Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 18: Temporary order (please recommend)


When he reached lap 55, Tianyang was called back by the captain. The young man discovered that his physical fitness seemed to have improved greatly since he became an Ascended One.

In the past, with such an amount of exercise, he must have been panting non-stop, but now he was only panting slightly.

Could it be that some scholars say that sublimators are lives that are different from human beings, and the end point of sublimation must be another more advanced life form!

When we arrived at the meeting point, there were a lot more people. Including Tianyang himself, there were already more than a dozen people gathered here.

It seems that the Raven Team has all arrived.

However, not all of these dozen people are sublimators. According to the configuration of the Nightcrawler team, there are usually three to five Ascendants as the main force, and six to eight ordinary soldiers are equipped to serve as support and logistics.

At this time, Han Shu coughed dryly and pointed to a man next to him who was similar in age and introduced him: "This is Lao Xu. He has rich experience and is very knowledgeable about those dark bastards. Both he and Cang are the sublimation of the God of War class. The two are level 3 warriors and level 2 swordsmen."

Tianyang looked at that old Xu, his hair was a little thin, his figure was not as straight as Han Shu, he looked like an old man.

He smiled and asked: "Little guy, do you know how to completely kill the people of darkness?"

Tianyang immediately replied: "I know that only by destroying their will cage can they be completely killed. According to research, the will cage is like our human brain, which will send action instructions to the black people. But the more advanced the black people are, the more advanced the black people will be. , the deeper the cage is hidden, the harder it is to destroy.”

Lao Xu looked surprised: "Okay, I thought you didn't know. Well, do you know what the behavioral characteristics of mad dogs are."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Han Shu pushed him away: "I don't have time for you to show off now."

Then he pointed at a woman who was playing with a silver long bow. She had medium-long black hair, fair skin, and rare dark red pupils. She was two or three meters away from the crowd and had a lonely temperament.

"This is Ji Yu, hunter class, level 2 hunter. At the same time, he is also the reconnaissance master of our team."

The woman named Jiyu didn't even blink, as if Han Shu was introducing someone else.

Han Shu seemed to be used to this and shrugged his shoulders: "As for me, the guardian of the fortress, level 4. It's your turn."

Since Ling Feng had ordered not to reveal anything about his new rank,

And it was also mentioned in the mission briefing that Tianyang’s current information to the outside world is the God of War class.

So he lied without his face beating or his heart turning red.

"Okay, so that's the end of the self-introduction." Han Shu said loudly, "Listen, this mission is to recover the star pillar, so our team alone cannot complete it. Therefore, this is a joint operation. In addition to us, there are also There are four other teams participating. There will also be a medical team and a recovery team following. I am the commander-in-chief of this joint operation. Please wake up and don't embarrass me!"

"Now, let's go!"

When moving towards the Clough Gate, Tianyang discovered that among the soldiers of the Raven Squadron, the Yan soldiers who had sent him equipment two days ago were also among them.

Tianyang slightly nodded at him, and the latter seemed a little excited and actually returned a military salute. Then Cangdu in front of him snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction.

After submitting the application, they soon received the release notice. When the Raven Team was about to enter the Clough Gate, several cars rushed over in a hurry. The leading car even circled in front of the team and stopped.

The dust raised by the tires flew past Han Shu's face. The man's face suddenly dropped, and he looked at the people in the car with a gloomy look.

The car door opened, and a man wearing a senior officer's uniform jumped out and shouted: "I am Chen Liu, a senior officer in the Fortress Strategy Department! I have just received an order from the military department. I will accompany the members of the Storm Team on this mission!" "

Han Shu said loudly: "I was not notified, sir."

Chen Liu pointed to the communicator on his body: "Maybe you can confirm with your superiors now, captain."

Han Shu shook his head, said "Wait a moment" to the others, then walked further away, picked up the communicator and contacted the Night Walker headquarters.

After a while, he came back, nodded and said, "It's been confirmed. Now we're going to set off. Do you want to come together, sir?"

The man named Chen Liu said: "Of course."

Then he returned to the car, and the convoy drove through the Clough Gate in front of the Raven Squadron.

Lao Xu couldn't help but said: "Captain, are they really allowed to accompany you?"

Han Shu hummed: "It's a temporary order issued by the military department."

Lao Xu muttered: "People in the Strategy Department don't just sit in the office and come up with ideas. Why do they go to the front line? It's better not to cause trouble for us."

Han Shu scratched his hair and said, "Who knows, let's go, let's go. No matter how slow you are, it will be bad if you miss the high-speed train to the lighthouse."

Eventually, Team Raven passes through the Clough Gate. After that dazed feeling, Tianyang raised his head and returned to the dimly lit reverse world.

Half an hour later, they boarded the high-speed train heading to the lighthouse base. If there are no accidents, we will be able to reach the lighthouse by this time tomorrow.

In a huge carriage, there were five ascendants including Tianyang.

Han Shu and Lao Xu sat together. They didn't know what they were talking about, and they laughed knowingly from time to time.

Jiyu and Cangdu each took their own corner, and it was obvious that they had little interaction with each other.

As for the small group of soldiers, they were in another carriage.

Tianyang's eyes flashed with a figure, and he raised his head. At some point, Han Shu came over.

The captain raised his fingers and said, "Follow me."

Tianyang was confused, but still followed him. When the two passed by a section of carriages, they saw the senior official at the strategic station.

He had already put on a full-body protective suit, but there was a purification device in the carriage, so he didn't wear a helmet.

Chen Liu was holding a communicator, as if he was talking to someone. Seeing Tianyang and the two, he put down his communicator and looked out the window.

The dim light in the reverse world meant that there was no good scenery outside the window. It was obvious that the man named Chen was just trying to avoid the two of them. To be precise, it was Han Shu's gaze.

But Captain Raven didn't even look at him. Instead, Tianyang looked at him frequently.

After Tianyang and the two left, Chen Liu glanced at the door at the back and then picked up the communicator again.

On the screen of the communicator was an old man with white hair and beard, wearing the black and green uniform of the Strategy Department. The shoulder straps feature crossed swords and a star, the emblem of a general.

"Are you already in the car?" the general on the screen asked.

Chen Liu nodded: "Yes, sir. I am already on the high-speed train. Don't worry, I am bringing the elite of the Storm Legion with me this time. With them here, I am absolutely sure to prove to the people of the fortress that even ordinary people can There is also power to deal with the people of darkness.”

"Very well, once or twice may not succeed. But if something like this happens ten or twenty times, then we can leverage the Ascendant's position in the fortress. At the very least, we can reduce the Nightcrawler's financial budget. "

The general roared loudly from his nostrils: "Those bastards have been riding on our heads for too long, it's time for them to get off!"