Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 141: Pursuing target


Looking at the thousand-meter-long fire dragon and the street road that seemed to be turned upside down, Tianyang's Adam's apple slid up and down: "This is the power of the Level 5 Danger Level Black People!"

"Its power is far more than this, but I believe that the fortress would not want it to continue to demonstrate it." Ji Yu put down the telescope with an indifferent expression.

Does this mean that someone of high rank from the fortress will come forward to stop that madman

Tianyang stared at the main battlefield without blinking. He didn't want to miss what would happen next. At the same time, he was wondering which high-level strong man would take action.

Could it be Wang Liangyi? It's unlikely. That man is the Yun family's trump card. Speaking of which, this joint operation doesn't seem to involve the family's private army, so Wang Liangyi may not be here.

Who else? General Feimei? This possibility is not small, and the power displayed by the female general at the mobilization meeting is probably just the tip of the iceberg. She is fully capable of dealing with this lunatic, but she is in a high position and has great power. Will she act so easily

The boy guessed that the lunatic on the street had made new moves. Although the main force of the fortress was advancing, countless artillery fire was almost all directed at it.

But the people of darkness also fought back enthusiastically, and some even used their bodies to block the deadly fire from the maniacs.

This gave the maniac time to prepare. It lay on the car, its back arched, its flesh torn.

The back of the giant was opening, and something seemed to be rising from it. At this moment, a strong light suddenly flashed across the foggy street. Even the light released by the illuminating powder floating in the air above the main battlefield could not cover this strong light!

It hit the madman accurately. The powerful impact shattered the black fog and even blew the madman away from the wreckage of the car.

The giant fell to the street, and on its head, an arrow made of star energy was gradually disappearing.

The arrow was so real that Tianyang, with the help of his electronic eyes, could even see gorgeous patterns carved on the triangular shape of the arrow!

If it weren't for the faint light of star essence that dissipated like bubbles at the edge, the boy would almost think it was real. But in fact, it was something constructed by star essence.

At this time, Tian Yang still couldn't understand that being able to make the Star Essence structure present such a realistic appearance and delicate texture meant that the builder had a deep understanding of the Star Essence and a fine control that was different from ordinary people!

It was not until the giant was blown away that an extraordinary aura rose from the rear of the main force of the fortress. That aura was not only powerful, but also full of arrogance and aloofness.

After roughly sensing the location of the aura, Tianyang was astonished.

The star arrow just now was shot from a kilometer away. Its range alone is more than four or five times farther than Ji Yu's.

Ji Yu also sensed that aura. She turned her head and looked at the place where the aura appeared with a complicated look in her eyes.

There was anticipation, excitement, agitation, and a hint of hostility. Her eyes were subtle, and her emotions changed several times before finally returning to calm.

In a voice that only she could hear, Ji Yu uttered a few words from her pink lips: "One day, I will also shoot an arrow like this!"

Although Tianyang was beside her, he did not hear it. Firstly, Jiyu's voice was very soft, and secondly, something new attracted his attention on the main battlefield.

At the same time as the giant was blown away by an arrow, a figure fell from the rooftop of a nearby building.

The light shining over the battlefield

In the morning, Tianyang caught a glimpse of this figure. It was a man wearing a dark red long coat, the same style as the Night Walker's uniform, but the color was different.

The young man's whole body trembled, and he suddenly remembered that Su Lie was also wearing the same clothes.

Could it be that the man is the one who breaks the formation

The man in the dark red robe was actually running on the outer wall of the building. There was clearly no fixed object on him, and the gravity of the reversible world seemed to have no effect on him.

He ran down the building in a bizarre way that defied the laws of physics, and jumped out when he was still ten meters from the ground.

When he was above the madman, he suddenly burst out with aura, and then drew out a long sword that was nearly a meter long, four inches wide, and entangled in red and gold colors.

The moment the long sword was unsheathed, an energy storm was stirred up. When it was slashed down again, a huge wind column shaped like a dragon rose up. In the terrifying wind, the surrounding black fog, rubble, vehicle wreckage and even black people were all pulled and torn apart by the powerful suction force! The wind column was full of them, and the scene inside was tightly blocked!

Tianyang couldn't help but clench his fists. That was the power of a high-ranking expert! The boy almost forgot to breathe. From his body to his soul, he was deeply shocked!

At the same time, like Ji Yu, he had a goal to pursue.

Tianyang wanted to continue watching the battle, but at this time, their communicators all rang.

There is a new task coming from the headquarters.

Cangdu, who was also very excited, said in a trembling voice: "Let's go. We can't surpass those people if we continue to watch from here. But one day, I will stand in that position!"

The young man with ponytail pointed forcefully to the place where the man in red had just appeared!

Me too, Tianyang said silently in his heart.

Ji Yu turned around and walked towards the hall exit: "Then don't just stand there, get to work!"

Five hours later, Tianyang and his friends returned to the camp. When they opened the tent, they found that Han Shu had returned. The rugged man threw himself on the camping mat, snoring as he fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth.

Tianyang and the others smiled at each other, and fell asleep without washing.

I am so tired today.

And the same has been true for the past few days.

They can rest, but there are many people in the camp who still have to keep busy.

For example, Ling Feng.

At this moment, the Chief of General Staff and his adjutant rushed to the temporary command post.

Even after the spectrum purification, after entering the tent, Ling Feng still took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped each of his fingers.

This made the female general standing in front of the sand table frown slightly: "Is it dirty in here?"

Ling Feng gently fanned the tip of his nose with his hand: "There is no place in the world that is not dirty."

Feimei shook her head slightly: "For a guy like you who is obsessed with mysophobia, I really don't know how you have survived in the world of rebellion until now."

"Perhaps more than filth, I can't tolerate the existence of those dark lives?" Ling Feng put away the handkerchief and stretched out his hand.

Adjutant Lin Yang put a data tablet in his hand.

Ling Feng handed the data pad to Fei Mei: "You should see this."

Feimei opened the data board, which listed some data for today, including the number of wounded and the list of dead.

"You let me see these..." The female general suddenly said, "Are there no bodies of the dead?"

She raised her head

, looked at Ling Feng: "Why is the number of bodies of the dead 0?"

Ling Feng's expression did not change at all: "This is why I came to see you. Could it be that I came here to discuss psychological problems with you?"

Feimei put down the data tablet: "It seems that you have found the answer. Let me guess, it has something to do with the black people?"

Ling Feng spread his hands: "There is no definite evidence, but it should be similar. I think those things are collecting corpses, human corpses!"

"Tell me what you know." Feimei walked to her seat, sat down calmly, and smoothed out the wrinkles on her long coat with both hands.

With her legs crossed, her elbows resting on the armrests, and her palms interlaced, the female general looked as if she was willing to hear more.

Ling Feng also sat down, but he sat upright, with his head, neck, and chest in the same straight line. Although he was sitting, he gave people a feeling of being as upright as a pine tree.

This is how a soldier sits!

"In fact, we discovered this problem on the first day of the battle." Ling Feng said calmly, "But in the first few days, our casualty rate was not high. Only seven people died on the first day. In addition, the black people have the habit of eating human corpses, so I ignored this problem at the beginning."

"Until these two days, our casualty rate increased, but the logistics team didn't find any bodies. That's when they reported the incident. I specifically looked up the records from a while ago and realized that we have only recovered a few bodies since the start of the war."

"But the question is, why do the black people collect human corpses? They don't need to eat humans. Eating humans is just a habit, not a necessity for survival. So, they should not be hoarding food..."

The female general's eyes were far away, as if they were floating in a very far place. "A few days ago, those who fell into the abyss reported that they found strange plants underground. And a lieutenant named Tianyang among your Night Walkers also reported a strange thing with unknown purpose."

"If I remember correctly, he claimed that deep underground, in the tangled roots of plants, human remains had appeared. Could it be that the missing bodies on the ground have become nutrients for those plants?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and gently touched the frame: "I think so too. When I saw the record, I connected it with Tianyang's report. Now it seems that those dark lives are probably brewing something deep underground. At present, our intelligence is limited and we cannot make a correct inference."

"Where are the people you sent to scout underground? No news?"

Ling Feng shook his head: "There are mist crystal veins deep underground. Those things affect the electronic signals of the communication machine. For the time being, I am out of contact with the reconnaissance team. We can only know what is under this city after they come back or leave the underground."

Feimei asked again: "How many days will it take them to return?"

Ling Feng bent his fingers and tapped the armrest lightly: "Considering the orders I issued... there are a lot. So the earliest I can see them is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The young chief of staff added: "If they are not killed by the black civilians."

Feimei's lips curled up slightly. She was no stranger to Lingfeng. The two could be said to be comrades-in-arms from the same period. However, later on, they had their own development paths.

Feimei joined Storm and became the general today; as for Lingfeng, although he still stayed in Night Walker, he moved from the front stage to behind the scenes and finally became the chief of staff.

According to Feimei's understanding of him, Lingfeng's so-called order must be more than just a little bit more...