Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 139: Thugs


"Disperse! Everybody disperse!"

Ji Yu shouted loudly. As the most experienced Ascender besides Han Shu, even Cang Du had no doubts about her instructions, let alone the others.

Including Tianyang, all the team members scattered. This building has a spacious space. Especially the location where the team is now, it seems to be an office hall, with a wide space and a large number of tables and chairs.

Of course, these things had long since become rotten and fragile under the ravages of time, and even the metal products were covered with rust.

The various wires that were originally hidden in the ceiling now hung down from the broken gaps like poisonous snakes hanging in the shadows.

When the crowd dispersed, there was more space to maneuver.

Tianyang and Cangdu both drew their swords, Jiyu pulled the bowstring, and Yanbing and other soldiers scattered behind several Ascendants, half-crouching on the ground, pointing their rifles at the cracks in the wall.

Everyone is on high alert!

A roar came from the wall, and the sledgehammer swept across, causing the wall to collapse in pieces like paper.

It walked out of the wall, and from the gap, it could be seen that there was a space similar to a small lounge behind the wall.

Or had it been resting in there until it was woken up by the Raven Squad

This thing looked like a strong man among humans, but even the strongest man Tianyang had ever seen, such as Adam, was still one or two sizes smaller than it.

It has exaggeratedly broad shoulders, thick and long arms, a slightly hunched body, and legs with slightly bent knees.

However, everyone who saw it could be sure that it was definitely not a human being.

Because no human would install two metal objects like motorcycle jet pipes on their backs. Nor would they install a hollow mask welded with metal strips on their face, not to mention that the face behind the mask has no eyes or nose, only a mouth that keeps roaring.

Moreover, there is a device similar to a mechanical engine on its chest. When the center of the device lights up with a blood-red light, the two jet pipes behind it will discharge black smoke.

It’s as if, underneath this body of flesh and blood, there is actually a sophisticated machine!

"It has both biological and mechanical properties..." Ji Yu reminded softly, "Be careful, this is a Level 3 dangerous thug. It is a symbol of violence and possesses inhuman strength. Its ability to blast can easily destroy a building. Don't..."

Before she could finish, Cang Du had already run away. He strode forward, his long ponytail raised straight behind his head, and the long sword of Chunshui was dragging along, sparks flashing, and in a blink of an eye, the thugs were already in front of him.

Silver-white star-like light spurted out from the right wrist of the ponytailed young man, his aura exploded, and Cang Du slashed at the opponent's shoulder holding the sledgehammer with his sword!

Cangdu’s purpose was very clear, to take away the thugs’ weapons first.


Although Chunshui slashed the thug's shoulder and successfully broke the skin, even splashing a stream of blood.

However, there was a sound of metal clashing under the sword, as if there was really a machine under the thug's skin. The Chunshui Sword was bounced up, and at this time, the thug pulled up the sledgehammer and swept it violently and wildly, causing Cangdu to retreat in panic.

Cang Du dodged the sledgehammer that was carrying the evil wind, and before he could even breathe a sigh of relief, the thug had already kicked the young man in the chest.

Cangdu immediately went back to where he came from!

The huge force was like a mountain torrent, sending him flying backwards like a cannonball, smashing countless tables and chairs before he came to a stop. Cang Du barely managed to get up, clutching his chest, and suddenly his face changed as he spat out large mouthfuls of blood.

"... don't want

, Don't confront it head-on. Idiot! " Ji Yu finished what she just said at this time, and then released the bowstring, and a star arrow flew through the air and accurately stared into the mouth under the thug's mask.

The arrow shot out from the back of the thug's head, but the mouth under the mask bit down and the arrow was bitten off, and the star energy that made up the arrow dissipated into the air.

Taking Ji Yu's attack as a signal, Yan Bing and others opened fire at full power, and the star element beams emitted from different directions formed a fan-shaped firepower network.

At the intersection of this fire network, the thugs activated their assault rifles in a continuous shooting mode, desperately sending those beautiful but deadly blue beams at the monsters.

The thug lowered his center of gravity, protected his head and chest with both hands, and allowed the rest of his body to be hit by the beam of light.

The beam that could penetrate the wall fell on the thug, but only burned teacup-sized wounds on his body. Flesh and blood could not prevent the beam from penetrating, but the complex machinery revealed under the burned skin gave everyone an answer.

Even so, everyone was still somewhat puzzled by the machine that could withstand the star element beam. At the same time, they were filled with fear. What on earth could have given birth to a combination of creatures and machines like the thugs

The existence of black people is really unbelievable!

After a burst of intensive fire, the soldiers' gas magazines were completely used up. While they were changing magazines, the thugs finally took their hands away, and a heart-pounding roar came from under the visor welded with iron bars.

The mechanical device on the chest glowed brightly, and red lines appeared on the surface of the body. They spread across the thug's body like blood vessels, and like flowing water, they gathered the red light towards the monster's hands.

When it clenched the sledgehammer with both hands and raised it high, a ball of deep red light, almost black, had already condensed on the rough metal hammer head!

The sledgehammer smashed down.

Apart from scarlet, no other colors could be seen in everyone's eyes.

The building was shaking and trembling, and countless amounts of dust were falling from the ceiling and every load-bearing column.

Suddenly, the floor of the hall erupted like a volcano. An invisible but huge force gushed out, blasting the bricks and stones of the hall floor into pieces!

Tianyang, who had been trying to bypass the thugs and cut in from behind the monster, Jiyu, who was holding a bow to pin down the target, Cangdu, who had climbed up and faced the enemy head-on, and the soldiers who were changing magazines...

Everyone felt their feet hanging in the air and their bodies fell uncontrollably. It turned out that the ground on this floor was blown up by a hammer from the thugs. They screamed and fell to the floor below.

When Tianyang landed, he used a few rolls to transfer the force of falling. Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart, and in his sight, the shadow under his feet suddenly expanded!

His mind was blank, and before any thoughts could even come to his mind, his body had already reacted on its own.

With a large forward roll, Tianyang avoided the thug that fell from the sky and its rough hammer that could easily smash a person into a meat patty.

This time the thug had no ability to use, so the sledgehammer merely smashed an unavoidable gap three meters long and wide in the ground.

By the time Tianyang had regrouped and adjusted his posture, the thug had already strode towards the boy, raised his sledgehammer, swung it around, and smashed it down on his head.

Tianyang accurately calculated the angle and time of the sledgehammer's fall, and dodged before it smashed him into a pulp.

The thugs howled and continued to attack Tianyang. Its destructive power was amazing, and with one blow, there would definitely be multiple gaps in the ground.

But its speed was good enough and its movement range was huge, which allowed Tianyang to evade it in advance.

Avoid the attack again, the Red Moon Saber

The blade glowed crimson.

When Ji Yu pulled the bowstring towards this side again, he saw a crimson light hanging on the thug's left leg, and then the thing's leg twisted unnaturally to one side.

Tian Yang was a little surprised that even with the sharpness of the Red Moon and the high heat cutting, he couldn't completely cut the thug's legs. But this knife also destroyed its limbs.

Sure enough, the thug had his left leg kneeling on the ground, a position that made it difficult to move and even harder to hit.

As a result, the monster's situation became precarious.

In the distance, Jiyu's arrows were used to hold them back. Beside them, Cangdu joined the battle again, and together with Tianyang, the two of them circled around the thugs. Whenever they had a chance, they would cut them with a knife or a sword.

After many times, the thugs' movements became slower and slower.

While attacking, Tianyang observed the monster. In the boy's field of vision, the thug's body faded. He saw the delicate machinery under the flesh and blood. Those parts and metal components gradually disappeared, and finally, all that was left was the engine-like machine on the thug's chest!

Tianyang was a little unsure. Could it be that the machine was also a kind of will cage

However, the engine is in the thug's chest, and it is almost impossible to break it from the front. The sledgehammer in the thug's hand is not for decoration.

The chest area is exactly within the coverage of the sledgehammer's attack!

If you get hit by it and it happens to have explosive power, you must die bravely.

Tianyang didn't want to die yet. He didn't forget what he promised Xun, so he went around the monster. While the thugs' attention distracted Jiyu and Cang, the boy raised the death knell.

Point the gun at the thug's back and fire!

Thunderous and violent gunshots rang out in the building. Even after Uncle Tie's improvements, the recoil of this huge pistol still caused Tianyang's arm to bounce high.

However, compared to the Gem Town, the recoil is much smaller, at least it won’t cause Tianyang’s feet to leave the ground so exaggeratedly.

An intense light burst out from behind the thug, and the flesh, metal armor, parts and pipes inside his back were blown into pieces.

The monster was pressed heavily to the ground by the huge impact. From the back, one could see a gap the size of a human head was blown out on the thug's back.

I don't know if it was blood or some kind of engine oil, but a very viscous liquid came out of the gap. At the same time, sparks were spurting out of the body, like a machine that was about to be scrapped!

Even so, the thug was not dead yet, he suddenly supported himself with his left hand, jumped up from the ground, and swept the sledgehammer in his right hand wildly behind him.

Tianyang quickly leaped back, but at this time, he found that there was a dark red light attached to the sledgehammer.

A flash of light appeared, and a huge invisible wave suddenly rose in the air. Tian Yang just crossed his arms and was hit by the huge wave. He flew backwards uncontrollably as if he was hit by a chariot.

His nostrils felt hot, his mouth felt sweet, and blood rolled down from the corners of his nose and mouth. Tianyang fell to the ground, facing the thugs' attack head-on, even though he was wearing defensive armor and had strengthened his physical field once.

But at this time, Tianyang felt sore all over and couldn't get up for a while.

But at this time, two jet pipes behind the thug emitted thick smoke, and the engine device on his chest shone brightly.

A violent and strong aura of energy was released from the monster.

The color on Ji Yu's face suddenly faded away, and the woman screamed: "Oh no, it's going to explode!"

PS: Here comes the fifth update! Today’s update is over, and it’s up to you guys to do the rest. I hope I’ll have the chance to continue updating tomorrow!