Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 14: The rights of the superior people (please collect it)


The next day, Tianyang walked out of the bedroom, ready to apologize. But he found that his mother had gone out. There was a simple breakfast on the table, nutritious cereal in a thermos bottle, and a fresh egg.

There is a breeding farm in the fortress, but in the Lower City, eggs are still a luxury product.

This egg may be my mother's daily salary.

Looking at it, Tianyang felt even more like an asshole.

After drinking the cereal, the boy was reluctant to eat the eggs. He carefully split open the egg white and took out the yolk. In this way, when the mother comes back, steam and heat it a little, and then you can give it to her to eat.

After eating the protein in three or two mouthfuls, Tianyang looked around and saw that there was already some dust on the ground. It seemed that his mother didn't have time to clean recently, so the boy found a broom and started cleaning the house.

Came to mother's room.

Nan Fei's bedroom was very tidy. There was even a small potted plant placed on the fence of the window, and there was a photo frame on the wall shelf next to the bed.

Inside was a photo of her and Tianyang, but in the photo, Tianyang was just a baby, being held by Nan Fei.

This photo was obviously cropped. Judging from the photo, there should be someone standing next to Nan Fei.

Could it be the father

Why cut him off

Tianyang picked up the photo frame and was stunned.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the boy came to his senses, thinking it was his mother who had returned.

I quickly put the photo frame back, but accidentally, the photo frame fell down and fell apart!

"Excuse me, does Mr. Tianyang live here?" A drake voice sounded outside the door.

Tianyang glanced at the photo frame on the ground, and was glad that his mother was not coming back, and hurriedly left the bedroom.

Opening the door, there was a tall, thin man standing outside. His graying hair was neatly combed, and the uniform he wore seemed a bit ill-fitting. He tried to look serious, but it looked a bit funny.

"Who are you?" Tianyang didn't know this person at all.

The man smiled and said: "I am from the Shangcheng District household registration office. Congratulations, Mr. Tianyang. Your household registration in Shangcheng District has been completed. According to the regulations of the fortress, you can add two more places to the household registration. Of course, Only direct blood relatives, so the office has appointed me to help you register."

"In addition, according to procedure, I will read you the rights and obligations of the superiors, although you may already know them."

Tianyang could only invite him into the room. After looking around, the man cleared his throat and began to read: "According to the rules of the fortress, the superiors, especially the sublimated ones with the status of superiors, have the following rights."

"The first is the right to live in the uptown area, where you can enjoy all the convenient services of the fortress."

"Then there is the right to choose a spouse. Please be careful not to confuse the right to choose a spouse that everyone has. The so-called right to choose a spouse is limited to sublimated people. This right allows you to choose the woman you like to marry, and the woman has no right to refuse. Unless she

Be willing to leave Qingtian Castle, otherwise even the Shangmin family cannot refuse. However, I doubt anyone would say no to such a good thing, haha. "

"Of course, you can only choose one spouse. After all, the marriage law of the fortress stipulates that each man can only have one wife."

Tianyang laughed dryly: "I have no plans to get married yet."

"In addition, every ascended person also has the right to have a partner, and there is no limit to one. Even if they already have a family, this right is still maintained. This is for the sake of genetic optimization. After all, you also know that the descendants of the ascended person , there is a high chance that he will also become a sublimator.”

"If your cumulative contribution to the fortress exceeds 100,000 points, you will also have the right to establish a clan. You can choose a surname for yourself and it will be passed down by your descendants. The first three generations of this family can inherit your surname unconditionally. , as well as the identity, property, rights, etc. of Shangmin..."

The man read aloud for about ten minutes, which made Tianyang almost fall asleep. Just when the boy wanted to drive him away, he finally finished reading.

Finally put an electronic key on the table.

"This is it?" Tianyang looked at the key.

"This is the transportation tool assigned to you by the fortress, an electromagnetic unicycle. It is right outside, and within its permissions, it has unlocked driving rights in most areas for you. I hope you will like it."

The person from the household registration office finally left. When Tianyang went to the door and saw a wheelbarrow parked, he couldn't help but cheer softly.

This unicycle uses an electromagnetic engine and can be replenished with electromagnetic charging panels that can be seen everywhere on city streets.

The body adopts a gyro balance system, so even a novice can drive it everywhere. Although the top speed can only reach 60 kilometers per hour, it is enough in the fortress.

After writing the biometric module, Tianyang's information was registered in the car owner's column. Although he wanted to drive the car for a ride now, the boy still returned to Nan Fei's bedroom.

The fallen photo frame has not been dealt with yet. My mother cherishes this photo frame very much. It would probably be another storm for her to come back and find that the photo frame was broken.

Tianyang picked up the things and planned to find some glue or something to repair the photo frame. Suddenly, he found a receipt.

It was placed behind the photo. If the photo frame hadn't been broken, Tianyang probably would never have discovered it in this life.

The boy opened it. It was a receipt from the Qingtian Castle Storage Store in Uptown District. The receipt stated that someone had anonymously stored an item in the storage row.

The storage period is 50 years, and expenses have been prepaid.

Looking at the date of issuance of the receipt, it was actually 17 years ago!

"Seventeen years ago, wasn't it when I was born? Who went to the storage store to store things, could it be Mom?"

"What is it stored in? Why hasn't it been taken out for so long?"

The sun is watching

This document suddenly gave rise to a bold idea.

Could it be that what is stored is something related to my father

Once this idea came up, I couldn't stop it.

Tianyang glued the photo frame in place, put it back to its original position, and then went out with the receipt.

The system of the electromagnetic locomotive has a built-in navigator. Although Tianyang has never been to Shangcheng District, he still successfully found the storage store at almost noon.

Walking into the door of the storage store, a woman in simple clothing with a professional smile on her face. When he looked at Tianyang, his eyes were full of surprise and disdain.

What surprised me was that Tianyang was dressed more like a lower-class citizen than a resident of the upper city. It's really surprising that a subordinate can come here.

The disdain is also due to his status as a lower-level citizen. After all, this storage store is basically open to upper-level citizens. Then again, can the common people, who don’t have enough to eat, pay for storage

Although he is only a commoner, he is much nobler than these lowly people.

A sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

"Good afternoon, sir, what do you need?" No matter how superior she is, a woman who is obviously serving customers will not rush Tianyang away with her head wet.

Tianyang took out a receipt: "I'm here to pick up something."

The woman took the receipt, looked at it, and said calmly: "Can you show me your personal identity card?"

Tianyang nodded and took out the new identity card Lin Yang gave him.

The woman took it and gently placed an electronic scanner on her wrist. Through the chip on the ID card, the information of most people in the city can be read.

When the three characters "Sublimator" appeared on the instrument screen under Tianyang's name, the woman was so frightened that she almost dropped her ID card to the ground.

Sublimated people, to ordinary people, are simply elusive big shots. Not to mention common people, even if they are high-ranking people, they must be respectful when they see them.

What the woman couldn't figure out was that big people like them could just send someone over to pick up the things. Is there any need to go there in person

Moreover, this Ascended Master seems to be too young, and his clothes are too...well, too plain!

Fortunately, I didn't say the wrong thing just now, otherwise, I would be dead.

The woman's attitude made a 180-degree turn, and she enthusiastically took the boy's arm: "Mr. Tianyang, please, please take some time to pick up the things you want. We need to check and check. Please follow me, I will take you Go to the lounge and wait. If you need anything, just ask."

The plumpness of a mature woman pressed on his arms, making Tianyang feel unspeakably uncomfortable. He was not used to being so close to the opposite sex, so he quickly pulled his hand away and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fifteen minutes later, a lockbox was placed in front of him. After opening it, there was only one thing inside.

A diary!