Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 15: Su Lie (recommendation required)


This is a thread-bound notebook, with a dark brown leather cover and silver-white double-wing embossing. At the corners, there are bronze retro book corners with delicate patterns like flowing water.

Tianyang gently opened the cover and saw the signature "Su Lie" in the lower left corner of the title page. It was obvious that this was the owner of the diary.

Although he really wanted to read the contents right now, Tianyang still put it away and put it in the handbag given by the storage store.

After he left, a man with a mustache who looked like a manager quickly returned to his office and took out a slim communication board from the drawer.

The manager entered a message:

Dear sir, just now, the thing you were concerned about has been taken away.

The person who took it was named Tianyang, an ascender.

I'm sorry, any more information is beyond my authority.

Finish writing and send the message.

After leaving the storage store, Tianyang did not return to the downtown area immediately. He found a park nearby. Yes, a park. In this luxurious facility that was not available in the downtown area, the boy sat on an outdoor chair under the shade of a tree and looked through his notes.

Through the gaps in the dense tree canopy above his head, the sunlight fell on the beautiful yet powerful handwriting in the diary. Tianyang read it carefully, word by word.

'... ... ..October 7th, this is the 100th day since Nan Fei and I met. Lord of War, although I am not your believer, I still want to thank you. Let me meet this girl in your church. I think it is necessary to record these beautiful days so that we can take them out and savor them carefully when we grow old.

Maybe then, Nan Fei will laugh at me, after all, I don't look like someone who would write a diary. Well, never mind, haha. '

After reading the first diary entry, Tian Yang found that his hands were shaking slightly. This Su Lie actually knew Nan Fei's mother, and it seemed that the two of them were dating.

Could it be that Su Lie is...

The boy couldn't wait to look down.

'... ... .October 23, I just came back from a mission, I am exhausted. If it weren't for the need to protect the clan's rights, I would never want to go to the Reverse Realm. It's always dark there, and there are so many disgusting and ugly things. How can it compare to the sunny castle

Of course, the most important thing is that this is my favorite girl. Nan Fei, I'm back. '

'... ... .On October 24th, I just had a quarrel with the old man. Come to think of it, I haven't had such a quarrel with him for many years. He is so stubborn that he actually wants me to go on a blind date with the young lady of the Ren family. What a joke, a young lady who only knows how to dress up but has no substance and looks average, I really don't know what the old man likes about her. Oh, I see, it should be because of the promise of the Ren family to transfer 10,000 contribution points every year. '

'... November 7th, poor Nan Fei, she is ill today. But she is very charming when she is ill. Well, but I can't tell her about it, or she will think I am a lecher. Am I? Of course not!'

Basically, these diaries are about some trivial things that happened during the relationship between Su Lie and his mother, including the opposition of Su Lie's father, the arranged marriage, Su Lie running away from home, and finally Su's father had to compromise.

Judging from the information in the diary, this Su Lie was obviously a senior citizen of the fortress. If you are not a senior citizen and have made outstanding contributions, you cannot have a surname.

Unfortunately, Su Lie revealed too little family information in his diary, and Tianyang didn’t even know what job he held in the fortress.

However, judging from the tasks mentioned many times, this Su Lie should serve in one of the three forces: Night Walkers, Storm, and Gathering Team.

Looking further down, in mid-May of the following year, Su Lie's father passed away. In early August, his mother was already pregnant, and Su Lie was very excited and happy in his diary, and even secretly planned to marry his mother.

'... August 27th, another mission today. This mission looks like it will take a while. What bad luck, I originally thought that I could hold my wedding with Nan Fei at the beginning of next month. I have no choice but to ask Jing Nan to secretly prepare for me, and when I return from this mission, I will marry Nan Fei. She will definitely be very happy, absolutely!'

'... August 28th, it's decided. The kid in Nan Fei's belly will be named Tianyang! I hope he can have a mind as broad as the sky and a future as bright as the sun! Ha, I, an old man, do have some knowledge in my belly, just a little less than Jingnan. Well, I'll tell Jingnan later and ask him to help me with some suggestions on the name.'


This is the last diary entry.

It’s not that there are no records at the end, but that the ones at the end have been torn up!

Looking at the jagged fracture, Tianyang's mind was full of questions.

Why was the diary torn up at this point? What happened later that caused my mother to live alone with me in the downtown area

Judging from the last entry in the diary, Su Lie is indeed his father, but why hasn't he appeared for so many years

Did Su Lie abandon his mother and son because he loved the new and hated the old? Or was it for some other reason

Tianyang closed the diary and closed his eyes.

Currently, there are at least two people who know the truth.

One is of course the mother Nan Fei, and the other is Jingnan mentioned in the diary.

My mother never wanted to talk about my father. I guess she wouldn't tell me if I asked her. And what if she asked me about it? I had to let her know that I had secretly taken the receipt from the storage bank...

The young man shook his head vigorously: "Sure enough, the only answer can be found from that person called Jingnan!"

But the permanent population of Skyfort is over 100,000. Who knows where Jingnan lives? Is he still alive

Suddenly remembering the staff member of the household registration office in the morning, Tianyang slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, by the way, you can ask him for help. The household registration office should be able to find the residents' information."

The boy immediately jumped up, ran out of the park, jumped on the electromagnetic scooter, turned on the navigation, and headed straight to the household registration office.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tianyang was driving on the road back to the lower city.

The Household Registration Office agreed to help, but even if they were commissioned by Tianyang, an Ascendant, they could not disclose the residents' information at will.

So Tianyang filled out an application form, which was submitted by the Household Registration Office to the Fortress Information Management Office for review. Only after approval could they query the relevant information.

All in all, the earliest we can get news is a week later.

Tianyang could only go home with the diary. He hoped to hide the diary before his mother got off work.

When he returned to the shed and had just put away his motorcycle, the boy saw a figure in front of the shed. He was startled, thinking it was his mother who had come back early.

It turned out to be a man, wearing the long black uniform of the Night Walker.

Tianyang suddenly became a little excited. Did he have a mission