Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 17: Hostility (collection required)


Another day passed, and Tianyang had already had the surgery. He paid out of his own pocket and paid two thousand contribution points, and now he had a tactical electronic eye installed in his left eye.

In addition to normal visual functions, it also has functions such as thermal imaging, infrared, and ultra-long viewing distance.

In adversity, if you discover your opponent one second earlier, your safety factor will increase by one point.

So Tianyang spent half of his contribution points without hesitation. After all, contribution points can be earned back if they are lost, but you only have one life.

The appearance of the tactical eye is no different from that of an ordinary eye. Except for the occasional power surge that causes a little blue light to shine deep in the pupil, it does not feel strange.

Tianyang was finally able to take off the blindfold. That night, he planned to tell Nanfei about the mission, but his mother seemed to sense something.

She avoided talking about it, and didn't even give Tianyang a chance to clean up the house. Even though it was a simple shed, there was nothing to clean up.

The boy felt helpless. Not only did he not have the chance to tell others about the mission, he couldn't even say an apology.

When he woke up the next day, Nan Fei had already gone out. Tian Yang had no choice but to leave a note, saying that he was going on a mission and would talk to her when he came back.

After breakfast, Tianyang put on his equipment and uniform, and drove the electromagnetic locomotive to the transfer platform.

The meeting point is in the third area of the platform, on deck 7.

When Tianyang arrived, there was no one there.

It seems we are here too early.

The boy drove the motorcycle to a corner and was about to park it when a cold voice rang out: "This is the gathering point for the Raven Squad. Which team are you from? Don't park your motorcycle randomly."

Tianyang turned around and saw a young man standing behind him. He looked older than himself, but only around 20. His long raven-green hair was tied into a ponytail, and his overly delicate face made it easy to mistake him for a girl.

He was also wearing the black uniform of the Night Walker. The patterns on the armor under the uniform were shining with the silver light unique to star crystals. It was obvious that this was a special defensive armor prepared for the Ascendants.

The style is slightly different from Tianyang's, and there are quite a few scratches on it, which shows from another aspect that the owner is not a rookie on the battlefield.

The young man carried a sword on his back. The scabbard was long and narrow, with special opening and closing designs on both sides of the scabbard, which made it convenient for him to use this overly long sword.

Take it out to defend against the enemy.

To be honest, even with Tianyang's superficial knowledge of weapons, he knew that no matter whether it was a knife or a sword, it should not be too long.

Unless there is a special need, a sword that is too long is actually not conducive to performance.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Why are you in a daze? Are all the newcomers of this quality? You're simply giving your head to the black people." The young man seemed very dissatisfied with Tianyang's reaction.

Looking at the shoulder straps of the other party, he saw that he was a second lieutenant like himself. Tianyang swallowed the word "sir" that was about to come to his mouth and said, "My name is Tianyang. General Ling asked me to report to the Raven Squadron."

The young man was startled, and then disgust welled up in his eyes: "So it's you. I heard that as soon as you became an ascender, you killed your former boss."

Tianyang could smell the faint hostility coming from him, and he didn't know why this person hated him. However, he didn't intend to explain.

Since they were not on the same page, Tianyang didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and turned around to find a quiet corner to stay.

A hand was pressed on his shoulder.

Tianyang turned around and saw the handsome young man’s face was as cold as ice.

"You are just a commoner, don't take yourself too seriously!" The handsome young man said in a cold tone.

Tianyang slapped his hand away: "Have I ever offended you?"

"No, I just think that what you did is disgusting." The young man clenched his fist and gently pressed it against his mouth. His two handsome eyebrows twisted together, as if he was uncomfortable and about to vomit at any time. "He was originally just a commoner, but he became an ascender after walking far away. He got carried away and took revenge on his superiors who had offended him. He may have done something wrong, but since he is a superior, he should not be executed even if he made a huge mistake. At least, he should not die in your hands!"

"You guys who live at the bottom of society never know how to be grateful and only know how to complain. Don't you think that without the efforts and sacrifices of us upper-class people, would you parasites be able to live safely in the fortress?"

Tian Yang sneered: "Then do you know that the so-called noble superiors in your speech shot me in the leg during the mission so that I could attract the prowlers for him? What? The superiors should not die, but the inferiors should be used as bait?"

The young man was stunned. Although he had heard some things about Tianyang, he really didn't know that there was such a detail.

Tianyang continued: "Also, now I

You are also a superior citizen, please curb your sense of superiority and don't make yourself unhappy!"

The young man snorted and said arrogantly: "You are worthy of calling yourself a superior citizen? The real superior citizens are those families with surnames. Do you have your own surname?"

Tian Yang said calmly: "I will have it sooner or later."

"This is what makes me sick. I feel sick when I think about those uneducated bastards, even those born to prostitutes, being able to have their own surnames one day." The young man covered his mouth with his hands, his expression painful, as if he was unwell.

Tianyang stretched out his hand and grasped the hilt of the knife: "Say it again if you dare!"

The young man's hands were cold. He reached back and gently supported the hilt of the sword: "Why, am I wrong?"

"You can say whatever you want about me, but you can't slander my mother!" Tianyang growled, and his sword came out an inch.

"Oh, I didn't realize you're still a..."

Before he finished speaking, a fist landed on the young man's face, and the latter flew out in a spin and fell heavily to the ground several meters away.

Tianyang was stunned for a moment before he realized there was a man next to him.

He was a big and strong man with thick eyebrows and a cigarette between his lips. He was the captain of the Raven Squad, Han Shu!

"This kid is right, every mother is respectable. Cangdu, you better reflect on yourself!"

Han Shu's gaze drifted towards Tianyang again, and he said with a click of the tongue, "But you too, actually drew your weapons. Hey, the weapons issued to you are not meant to be used against your companions. Go, run 50 laps around Deck 7."

"Sir, I..."

“60 laps!”

"I'll be there at once, sir!"

Tianyang didn't dare to argue anymore and hurried off to run, to avoid increasing the number of laps.

Han Shu folded his arms and looked at the young man who was climbing up from the ground in a panic, and Tianyang who was running around the deck.

He shook his head and sighed, "Young people are full of energy. Wouldn't it be better to save this energy to deal with those dark bastards? Why do you have to cause trouble for me?"

The captain scratched his hedgehog-like brown hair and said, "That bastard Ling Feng must have done this on purpose. Don't we already have a map? Why did he need to find a guide for me? I know that every time the General Staff finds me, nothing good will happen!"