Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 136: The one who comes is not kind


Huanggu Town, Command Center, Temporary Strategic Hall.

It was called the Strategic Hall, but it was actually a tent. However, the tent was made of special materials that could block the spread of the black fog. In addition, the spectral purification door at the entrance meant that even ordinary people in the tent did not need to wear cumbersome protective clothing.

There was a holographic tactical sand table in the middle of the tent. Ling Feng was standing beside it with his hands behind his back, observing the real-time dynamics on the sand table.

From the sand table, we can see that the fortress army and the black people are fighting for every inch of land in the town.

The resistance of the Dark People was more fierce than expected, and the number of monsters participating in the battle was about 20 to 30 percent more than predicted. And this was less than a month after the Raven Squad explored the town.

In such a short time, they gathered a dark army that could compete with the fortress army. This shows how eager those things are to drive humans out.

Or maybe you want to protect something.

Will it be the new king

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly behind his glasses. Even at the back of the battlefield, he could still hear the rumbling of cannons outside the tent, and the tent would shake slightly from time to time.

All this speaks to the intensity of the battle.

Suddenly, a man came in from the purification door. It was Ling Feng's adjutant. Lin Yang, who was over 40 years old, walked forward like a young man and said: "Good news!"

Seeing his excited look, Ling Feng was quite interested: "What's the good news?"

Lin Yang rubbed his hands and said, "I just contacted Tianyang. The guy is not dead. It turns out there is a river under the abyss. They were washed onto a rocky beach. After many twists and turns, they finally returned to the surface!"

Ling Feng said, "Then we have to arrange a vehicle to pick her up."

"He's gone." Lin Yang seemed to be relieved. "After he fell, the transmission signal of the electronic eye has been offline. But not long ago, I found that the signal reappeared, so I immediately contacted him, and sure enough, I got in touch with him!"

"Chief Counselor Ling, this kid is really lucky."

Ling Feng did not say anything, and continued to look at the holographic sand table. Defeating the black people was the top priority now. He observed for a moment, called a few tactical advisors, and issued a few tactical instructions.

Those staff officers would break down the instructions into details and then send them to the next command unit, which would pass them down layer by layer, ultimately allowing the entire army to fight according to Ling Feng's ideas.

Not long after, several figures came in from outside the spectral purification door, and Tianyang was among them.

Seeing Ling Feng, Tian Yang saluted: "Hello, sir. I am Lieutenant Tian Yang of the Raven Squadron. I have a military report."

Ling Feng's eyes finally left the sand table: "What military information?"

"We found the dark people underground in Huanggu Town!" Next, Tianyang briefly recounted the strange thing that looked like a pregnant woman, and how the wizard used a mad dog as bait to induce a plant root to connect the pregnant woman to a foreign object.

"I see." Ling Feng nodded. "You have been missing for more than a day. Go to the medical team for a checkup first. After the checkup, go back to the camp to rest and join the battle tomorrow."

Tianyang saluted again: "Yes, sir."

After the young man left the tent, Lin Yang coughed dryly, looked at Ling Feng and said, "The girl next to Tian Yang just now, isn't she..."

Ling Feng waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to the young people's affairs. I am more concerned about what Tianyang said just now. It is very unusual that the dark people are active underground. I will go to discuss it with General Feimei now. You should send a few teams to conduct underground reconnaissance first."

Lin Yangli

He stood straight: "Yes!"

Coming out of the tent of the Strategy Office, Xiao Niao stretched and said, "I won't go for a checkup. These minor injuries are not a big deal. You guys go ahead. I'll go back to the camp first."

The girl waved goodbye, hailed a car, jumped in, and went straight back to the camp.

"Lieutenant Xiaoniao is really lively." Yan Bing said with a smile, "Luckily she is here, otherwise we would have been bored all the way."

Tianyang remembered that after leaving the empty underground hall, they followed the traces left by the mad dog and traveled through the dark and depressing cave passages.

In that atmosphere, people naturally become dull, but the bird seems to be not disturbed at all. She is just like her name, chirping all the way.

Because of her, the journey was not so boring. On the contrary, the three of them burst into laughter from time to time. As a result, they came out from underground without realizing it.

Now that she was back at the camp, things suddenly became quiet around her, and she was a little uncomfortable with it.

When Tianyang arrived at the camp where the medical team was, he was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. There were temporary emergency rooms built in the camp, but even so, there were not enough emergency rooms.

Wounded soldiers, countless wounded soldiers were sent down from the battlefield and then sent here in an endless stream. The medical staff in the fortress were doing their best to save the lives of every wounded soldier.

Even so, body bags were still being carried out from here and sent outside the camp, and no one knew where these bodies were ultimately placed.

This is war!

Tianyang looked pale as he watched the stretchers passing by him. It was normal for the wounded on the stretchers to be covered in blood.

Some even had missing limbs or signs of being bitten.

The entire medical camp was filled with sadness and despair. When Tianyang followed a doctor to the field medical vehicle dedicated to the Sublimators, he also saw a young doctor squatting in a corner and crying because he was unable to save the wounded.

After crying, she wiped her tears and went back to the emergency room to continue rescuing the injured.

In a depressed mood, Tianyang came to the medical car. When he walked into the examination room, he saw Xun, who looked tired.

After only one day's work, the girl looked exhausted, which showed the huge workload in the camp. However, Xun's fatigue was not limited to work, but more because of Han Shu's words "He fell down".

Hearing the footsteps, the girl who was stroking her forehead in a trance quickly put down her hand and said, "Where are you hurt?"

She asked casually, and raised her head, and saw a head of silver-white hair. Although the face was stained, and the armor on the body had traces of battle, the silver-white hair was spotless.

"Tianyang?" Xun was surprised and delighted. She thought she had seen it wrong. She actually pinched her leg and then cried out in pain.

The heavy mood he felt when he walked through the camp just now was slightly relieved by Xun's action. Tianyang couldn't help but laugh: "What are you doing?"

"I thought I was dreaming. You don't know that I have fallen asleep while sitting several times in the past 24 hours." Xun said as he pulled the boy to the examination bed. "Hurry and lie down. I will give you a comprehensive examination."

Looking at Xun pushing the diagnostic instrument and checking his body, Tianyang said softly: "I'm sorry to have made you worry."

The girl's words "I thought I was dreaming" just now undoubtedly told Tianyang how worried she was about him. Moreover, she was so eager to pull him onto the examination bed, Tianyang understood even more how anxious Xun was.

, how much you care about yourself.

He hadn't felt such care for a long time since his mother passed away.

"I'm not worried." Xun looked at the diagnostic instrument with an insincere smile on his face, "Because I know you won't die that easily."

"You mean, I'm as tenacious as a cockroach?"

"Can't you find a better metaphor? Cockroaches or something. It's so dirty."

"This is the humor of the common people. I thought you could hear it."

"That's probably because I haven't met anyone as humorous as you in downtown?"

After the examination, Tianyang was in good condition. Apart from some bruises on the back of his head from hitting a hard object, his other injuries were not serious.

Xun cast the Light of Compassion on him to speed up the healing of his wounds, then applied some ointment on Tianyang's head to disperse the bruises and reduce the swelling, and finally bandaged it to fix it, and the treatment was completed.

Just as I put down my tools, the door of the examination room was pushed open, and a nurse hurriedly said, "Miss Xun, there is a wounded person outside, I need you to go and see him."

Xun nodded: "I'll come."

She looked at Tianyang and said, "I'm leaving first. You... ... are not allowed to die!"

Without waiting for Tianyang's consent, Xun Wuwu followed the nurse and left. Tianyang touched his bandaged head and smiled brightly: "Got it."

Nightcrawler Camp.

When Tianyang walked into the tent marked with the Raven Squad, there was no one in the tent. It seemed that Han Shu and the others had gone to the battlefield.

There were several camping mats in the tent, with some personal belongings next to them.

The mat with cigarettes and some adult books on it must be Han Shu's; as for the mat with the mirror, towel and spare clothes, it must be Ji Yu's.

There was another mat with nothing on it, and Tianyang knew that was his seat.

After he sat there and ate something, he simply lay down and closed his eyes to rest. Just when he was about to fall asleep, footsteps were heard outside the tent.

Before anyone came in, they heard Han Shu's loud voice: "Siyan said Tianyang is back. This guy might be in there now."

With a rustling sound, someone opened the tent and came in, then shouted, "Look, I was right. You're not dead, little bastard!"

Tianyang sat up, and it was indeed Han Shu who came in. The captain's face was dirty, his hair was even more messy, and he had an unlit cigarette in his mouth, smiling with his white teeth showing.

Standing up, Tianyang straightened his back and saluted, "Second Lieutenant Tianyang of the Raven Squadron, applying to rejoin the team!"

Han Shu laughed: "Okay!"

He reached out and pulled Cangdu over: "You don't know, Cangdu is very worried about you. I heard that after you fell, this kid didn't speak for almost a day."

The ponytailed young man shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about, Captain! Why should I worry about this rookie? No, I'm not worried about him at all!"

As the only female in the team, Ji Yu walked to her mat and sighed softly: "There's one more stinky man here..."

Then he picked up the towel and began to wipe the stains off his face in front of the mirror.

Suddenly, a dazzling light came on outside the tent, and then a gloomy voice sounded outside: "That kid named Tianyang, come out! I know you are in there!"

Tianyang was startled, not knowing who was looking for him. But from the voice, it was not difficult to tell that the person coming was not friendly!

PS: Second update!