Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 143: None can be missing


At nine o'clock in the morning, the assembly call sounded again. Tianyang, who was ready, heard the signal echoing in the camp, quickly picked up his equipment, and walked out of the tent with Shangcangdu and others.

After getting on the Falcon, Han Shu picked up the vehicle communicator, cleared his throat and said, "Listen carefully, boys. You don't have any battlefield missions today."

"Your only mission today is to kill as many of those dark bastards as you can!"

"Four Eyes has issued a command to the entire army. After these days of hard work, we have greatly reduced the number of illegal civilians. In addition, we have successfully pushed the battle line under the high wall."

"Today, no matter what, we have to take down the wall. I know everyone is tired, so let's try one more time. Let's end this war today!"

Although Tianyang and others did not answer, their burning eyes were the most powerful response!

The convoy began to enter the battlefield.

The flares that were launched one after another were not only a signal for the attack, but also provided sufficient lighting for the soldiers in the fortress. These military-specific flares had a longer duration of light and a larger coverage area.

As the sky lit up, the black fog was quickly dissipated. Tianyang looked out the car window and saw that most of the buildings in Huanggu Town were almost flattened.

In the distance, the black high wall was already faintly visible. The boy activated the tactical function of the electronic eye, and the picture in front of him immediately zoomed in. He saw that the black wall woven by plants was obviously thicker than last time.

The black wall had three more sides, arranged in a ladder shape. Between the walls, mysterious figures began to appear. They had goat faces, but were as agile as monkeys, and their alienated biological gun barrels were pointed in the direction of the fortress army.

Mysterious archers appeared between the walls, and among these archers there were some monsters who also had goat-like faces but extremely fat bodies.

These monsters were not able to move easily, and they crawled to their positions with difficulty like lizards. After they secured themselves, their stomachs split open, and something that looked like a gun barrel protruded from inside.

The gun barrels did not look like metal objects, but were made of bones like the shooters. They were even covered with a layer of flesh membrane, on which many nerves and blood vessels were distributed.

These indescribable horrors made Tianyang regret having zoomed in too closely, causing him to see them too clearly!

"The secret gunners are finally out." Han Shu retracted his head from the car window and put down the binoculars. "These things haven't been out for a stroll before, but now they are finally willing to roll out."

Tianyang didn't say anything. The boy just silently took out the Death Bell and began to fill it with star energy. Silver glow flowed in the bullet crystal slots one by one.

Today will definitely be a tough battle!

After arriving at the designated location, the chariot stopped, the door opened, and Han Shu and others got out of the car one after another.

In the distance, the regular army had begun to advance.

A mixed formation of three-dimensional armed forces, armored vehicles and infantry advanced towards the high wall. Fully armed soldiers, relying on vehicles or three-dimensional armed forces, formed combat units of seven to ten people and entered the battlefield in an orderly manner.

Behind the mixed army are the Elemental Hearts and Hunter-class Ascendants, who will provide long-range fire support.

As for the War God class, their mission is to protect the Ascendants of the first two classes and prevent these squishy ones from being killed by the Dark People.

Today, the Night Walkers will not act independently as a team, all personnel have been disbanded, and

Regroup according to command.

Han Shu lit a cigarette, looked at Tian Yang and the others, and showed his white teeth: "My order is still the same as before, get back to the camp tonight, no one can be left behind!"


Since Tianyang participated in this war with the rank of God of War, naturally, he and Cang were assigned the same task.

So after the disbandment, Tianyang followed Cangdu and soon met other Ascended warriors.

For example, Xie Miao, the guy who was beaten up by Tianyang a few days ago, looked very unnatural when he saw the boy. But perhaps he got some warning, so he just snorted and turned away, and did not come up to trouble Tianyang.

And there was Kun Lan, the arrogant guy with exaggerated hair color and the aura of a wild wolf. He raised his middle finger as soon as he saw Tianyang.

Tianyang pretended not to see it.

There was also the masked man who had fought the Deep Diver in the abyss that day and survived. He was still wearing that devil-like mask, and the eyes behind the mask were still cold.

"Cough!" Someone coughed dryly. The sound was not loud, but strangely, everyone could hear it clearly. And because of this dry cough, their heartbeats jumped like war drums.

Including Tian Yang, more than a dozen people on the field all looked at him. The man being stared at by more than a dozen pairs of eyes looked to be in his early thirties.

Still very young, with clear features and a sunny look.

He patted his chest gently and said, "I am the temporary commander of your team. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Wang Ge, I am a man, and I like women. Over."

After a brief introduction, the man who called himself Wang Ge snapped his fingers and said, "Our mission today is to protect those squishy creatures at the back. Remember, even if you die, don't let those dark bastards get through."

"Of course, unless I die first, you won't have a chance to die."

With a lazy smile, Wang Ge waved his hand: "Then, follow me."

Before he finished speaking, a violent explosion sounded from the direction of the high wall. Tianyang looked up and saw a fireball exploding above the high wall.

The battle begins!

Below the high wall, a black torrent was rolling and surging, a torrent of decay. They were so ugly and disgusting.

The leper-like wanderers were no longer satisfied with panting and screaming. They roared like madmen, scratched the air in front of them with their twisted limbs, and took morbid steps, bursting out like a group of frenzied snakes or worms in a frying pan.

In the midst of this walking black plague, there are mad dogs, archers, tree spirits and other crazy figures.

The dark people were like a cursed slime, boiling, rolling, surging, spreading madly on the battlefield and sweeping towards the fortress army.

In the fortress's army, the soldiers relying on chariots or three-dimensional armed forces were all on edge.

When receiving the order to "fire", the soldiers raised their rifles and roared, firing physical bullets or star element beams desperately at the black tide that was emitting all kinds of roars.

The black tide suddenly splashed with waves, and almost in an instant, countless black people fell down.

Although there are many waves, they are still insignificant compared to the entire Kuroshio.

But at this time, three-dimensional weapons and various armored vehicles also joined the harvest.

The electromagnetic railgun and the star element heavy artillery are definitely the most important in this battlefield music.

Strong notes, every time they were played, it meant that a large number of black people fell down.

The rapid-fire machine guns and high-speed guns were the fast-paced march in this movement. When these continuous notes rose, the black torrent showed signs of stagnating.

The twin missiles and diffusion cannons are a rhapsody. They always release their passion in unexpected places, making it difficult for the black torrent to flow freely.

Elemental javelins, ice and snow storms, violent flames and star arrow rain are a symphony. With irresistible destructive force, they bring judgment on the blasphemous things under the high walls and bring this piece of music called war to a climax!

... ...

After only watching for a short while, Tianyang had already forgotten to breathe. His blood was boiling and he couldn't wait to go to the front line and fight bravely.

"Don't get too excited, boys."

In front, the commander Wang Ge's somewhat lazy voice reduced the excitement of Tianyang and others.

"Those dark bastards won't just take a beating. We'll be able to see them soon. That's when you'll need to fight hard. For now, stay calm and conserve your energy."

As if to confirm Wang Ge's words, black and red spherical lights soon shot up into the air from the other side of the high wall. They drew parabolas and fell towards the top of the fortress army.

At this time, a huge star barrier opened above the battlefield. The black and red light balls fell on the barrier, causing a series of explosions.

Dozens of fireballs rose up one after another, the barrier flickered, and then shattered and disappeared.

But soon, another barrier opened up to block the second wave of attacks from the other side of the high wall.

Soon afterwards, flying black and red light beams joined the attack, and the mysterious shooters on the wall and on the battlefield also began to fight back.

However, in the blink of an eye, the three-dimensional weapons and tanks were hit and exploded, and then the black torrent rushed into the fortress position.

The first to bear the brunt were the soldiers at the front of the battle.

A young soldier hadn't reacted yet. Looking out from his helmet, he saw nothing but black in his field of vision.

He yelled and fired, killing two prowlers, but a mad dog that jumped out of the black tide easily knocked him down.

Before the soldier could get up, the mad dog had already bitten his shoulder. Then he felt severe pain in his hands and feet. The soldier just took a look and collapsed out of control.

Wanderers were crawling on his limbs, tearing off his protective clothing and chewing on fresh flesh.

This young life, like a candle in the wind, disappeared in the dark battlefield in the blink of an eye.

The torrent rolled forward, advancing continuously, although they were reduced as much as possible in the process. However, when Tianyang entered the field of vision, there were still many black people rushing over from the battlefield.

In front, there was an aura being released, and Wang Ge's whole body was emitting a star-like glow, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of black people.

He still had a lazy smile on his face as he pulled out a short blade from each side of his waist. The patterns on the short blades gradually lit up under the infusion of star energy.

Blue arcs of electricity began to jump above the two sharp weapons.

Wang Ge turned around and glanced at the young faces behind him: "Now, you can fight to the death."

He smiled, and ran as fast as he could, and just as he was about to crash into the black tide, Wang Ge leaped high, his two blades crossed, and several ferocious heads flew into the air!