Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 25: Disagreement


The convoy was driving on a road leading to the city, with broken pavement. However, the rough road was no problem for the Fortress, which had a high chassis, thick tires, and powerful power.

The team's progress was not fast, even though they had explored one third of the city so far.

But the situation in the city, or more precisely, the distribution of the dark people, was changing every day. Therefore, no matter which commander went deep into the city, he would not dare to advance rashly.

Sitting in the Falcon light tank, Old Xu looked out the window at the dilapidated buildings in the distance that looked like huge tombstones under the dim sky, and sighed: "The civilization of No. 127 Reverse World is really similar to us. Look at the appearance and structure of these buildings. What is the difference with our fortress?"

"This metropolis is much bigger than our Skyfort." Han Shu, who was leaning back in his chair with his legs stretched out, said, "Also, the cities in the Reverse Realm don't need any protection on the periphery, and there are no artillery batteries. This shows that they were in a relatively peaceful and safe state before they became like this."

Cang Du muttered in the back: "A world without the threat of evil creatures? How enviable."

Ji Yu, who was driving, sneered: "What's there to envy? Do you like it the way it is now?"

Old Xu laughed dryly and tried to smooth things over: "At least before it became what it is now, it should have been an enviable world. According to the information we have collected, Metropolis is equivalent to the size of two of our Skyfortresses. There is a large fault in the west, dividing the city into two. We don't know much about the situation over there."

"But the area we are in has roads extending in all directions, and there are no checkpoints at all. This shows that the residents of the city back then could come and go freely. They may have had classes, but they should not be obvious. As for the buildings, the tallest one even has 80 floors, which is really unimaginable height. How many people can a building like this accommodate?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, the metropolis can support at least a million people. On our side, the only super fortress cities that can reach this level are those like Fort Glory."

Han Shu added: "Don't forget that they also have cars. We also found vehicles similar to trains under the city. It seems that their transportation is also very developed, and there are even some strange tools that look like giant steel birds. Some scholars say that such things may be some kind of aircraft, ha. Can you imagine? Such a bulky thing can actually fly in the sky!"

"That's nothing. Those crazy people in Qiongcang Castle even wanted to fly to the moon. However, this joke has been circulating for a hundred years, and we have never heard of them succeeding." After saying this, Old Xu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Tianyang looked at the window of the chariot and said casually: "If there were residents living in the metropolis, then where did the residents go after it became like this?"

The atmosphere in the chariot suddenly tensed. Tianyang was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had asked a question that he shouldn't have asked.

Old Xu smiled, but it was a forced smile: "Tianyang, this kind of thing..."

"People of darkness." Han Shu suddenly spoke.

Old Xu coughed and said, "Captain?"

"It doesn't matter. He will come into contact with it sooner or later anyway." Han Shu shook his head.

Tianyang was completely confused.

Then Han Shu continued, "Boy, how do you think the Dark People came from?"

Tian Yang was startled. He had read many books, but none of them mentioned the origin of the Dark People. Almost everyone agreed that no matter which numbered world, there were a lot of evil and ugly things.

That is the people of darkness.

The dark people in each reverse world have different forms, they only have one thing in common, the cage of will!

But from the emergence of the Kraft Gate to the present day, no scholar has ever unearthed the origins of the Dark People.

Could it be that...

Tianyang suddenly had a terrible idea, and because of this horrible thought, his fingers trembled slightly.

Han Shu glanced at him and took out a cigarette from his pocket. He lit it and bit his lips: "It seems that you have guessed it. Yes, the original residents of the Reverse Realm are likely to have transformed into the people of darkness. This can explain why there is not a single living person in such a huge Reverse Realm, but only those disgusting bastards!"

Old Xu smiled bitterly and said, "Qiongcang Castle once submitted a report to the Golden Council. I don't know the specific content. But it is rumored that those lunatics believe that the dark people have the ability to reproduce. So they can exist for a long time and cannot be killed. Moreover, based on the commonality of the will cage, they think that all the reverse worlds may come from the same place."

Tian Yang was shocked: "How big must that place be to be able to divide it into hundreds of inverse realms!"

Old Xu shrugged: "I don't know about that. Anyway, there are too many secrets in the world of rebellion. So many that if you think about it, you will be scared to death.

I couldn’t sleep.”

Han Shu blew out a smoke ring: "Coward!"

Old Xu laughed and did not refute.

It is not shameful to be afraid of adversity. Being fearless is the most foolish thing!

Beep, beep, beep—

The tank control console sounded a prompt, and Ji Yu looked at it: "Captain, we received a distress signal."

"Play." Han Shu took off his cigarette, his eyes serious.

After a moment, a hoarse, vague voice came from the player: "... ... Can anyone hear me... ... .. Trapped... ... .. Requesting support, the coordinates are as follows..."

There was a faint roar mixed in with the sound, and you could tell at once that the sound was not made by a human.

Han Shu picked up the intercom and said, "I am the captain of the Raven Squad, Han Shu. Which team are you from? Please reply if you get it!"

Unfortunately, the other party seemed unable to hear Han Shu's voice and continued to repeat the broadcast three or four times. Then the signal was interrupted.

After the distress signal disappeared, the voices of other team leaders were heard on the public communication channel in the car.

"Captain Han, did you receive the distress signal?"

"The coordinates they provided are nearby. Should we go over there?"

... ... .

Han Shu did not respond immediately. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Send the broadcast back to the lighthouse base and ask the base command room to dispatch additional personnel for rescue. Our mission is to recover the star pillar. Don't be distracted by other things now."

"Well, that's fine."

"You are the commander of the operation, you have the final say."

Just when it seemed that no one else had any objections, at this moment, Chen Liu's voice rang out.

"I object!"

Chen Liu said righteously: "Let the base redeploy personnel. By the time they arrive, the people may have been dead. The Star Marrow Pillar will not move by itself. It doesn't matter if we arrive earlier or later."

"On the contrary, the people trapped now really can't wait. No matter from which perspective, I think we should give priority to saving people!"

PS: The reward information is not shown in the comment area now. Only a total amount can be seen in the background, so I can only thank every brother who has given a reward, and the brothers who collected and recommended it. Thank you everyone!