Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 1773: The third episode of the third episode of The Best Man is about Sa


The shaking of the vehicle woke Naifei up.

She found herself lying on the seat, wrapped in a thin blanket.

The little girl took away the thin blanket and sat up.

The first thing I saw was Zog lying on the ground of the carriage.

Zog was almost wrapped up like a mummy, with at least five or six syringes stuck in his hands.

Naifei walked over cautiously and looked at the middle-aged man with his eyes closed. She worriedly stretched out her hand to explore Zog's nostrils.

At this time, the middle-aged man said: "I'm not dead yet."

Nephi suddenly sat down on the ground.

Then she heard a voice saying: "Don't worry, your uncle is out of danger."

"As long as he rests for a while longer, he can recover. He is in good health and there is still a long time before he dies of natural old age."

Naifei turned around and saw that it was a chubby man.

He grinned and took out a piece of bread: "Do you want something to eat?"

Naifei swallowed and shook her head: "I'm not hungry."


Her belly betrayed the girl.

Naifei's face suddenly turned red.

The fat man laughed, stuffed the bread into her hand and said, "Eat it, there's not enough."

Naifei nodded, picked up the bread, and nibbled a little carefully.

She was eating.

While looking out of the car.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the thin white clouds in the sky rolled and rolled, revealing a beautiful blue sky.

"Where are we going?"

Nephi asked quietly.

"Sun Castle."

The fat man also picked up a piece of bread and started chewing it.

"We were just about to go there to resupply, just in time. You guys can stay in Lieyang Castle from now on."

"There's a lot of work out there."

Naifei nodded and said, "I can work!"

The fat man laughed and said: "You don't need to, the children of Lieyang Castle don't need to work."

"They just have to do one thing."

“Sleep, eat, play and learn.”

driving in front

A woman in the room corrected: "Those are four things."

Naifei knew that he was Fatty's 'boss'.

She unconsciously felt a little afraid and shrank her neck.

The fat man smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, our boss is very good to children. She even changed diapers and fed milk for a little thing before."

A ball was thrown in from the front cab and hit the fat man on the head.

The fat man hugged the ball and smiled.

Naifei looked at the middle-aged man on the ground: "But Uncle Zog has to recuperate. If I don't work, then we..."

"It doesn't matter."

The fat man whispered: "Our boss is a good friend of the city lord of Lieyang Castle."

"All she has to do is say, and the fortress will help you until your uncle recovers."

Naifei opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe that there was such a paradise in this world.

"Thank you."

The little girl said immediately.

The fat man shook his head and pointed towards the cab: "If you want to thank me, of course I would like to thank our boss."

Naifei whispered to the cab: "Thank you, boss."

"Call me sister." The 'boss' in the cab said.

Naifei thought for a while and said, "Thank you, big sister."

On the other side of the cab, the voice of another girl laughing so hard that she almost died could be heard.

after a few days.

Nephi saw a fortress.

Lieyang Castle has arrived.

There seemed to be no damage here.

The walls are being raised and maintained.

Groups of children on the street gathered and dispersed like clouds in the sky.

In their faces, Nephi saw sunshine, joy, and a lack of worry.

Although Lieyang Castle is in the desert, it doesn't feel hot at all.

This is mainly due to the various trees on the streets, and there seems to be a lot of green plants in the fortress. They make this city in the desert not only have a pleasant climate, but also the air does not feel dry.

Like an oasis in the desert.

at last.

When the magnetic energy car passes through a square.

Nephi saw the 'Savior Statue'.

The towering statue spread its wings as if to protect all living beings.

The magnetic energy car finally stopped.

Naifei was sitting in the car and saw not far away, the 'boss' of the brigade was negotiating with a man.

After a while, the man came over, smiled at Naifei and said, "My name is Adolf, and I will temporarily take over the management of this city in place of our city lord."

"Miss Moonlight has already told me your situation."

"Welcome to Sun Castle."

"Don't worry, the fortress will take care of you."

The man stretched out his big hand and rubbed Naifei's head.

Big tears suddenly rolled down from Naifei's eyes: "Thank you, Lord Adolf."

AdolfAdaofu laughed: “No, you have to thank our Lord Tianyang.”

"He makes the decisions and we just take care of what he wants to implement and manage."

"Go and try to make this world a better place!"

Naifei raised his head and said, "Then can I thank this gentleman in person?"

Adolf's eyes darkened: "Not for the time being."

"Lord Tianyang has left."

"However, I believe that one day he will come back."

"When the time comes, I will take you to see him."

Nephi nodded vigorously.

Next, Adolf called a group of soldiers to take Zog and Naifei to the hospital first.

The former requires recuperation, while the latter must first undergo a series of health examinations.

After these two people left.

Adolf came to Moonlight again: "Miss Moonlight, we recently received news that someone discovered some strange phenomena in a ruins."

"Are the gods active?" Moonlight raised her head.

Adolf took out an electronic board and handed it over: "It's not easy to judge. After all, there are almost no divine evils found now."

"I have never understood the sudden disappearance of the gods, but one thing is for sure. Something must have happened to the tribe of gods."

Moonlight said as he took the electronic board. There was an electronic map inside, and the locations where strange phenomena occurred were marked.

And, relevant information is attached.