Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 148: Death trap


While walking, Kunlan occasionally stopped and gently stroked the rock wall with his hands. That gentle movement was like two different people from his usual style.

In some places, this arrogant boy, who is actually about the same age as Tianyang, would even stick out his tongue and gently lick the rocks.

After walking for a while, Cang Du couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect that you like to lick rocks."

Kunlan sneered: "You know nothing, hairy monster, do you know how caves are formed?"

Cang Du snorted, "What a coincidence, I didn't take geology as an elective."

"If you don't understand, then you don't understand." Kun Lan patted the rock wall. "Caves, or rock caves. Usually they are the result of long-term deep erosion of groundwater in limestone areas. Different parts of the limestone layer contain different amounts of lime and are eroded to different degrees. The resulting caves are independent of each other and have various shapes and forms."

"But have you noticed that since we entered the cave passage, the height and width of the passage have been almost the same. What does this mean?"

Tianyang paused: "You mean, this is a man-made cave."

Kunlan snapped his fingers and said, "Although I don't like Baimao, he is right. This is a man-made cave."

Cang Du sneered: "I thought you would come up with such a brilliant conclusion, but this is the result? What's wrong with artificial caves? The residents of the Reverse World like to run trains underground. Why don't you dig an artificial cave for them under the city?"

Kun Lan folded his hands and held the back of his head: "Only a fool would dig a cave underground. If it's not done well, the city will sink. Besides, these rock walls are smooth and clean, obviously dug not long ago. As for who did it, I don't need to say more, right?"

Tianyang frowned. "According to what you said, the cave was dug by the black people. But I have seen empty halls and irregular cave corridors down there. They don't look like they were man-made."

Kun Lan shrugged his shoulders. "You are so stubborn. I didn't say that the entire cave system was man-made. Why don't you open them up for the black people? Don't say I didn't warn you. You'd better be careful. Since the black people can dig holes here, they can also set traps here."

Tian Yang disagreed: "We didn't encounter any traps when we came up from underground."

Kun Lan grinned slightly, revealing a tiger tooth: "Don't be naive, Baimao. Just because you haven't touched it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It has been explored twice before. Do you think the black people won't make some arrangements?"

Cangdu crossed his arms over his chest: "You mean those things can be used as remedial measures?"

Kun Lan looked at him and asked, "Are the black people stupid? Oh, you usually only come into contact with things that are probably one or two levels of danger. Those low-level things are really stupid. It's not your fault."

"What do you want to say!"

"You can't hear what I'm saying, then you're really hopeless, Longhair."

Tianyang rubbed his forehead. These two guys started again.

"Shh!" Ji Yu suddenly gestured in front, then lay on the ground, his ears pressed against the cold surface of the cave, "There's a sound, coming towards us..."

She suddenly looked to the left and saw a fork in the road!

Cangdu immediately raised his rifle and, with the help of the lighting accessories on the gun, cast a beam of light onto the deep and dark fork in the road.

At this time, even Tianyang began to hear the strange noise. When his ears caught the sound, the boy formed an image of an object rolling in the passage in his mind.

A moment later, a dark, round shadow rolled down from the slightly inclined fork in the road, and when the light shone on it, a blurry face appeared in the light.

what is that

This is almost the same question on everyone’s mind at this moment!

Kunlan suddenly flashed into the fork in the road, two curved blades were already unsheathed, the blades pointed forward, and the boy with blue hair and black eyes shouted arrogantly: "Let me do it!"

The star essence is revealed, and the two blades are crossed.

A huge X-shaped knife light was imprinted on the object rolling from the fork in the road!

The things scattered in all directions, and turned out to be wanderers and mad dogs! They were wrapped into balls by some force and rolled from somewhere on the fork in the road.

Although he was cut open by Kun Lan, in fact, the blue-haired boy only killed a few wanderers and mad dogs. More monsters rushed past him like a black torrent and crashed into the main road.

For a moment, Tianyang's vision was filled with these twisted and evil figures, and his ears were filled with the monsters' crazy and hoarse roars.

The boy's reaction was not slow either. Almost as soon as the monster pounced into the main road, a silver glow flashed around him.

He casually pulled up Ji Yu, who was closest to him, and retreated a long distance, thus putting some distance between himself and the black people who were like turbid waves.

Ji Yu is a hunter, and in such a narrow space, her role is limited.

If she wasn't brought out, the dense enemy group would overwhelm her in an instant.

After Tian Yang released his hand, he drew out the Crimson Moon Saber, and the blade glowed crimson. He rushed forward again, and with a flash of the saber, he chopped the mad dog into two.

Next, Tian Yang didn't want to waste his energy, so Chi Yue targeted the opponent's will cage. Wherever the blade passed, the cages of these dark people were either broken or their heads were split open.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Tianyang looked forward.

Cangdu and Kunlan also fought hard against the enemy.

In comparison, Kunlan's double blades were much more advantageous in this environment. The blue-haired boy spun the blades back, sticking to his arms, and spun like a top.

Wherever this human gyroscope passed, the black people fell down in groups.

However, Cangdu's Chunshui sword was too long, and under such conditions he could not use more powerful slashing movements. He could only use a single-handed technique, either stabbing or poking, to break the black people's cage.

In this way, the efficiency is far inferior to Kunlan.

Tianyang killed another mad dog, and then several star arrows flew past him, nailing the mad dog and three wanderers in front of him to death.

The young man looked back and saw Ji Yu had already drawn his longbow and was using his archery skills to protect the three of them.

At this time, screams and roars came from the back of the passage, and it sounded like they were not the only four being attacked.

Tianyang guessed correctly that attacks like this happened in many passages. Balls formed by large numbers of wanderers or mad dogs rolled in the complex network of caves.

Once they collide with humans, the force field that binds the black people will disappear, allowing a large number of troops to be immediately deployed into the battlefield.

Facing this kind of human wave attack, the Sublimators were better off, but the ordinary soldiers in the team suffered.

They didn't even have a chance to fire a shot before they were overwhelmed by the surging black people, and then were bitten and torn to pieces by those creatures!

"Die! Die, die, die!"

The cave was filled with Kunlan's somewhat crazy screams. The blue-haired boy's face and body were covered with the blood of the black people, but he didn't care at all. He looked excited and killed crazily.

By the time he stopped, there were no dark people around Kunlan anymore, and the dark people who fell under his knife had all died in extremely tragic ways.

Some wanderers were cut in half by him, but they did not die immediately. They still tried to crawl out from the pile of corpses and stretched out their arms to grab Kunlan's feet.

Kunlan spun his crooked blade and jumped to the monsters,

The cage was pierced.

When he broke through the cage of the last black prisoner who was only half dead, Kun Lan suddenly felt something and looked towards the cave in front of him.

But it was dark deep in the cave and there seemed to be nothing. Kun Lan took out a pistol and fired a flare in that direction.

There was a sudden burst of light in the depths of the cave, allowing Kun Lan to see a dark purple sphere floating towards him.

A layer of light was flowing around the sphere, and it looked a bit sticky, like a ball of rolling mucus. In the center of the sphere, tiny dots of orange light kept lighting up, gathering towards the center and finally disappearing.

When the sphere approached, Kunlan immediately felt that he was being pulled towards the sphere by an invisible gravitational force.

His pupils dilated slightly, he pressed down on the handle of the crutch blade, then swung the blade. The long blade flashed like lightning and crashed into the purple ball with a hint of starry silver light.

The surface of the purple ball was immediately covered with orange-yellow cracks, and energy poured out from the cracks and turned into a dark purple fire cloud!


There was a violent explosion in the passage, and the strong wind caused by the impact blew towards Kun Lan, almost suffocating him.

He pressed down on the handle again, and the long blade flew back. It turned out that there was a special steel wire connecting the blade and the handle.

Under the action of the sophisticated mechanism built into the handle, the long blade is retracted and joined to the handle to form a curved blade again.

Kun Lan looked at the blade. The blade made of composite material had some signs of melting, and there were even some purple stains on the surface.

At this time, in the dust and smoke floating ahead, four or five strange light balls with their own suction force floated over.

Kunlan did not dare to show off his strength, so he retreated back to the main road, helped Cangdu kill a mad dog, and shouted, "Be careful, the wizard is coming!"

The three members of the Raven Squad changed color when they heard this, especially Tianyang, who had encountered this kind of evil people several times.

But every time I see him, the wizard's image is slightly different, and his abilities are even more different.

The only thing in common is that these black people have large-scale killing methods. It would be the worst to encounter them in a place like a cave!

"Hurry, let's go back to the captain and the others!" Ji Yu made a prompt decision and shot a few more arrows, killing several black people around Tianyang and Cangdu, then retreated.

Her judgment was very accurate, facing a wizard in such an extremely unfavorable environment.

Only Han Shu and Ning Yi, two captain-level Ascendants, have the ability to deal with it.

After all, if the two classes of Fortress and God of War cooperate with each other, the combat power is not as simple as one plus one.

Unexpectedly, just as Ji Yu retreated, the ground behind her suddenly exploded, and a large purple fire cloud gushed out, instantly blasting a huge hole in the passage.

Not only that, because of the explosion, the ground began to collapse. Just below this passage, there was an unfathomable underground crack!

Ji Yu's face turned pale. He ran forward and shouted, "Run! Run quickly. There's no way back. Besides, this place is going to collapse!"

Tianyang looked back and saw that the passage was collapsing at a very fast speed. Under the cracked ground was a dark abyss. He didn't want to fall in again, so he pulled Jiyu up and ran.

Kunlan led the way, Tianyang and Jiyu ran in the middle, and Cangdu was at the rear.

There were more explosions behind him. It turned out to be the purple light balls that floated out from the fork in the road. They crashed into the surrounding rock walls, and the erupting purple fire clouds accelerated the collapse of the passage.

While running, Tianyang looked back and saw a huge cloud of smoke, carrying countless debris and emitting a breath of destruction, rushing towards them!