Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 22: Reduce investment


Qingtian Castle, military command center.

In fact, the military department is just a general name. Its real name is the unified management department of the joint corps.

As a record-keeper of the military department, Cheng Xin felt that his heart was undergoing a great test today.

Originally, his boss told him that an important meeting would be held in the command center later, but the recorder thought it was just a normal daily meeting.

But when he saw his colleagues, including his boss, exiting the command hall one after another, he realized that today's meeting was definitely not simple.

As a result, Wade, the old minister of the Strategy Department, walked in. This old man with a quarter of Western Continent blood, although he was just an ordinary person, he had great authority. Just looking at it makes people tremble with fear.

As soon as the veteran with white hair and beard walked into the command hall, Cheng Xin suddenly wondered if the central air conditioner had failed, otherwise why would there be a burning smell in the air.

Fortunately, the old man didn't look at him and walked straight to a round multi-functional electronic table in the center of the hall. Then, choose one of the five seats and sit down.

Before Cheng Xin could take a breath, a fresh floral fragrance filled his nose. When you close your eyes, you can see the white snow and plum blossoms in full bloom.

Then the rhythmic footsteps made the recorder couldn't help but look towards the door.

A tall female figure walked in from outside the door. Her long black hair parted in the middle danced lightly in the air. Her cold and beautiful face made the recorder forget to breathe for a moment.

But then, the dark purple uniform on the woman and the golden general star on her shoulder made Cheng Xin's heart beat wildly again.

Because she is the general of the Storm Legion and has a noble status, but she is still unwilling to choose a strange woman with a last name for herself, Feimei!

The female general with light makeup swept across the hall. When her eyes accidentally glanced at Cheng Xin, the recorder felt a chill all over his body, as if he had been thrown into an ice cellar.

Although he has grown up, he has never seen real ice and snow.

Feimei sat opposite old Wade, who looked up, nodded slightly, and was busy typing something into a communicator.

"Old guy, what's going on, why do you want to call us here? Don't you know, I'm very busy."

A loud voice sounded from outside the hall door, and then a figure squeezed in at the door.

That's right.

It’s crowded!

Even though he is no longer young, his burly body still puts many young people to shame. Nightcrawler that black

The long-colored uniform was draped on his body casually, acting as a dark cloak.

The old man with an eyepatch on his right eye and a mechanical arm on his left hand is the commander of Night Walker, Chu Yan.

He sat carelessly next to Fei Mei and tutted: "The little girl is getting more and more beautiful. If you don't consider that boy Ling Feng, I think you two are a good match."

A rare look of helplessness flashed across Feimei's face: "Commander Chu, please don't waste your energy. I have never thought about getting married."

Chu Yan sighed: "You are so outstanding, so outstanding that no man can match you. But Feimei, a girl must find a home, otherwise she will be very lonely in the future."

The old Wade on the opposite side raised his head and sneered: "It's just you, Chu Yan, who mind your own business."

Chu Yan snorted from his nostrils: "It's better than you, the old guy who plots people all day long."

The recorder not far away shrank back, fearing that the two would quarrel.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The fourth person who walked in from the gate was much younger than the two veterans. He was a middle-aged man under fifty years old.

Wearing the iron-clad black and blue uniform of the city guard, including gloves, military boots, and holster, he was dressed neatly and meticulously.

The recorder felt like he was about to faint. This was Cao Gang, the commander of Tiebi. Coupled with his words, all the big shots on the second rung of the fortress' pyramid of power are here.

Cao Gang took his seat and looked at old Wade: "The city lord can't come because he has something to do. Minister Wade, we can get started."

Old Wade hummed: "Before the meeting, I would like to ask everyone to watch some clips."

He activated a control interface on the smooth desktop, and with a tap of his fingers, a set of holographic images appeared above the table.

In it, a team of Nightcrawlers can be seen fighting.

Chu Yan exclaimed: "That's our Raven Team. Aren't they going to recover the Star Marrow Pillar? Why did they get involved with the Prowler..."

Old Wade said slowly: "On the way to the lighthouse base, we encountered a small group of prowlers. We are currently cleaning them up."

Chu Yan wondered: "Old man, why do you want us to watch? Also, who is filming?"

Old Wade replied: "One of my subordinates, I asked him to participate in this operation. He led a storm team, General Feimei should know about it."

Feimei nodded: "I've read the report. It said it was testing the actual combat performance of the fifth-generation weapon."

"That's right..."

In the holographic screen, a fifth-generation shooting three-dimensional weapon passed nearby. As the screen zoomed in, it could be seen that the three-dimensional weapon was strafing another group of prowlers.

The Minister of Strategy glanced at the communicator: "Unfortunately, there are still Prowlers nearby. But it doesn't matter. Judging from the performance of this fifth-generation armed aircraft, it is easy to annihilate those black people."

Sure enough, it only took the fifth-generation weapon three minutes to clean up a group of about three hundred Prowlers.

The picture stops playing.

Chu Yan seemed to feel something, and his tone became colder: "Old man, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just want everyone to feel the power of technology."

Old Wade spread his hands and a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth: "As you can see, it took about 5 minutes for the Raven Squad to annihilate less than a hundred Prowlers; while the Storm Squad only sent out one weapon. Not only did it take them Annihilated more people of darkness, and in less time.”

"Next, let's compare the costs. As we all know, Sublimators...even low-level Sublimators are a big money magnet. According to incomplete statistics, the resources we invest in these Sublimators every year are enough to produce three Hundreds of 5th generation weapons.”

"There are three hundred of them. Moreover, they can be repaired and parts can be replaced, and their service life can be at least ten or eight years. Let's look at the sublimated ones. How many people are newly awakened by the sublimated ones every year? Are there twenty? ?”

Feimei shook his head: "No, on average, there are about 10.5 newly awakened sublimators every year."

Old Wade slapped his palm on the table: "That's right, less than 11. Moreover, they consume too many resources and the battle loss rate is not low. The most important thing is that the investment in them is not a one-time investment. But it’s ongoing.”

"Think about it, everyone, if the same resources are used to mass-produce three-dimensional weapons. Ten years later, the Storm Legion will have more than three thousand three-dimensional weapons. What kind of armed force will it be?"

Chu Yan snorted: "Old Wade, what do you want to say, just say it directly."

Old Wade cleared his throat, stood up and said: "I want to say that the resources invested by the Ascended are not proportional to their contribution. Of course, I am not saying that they are useless. But, can you think about it properly? Maybe we can Slightly reduce the investment in the Ascended Ones, and then use these resources in more appropriate positions!”

The air in the command hall suddenly froze, and the recorder's hand hovered over the electronic board. He did not dare to record this sentence.