Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 127: Promotion in rank!


"Tianyang, I hope you can quit Night Walker."

"I said, get out!"

"How can you say that?"



In a trance, Tianyang saw his mother, she was so sad. Looking at her face with red eyes, the boy wanted to say "I'm sorry" to her, but Nanfei turned around and left.

Tianyang hurried to catch up, but no matter how hard he chased, Nanfei was getting farther and farther away.

Finally, the figure disappeared into the endless darkness.

... ...

Suddenly opening his eyes, Tianyang saw a beautiful little face with an anxious expression on it, which seemed to be glowing with a soft glow.

After a while, Tianyang remembered that this was the face of a bird.

"Tianyang, are you okay? You kept talking to yourself just now, and you scared me to death." The girl held her hands to her chest, looking worried.

Tianyang shook his head, and then found that he was resting his head on the girl's thighs. His face was hot, and he quickly stood up, but as soon as he moved, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

"Slow down." The bird supported him, "You hit your head against something hard. When we found you, you were unconscious. Fortunately, you were face up, so you didn't drown."


Tianyang heard the sound of water and looked around. He found that he was beside a rocky beach. In front of the rocky beach was a river. The upstream river was turbulent, but it turned a big bend at the rocky beach and then meandered down.

The water flow is slower at the river bend, so it seems that I must have drifted here and was rescued.

There were several bonfires on the rocky beach, with two or three people gathered around the fire. Among them, Tianyang saw a disgusting face.

Thanks Miao!

Retracting his gaze, Tianyang looked at the girl again: "Why, you fell down too?"

The bird stuck out its tongue and said, "I accidentally stepped on empty air and fell down. Fortunately, there is a big river under the abyss. The water in the river is deep enough, but even so, many of my companions died."

The girl's face was gloomy. "When I came to this rocky beach, I saw several bodies washed up by the water. Later I found you. I thought... Fortunately, your chest was still warm when I touched it, and you were breathing."

"Corpse?" Tianyang looked around and didn't find anything similar.

The bird pointed to a spot on the beach: "We just buried the body. It's right there."

There were piles of stones there, like tombs.

"Eat something first. I have water and food here." The bird took out his own outdoor supplies and was about to share them with Tianyang.

Tianyang shook his head: "I have some too, I'll just eat mine."

The bird puffed up its cheeks: "Do you really need to be so picky with me?"

Tianyang smiled and insisted on taking out his things. Fortunately, the multifunctional waist bag was waterproof. Even if Tianyang drifted with the current, the things inside did not get wet.

He also discovered that the Red Moon Saber was still tightly held in his hand.

Xiao Niao also looked at the sword: "You don't know how tightly you hold this sword. I can't loosen your fingers even if I want to."

Tianyang put the sword back into the sheath, then took out some water and food bars and started eating.

While eating, he checked his class information and found that they had changed.

Job 2: Obliterator

Abilities: Weakness Sense, Instant Kill, Phantom

Sublimation progress: 19%

Enhanced area: Physical fitness +1

Next level: tear

The Splitter

... ...

Tianyang couldn't help but be shocked, not only because he had already reached the rank, but also because the advancement progress of rank 2 was actually 19 percentage points!

He still remembered that it was 91% of Level 1 before, which meant that his sublimation progress had skyrocketed by 28%.

So not only did he complete the promotion, he also pushed the progress of Job Level 2 to 19%.

It is indeed a super-large black citizen, and the contribution is huge! It is a pity that I fainted at the time, and I don’t know if there is any material left by that thing.

I got that by exchanging a gravity grenade!

After eating, Tianyang took out the communicator and tried to contact Han Shu, but the communicator kept making electronic noises, as if it was seriously interfered with.

"It's no use." The bird sitting next to him shook his head and pointed towards the river, "Look over there."

Tianyang looked in the direction of her finger and saw a cluster of black crystals emerging from the rocky beach by the river. From time to time, a deep purple light flowed through its interior, and then a dark mist rose from the air around the crystals.

"Mist crystal!"

Tianyang exclaimed softly, "Mist crystals are one of the specialties of the Reverse Realm and the source of the black fog. They release a special energy that will transform the surrounding air into black fog."

In addition to producing black fog, fog crystals also interfere with electronic signals. Wherever they are, communication equipment will be useless.

More importantly, mist crystals do not appear sporadically, although they may only appear as one or two clusters on the surface. But if you dig up the ground, you may find huge crystal veins.

Some crystal veins are even as big as mountains!

In almost every inverse world, there are things like mist crystals. And I heard that in the inverse worlds within number ten, there is even a super-large crypt called the Well of Darkness.

That kind of underground cave is like a crater, which will continuously release black fog and turn the whole world into a place of eternal night!

Footsteps were heard.

Tianyang looked over and found that there was a large cave under the cliff in front of the rocky beach. At this time, several figures ran out of the cave.

The little bird stood up and said, "Let's go and take a look. The explorers are back."

"Explore the way?" Tianyang patted his butt and climbed up.

The bird nodded and pointed to the front of the river bend and said, "Except for the rocky beach here where we can stand, the rest are hard and smooth cliffs. It is almost impossible to climb up, but fortunately there is a cave here."

"And there is wind in the cave, which means there is air flow. Maybe it will find a way to the ground."

"Hey, what's going on?"

At this time, Xie Miao's voice sounded in front.

Tianyang and Xiaoniao walked forward and found that among the people who went to explore the way, there was also Yanbing.

He saw Tianyang wake up, a smile appeared on his face and he nodded in greeting.

The two soldiers who went with him to explore the way reported to Xie Miao: "We walked along the cave, but soon found that there were many forks in the road. It looked like an underground maze."

"We didn't dare go too deep, but in one of the caves, we found a dead tree."

Xie Miao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Where is the dead tree? Take me there quickly, and watch me chop it down!"

The Undead Tree is a plant from the opposite world. It is very strange because the Wanderer was born from the Undead Tree!

Therefore, clearing the Undead Tree will get very generous contribution points, but there are usually a lot of Wanderers near the Undead Tree.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to clean up the undead tree.

After the excitement, Xie Miao also realized this.

He rolled his eyes and shouted, "Come here, everyone come here."

He shouted several times hurriedly, and more than 20 survivors on the rocky beach formed a circle.

Xie Miao jumped onto a large rock so that everyone could see him. He patted his chest and said, "I'm a lieutenant. Is there anyone here with a higher rank than me?"

Everyone looked at each other and then shook their heads.

Of the twenty or so people, more than half were soldiers who fought, and the remaining seven or eight ascenders, including Tianyang, were all second lieutenants.

Xie Miao showed a smug look on his face: "In this case, according to the battlefield rules of the fortress, if we lose contact with the main team, the person with the highest military rank will be responsible for gathering and organizing the lost ones and acting as temporary commander."

"Then, now, I, the lieutenant, will command you all. Is that okay with you?"

In the crowd, Xiao Niao murmured softly, "I don't like this self-righteous guy."

Tianyang didn't like it either, but Xie Miao was acting in accordance with the law, so he couldn't object.

Seeing that no one objected, Xie Miao nodded: "Now, listen to my arrangements. We are going to cut down the dead tree next, so as not to be attacked from behind by a group of wanderers when we leave."

Although he didn't like Xie Miao, Tianyang had to admit that his concerns were justified.

In open areas, prowlers are basically no threat, but if they are in a confined space and there are a lot of them, they can be very dangerous.

If you are not a strong person of high rank, or do not have large-scale killing weapons, when facing a large number of Wanderers, even an Ascended one will be piled up to death.

So now, Xie Miao plans to clean up the undead tree first, which is beyond reproach.

But the following arrangements opened Tianyang's eyes.

"All soldiers will form the vanguard team. You will be responsible for clearing the way. When you encounter prowlers, you are allowed to shoot freely!"

"The War God class will form the middle formation. Once the vanguard is dispersed, it will be up to you to stop the Prowler."

"Other classes will form the main firepower formation with me, and we will be responsible for providing firepower support to the vanguard!"

There was no problem with other arrangements, except for one thing. The rank emblem on Xie Miao's forehead was clearly the rank of God of War, but he actually included himself in the main formation.

Tian Yang couldn't find any other words to describe it except shameless.

This is clearly using other people to protect themselves. After all, the main firepower array is usually located in the rear, which is the safest place!

"How is it? Are there any problems?" Xie Miao asked casually.

Tianyang raised his hand: "Lieutenant, aren't you a War God? Why aren't you in the middle formation with us?"

"Yeah yeah."

"That's right, he is a War God, but he actually ran to the main formation."

The crowd around immediately started talking. Xie Miao's face turned pale and blue. He glared at Tian Yang fiercely before saying, "What do you know? I'm the commander, so of course I have to stay in the back! Have you ever seen a commander running in the front? That's pointless command!"

"In short, all my arrangements are in line with the battlefield rules of the fortress. You can be right if you listen to me!"

Xiaoniao pulled Tianyang's sleeve and said, "I don't think he is reliable."

Tianyang smiled and said, "Forget it, just listen to him. He is a lieutenant after all."

"He's just a lieutenant. At most he's one rank higher than us. Why are you so proud?" Butiao said indignantly.


Xie Miao's voice sounded again. He pointed at Tian Yang and smiled: "The vanguard team needs one or two ascenders to take charge. I know you are quite skilled, so I will leave the vanguard team to you to command!"