunately, a star barrier rose up in time, and the tentacles hit the barrier. The star barrier shattered like glass in an instant, but the tentacles were finally bounced away.

However, the impact caused by the explosion of the barrier still blew Rita to the other side. In a hurry, she grabbed the edge of the stone bridge and did not fall.

"Hold on!" Han Shu hurriedly ran towards her direction and accidentally glanced over to see Tianyang standing there motionless on the bridge below, as if he was frightened and stunned.

"Tianyang, run. That thing has gone crazy, there is no way we can do anything! Retreat quickly!" Han Shu kept walking and yelled a few times, not knowing whether Tianyang heard him or not.

At this time, Rita could no longer hold on, she screamed, and fell down.

Han Shu had already come near her, and he rushed over with a roar, hugged her in mid-air, and then the two of them landed on another stone bridge together.

Captain Raven lay on his back, using his body as a cushion, which prevented Lida from getting hurt. If the situation wasn't critical, Han Shu would have wanted to lie down for a while.

Especially with a mature woman lying on top of him, the feeling was so tempting, but unfortunately the monster on top spoiled the view. He had no choice but to hug Lida, put her down, and then he got up.

Suddenly, Lida called out, "What is Tianyang going to do?"

Han Shu looked under the bridge and saw the Tianyang Star aura appearing and a sword being unsheathed, flying across the void and landing on a stone bridge.

He rolled over, got up, jumped onto the second stone bridge, and went around behind the monster!

Han Shu's heart was pounding, and he yelled, "Tianyang, what are you doing, you little bastard! Come back here right now!"

Unfortunately, Tianyang turned a deaf ear to him and just took steps, approaching the monster at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Tianyang couldn't hear Han Shu's voice at all, and his mind was completely focused on the monster. When the weakness sensing was activated just now, he already knew that the monster's will cage was the blood-red ball in its mouth.

Although it was unheard of that the will cage could be used to launch light beams, the boy decided to give it a try now that the weakness had been discovered.

He had been observing the monster and found that the frequency of the monster's light beam emission was regular, about once every 3 seconds.


The boy deduced a plan in his mind...

He jumped onto another stone bridge and saw the monster right in front of him. It had its back to the sun and was holding the bridge with one of its thick tentacles, securing its body in place.

Tianyang suddenly turned around, rushed up the tentacles, and sprinted down at high speed. In less than a breath, he had reached the base of the tentacles.

Dragging the silver light of the stars, the young man leaped towards the humanoid arm of the monster, touched the elbow, and then turned and rushed to the back of the monster's neck.

He even used the monster's back to run for a distance before bouncing high into the air. This series of actions fully demonstrated the advantages of his enhanced physical strength.

It was only then that the monster seemed to have discovered Tianyang. Its mouth began to open, its head turned back, and a hole appeared on the surface of the ball in its big mouth.

Inside, little lights are lit up.

Tianyang fiercely stabbed down the sword, and the blade of the Red Moon Sword glowed crimson under the infusion of star energy.

The sword easily pierced into the bone armor behind the monster's head. Tianyang, who was holding the sword tightly, was thrown to the side as the monster turned its head.

A beam of light shot out from the monster's mouth, swept across the cliff on one side, crossed several stone bridges, and the tail disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

A moment later, a rumbling sound was heard all around, and the violent impact plowed a horizontal gully on the cliff along the track swept by the light beam, destroying one stone bridge after another.

The traces of destruction faded away.


Han Shu was so angry that he thought his team had been hit by the beam. Unexpectedly, Lida pointed at the back of the monster's head and shouted, "He's not dead!"

Sure enough, Tianyang was still hanging behind the monster's head. Although he was almost thrown away just now, he held on to Chiyue's hilt tightly and finally survived.

After the beam was fired, the monster's mouth began to close. Tian Yang knew that the opportunity was not to be missed, so he bent down and stepped on the bone armor behind the monster's head.

Using the force to draw out his sword, Tianyang jumped onto the monster's head, then did a somersault and came up in front of the monster, upside down.

The figure of the boy was reflected in the monster's only remaining eyeball. The shadow in the pupil was reaching out to take something from his waist, and then throwing it away.

Something was thrown into the monster's mouth, and almost at the same time, the monster's mouth closed.

Then it raised its hand to catch Tianyang. The boy tapped its strange face and stretched it diagonally towards a stone bridge below.

The monster missed, but one of its tentacles moved up from the bottom and punched towards Tianyang with a fist!

The sound of wind was stirring in his ears, and Tianyang saw a dark shadow coming from below. He quickly curled up his body and passed by the edge of the shadow, but was still hit.

The violent collision caused Tianyang to bounce out, cross the stone bridge, and fall out of control into the void.

He forced himself to look at the monster, and saw that it opened its mouth again, with light shining inside its mouth.

At this moment, the visor on the monster's face suddenly caved in, and then the whole head twisted like a pretzel.

Exoskeleton face armor, red and white muscles, curved horns, black mane! Everything collapsed and shrunk towards a certain point. In this process, the spherical cage of will was shattered in the process of material folding.

Finally, the body above the chest of the monster completely disappeared, and the body was hanging between the stone bridges. After a while, the tentacles finally let go of the stone slabs, and the body began to decompose and fell down, colliding with several stone bridges, and finally disappeared in the thick black fog below.

Unfortunately, Tianyang could no longer see this ending. He only saw that the gravity grenade he threw into the monster's mouth had taken effect, and the monster's head was crushed by the collapsing gravity field.

Then the back of his head hit something hard, and the image in his vision suddenly doubled, and then he lost consciousness.

In losing consciousness

Before he came to consciousness, Tianyang only remembered to hold the Red Moon Saber tightly. This was his last thought before he fell into darkness.

... ...

In the temporary camp at the entrance of the town, there was a command center filled with various instruments and cables piled randomly on the ground.

The female general, who had a proud and aloof temperament like a winter plum blossom, rested her hands on the battle platform and shouted, "No news yet?"

Ling Feng, who was standing on the other side of the combat platform, raised his glasses as usual: "For the time being, we can't contact the troops that fell off the bridge, but there is light and monsters roaring in the abyss under the bridge. Based on this information, it is not difficult to infer that our people are fighting."

"Where is the support team?" Feimei's narrow and long phoenix eyes were full of murderous intent.

Ling Feng looked at a data board: "We have reached the edge of the abyss and are preparing to provide support."

"Too slow, let them go faster." The female general clenched her white-gloved hands. "It seems that I underestimated the wisdom of these dark people. There was nothing unusual when the regular army passed through the bridge before. But when our Ascendant troops passed by, they set up an ambush for me!"

"I am also responsible. When they passed by, I should have deployed the investigation work..." Ling Feng raised his head. The lights in the command center reflected a cold light on his glasses, making it difficult to see the eyes behind the glasses.

Feimei looked at him and said, "If Commander Chu Yan were here, he wouldn't have made such a mistake, right?"

Ling Feng's expression did not change at all: "Since the commander took the initiative to ask the city lord to let you lead this joint operation, it means he has confidence in you. General Feimei, just do it according to your own ideas, don't have any burden or pressure."

Feimei's delicate pink lips curled up slightly: "How can I not feel burdened and stressed? The Iron Wall and the Strategic Department are keeping a close eye on me. This mistake should give them a chance to take advantage of it, right?"

Ling Feng said calmly: "That was after the operation was over."

Feimei smiled proudly: "That's true."

Ling Feng turned around and tried to conceal the feeling of uneasiness by holding up the frame of his glasses with his hand.

I hope nothing happens to that kid Tianyang

At this moment, several medical vehicles were parked in an open space near the accident site.

The wounded were constantly being rescued, and at this time, the medical team was the busiest. Medical staff carried stretchers and went back and forth between the edge of the abyss and the medical vehicle, sending the wounded one by one into the vehicle, and then sending them to different rooms according to their injuries.

Xun got out of one of the medical vehicles and looked nervously at the edge of the area not far away. People were being rescued one after another, but the person she wanted to see was not there.

Suddenly, the girl saw a rough man with a stubble on his face and immediately trotted over.

"Captain Han, Captain Han."

Han Shu was sitting on the ground to rest when he heard someone calling him. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young girl running over.

Xun stopped beside Han Shu, breathing slightly: "Captain Han, Tianyang... Is Tianyang okay?"

Han Shu looked at her, smiled bitterly, and sighed: "Tianyang fell down..."

"What!" Xun couldn't help but exclaimed.


The elegance of life lasts no more than a hundred years. Now in the David Dynasty, with picturesque scenery and beauties as precious as wine, it is time to enjoy the elegant years.

When I have nothing to do, I flirt with the young lady and occasionally go up to the Fengxue Tower.

When I have free time at night, I knock on the Liaoguan Bridge, and get drunk with wine in the Drunken Dream Pavilion. Don’t envy the emperor for his free life, for I am just a commoner in this world!

PS: If you have friends who like history, you might want to take a look at this book "Commoner Houye", it is quite interesting.