Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 27: Mad Dog (recommendation required)


In the light, the man with his back to the rescue team had his head buried so deep that only his bent back could be seen.

He was not wearing any clothes, not even a single piece. So you could tell at a glance that he was very thin, which made his lumbar vertebrae almost pierce through the skin.

His skin is an unhealthy grayish white, which makes him look even thinner.

"Something's wrong."

Han Shu shouted, "Liang Sen, leave him alone, and go. I feel something is wrong, very wrong!"

At this time, the holographic projection began to flicker, as if the signal was interfered with, and the captain of the Highland Eagle seemed not to have heard Han Shu's warning.

In the picture, Liang Sen was seen shouting at the man next to the cabinet: "Which team are you from? Where are your teammates? Are you the only one trapped?"

The repetitive sound stopped, and the man seemed to react. His body moved slightly, and then he began to stand up.

Several rifles were pointed at him, and the Highland Eagle private took the necessary precautions.

In the picture, the man slowly stood up. When he stood up, it was discovered that he was very tall. Before he even raised his head, it was almost touching the ceiling.

"Oh my God." Chen Liu screamed in fear, "What is this? What is this?"

This is obviously not a human. The normal human height is less than 2.5 meters, and no human's hands and feet have reversed joints.

And then he, oh no, it!

It turned around and people saw its head, if that trumpet-like thing could be called a head.


Its chest cavity suddenly split open, and this crack extended to the abdomen, and then the chest and lower abdomen suddenly opened to the left and right. Under the exposed skin and flesh, you can see the white bones that serve as support.

Deep inside the body, there are all kinds of indescribable strange organs, and on the surface of those organs, there is a human face protruding.

As for the open body cavity, it looks like the mouth of a devil!

"... ... Can anyone hear me... ... .. Trapped... ... .. Requesting support, coordinates are as follows..."

The same words, amplified a hundred times, came out from the face of the man in the devil's mouth. In an instant, the holographic projection was seriously disturbed, and the image transmission was delayed for a full 5 seconds.

When the signal was restored, the dark creature that had never been seen before was being forced back by the blast of seven or eight rifles, with large flowers of blood blooming on its body.

Finally, Liang Sen stepped forward, and with his God of War skill, he split the thing in half with one sword. From the split body, an organ like a heart rolled out, emitting a light yellow light, and it was obvious that

It is the monster's will cage.

Liang Sen stabbed down with his sword, and the cage broke. The body that was originally split into two pieces on the ground was still twitching. But as soon as the cage broke, the movement stopped immediately, and the body quickly melted.

After a while, it turned into a pile of rotten things.

Han Shu shook his head: "Liang Sen, come back soon."

This time Liang Sen heard it, gave an order, and the team evacuated.

But when the scene changed, Han Shu jumped up because there was a figure missing at the end of the building passage.


Those cursed creatures staggered out from both sides of the T-shaped passage. In the picture, those ugly figures were expanding.

As if the trouble Liang Sen and the others had caused was not big enough, at this moment, a fence separating a ventilation hole in front of the passage suddenly fell down, and a wanderer slid down from it and fell to the ground.

Before it could get up, more wanderers slid down from the vent one after another, climbed up from the ground, and staggered forward.

A meaningless cry came out of his mouth, and his twisted and weird limbs stretched out towards the camera!

Liang Sen shouted: "Retreat, retreat into the room quickly!"

There were a lot of wanderers, but that was not enough to overwhelm a team of night walkers. But considering Chen Liu's safety, Liang Sen did not dare to take the risk. In desperation, he had to retreat into the room and wait for rescue.

"Damn it, I knew it would be like this!" Han Shu yelled, "Night Raiders, let's go!"

Tian Yang wanted to follow, but Han Shu pointed at him and said, "You stay!"

Then he looked at the leader of the Gray Pigeon Squad, a lady with a shaved head: "Lida, I'll leave this to you!"

After saying that, Wuwu hurriedly led his team members to rush towards the spherical building.

Tianyang could vaguely hear Han Shu asking someone to contact the 5th generation armed forces. With the firepower of that armed force, it would not be difficult to blast an escape route for the Highland Eagle.

After the Raven Squad left, the bald lady who temporarily took command shouted in a voice that was not in proportion to her size: "Everyone, listen up. Retreat to the square. The recovery team and the medical team will be in the center. Other teams, use a defensive formation and act now!"

The convoy moved immediately, following the order of Captain Lida. The vehicles of the recovery team and the medical team stopped in the middle of the square, and several chariots of the Night Walker team formed a defensive formation to protect non-combatants.

Then set up a defense line and arrange temporary shelters.

Even the fifth-generation heavy-duty three-dimensional armed aircraft brought by Chen Liu stood in the middle of the formation, with all heavy firepower on standby, ready for battle.

There is a reason for being so cautious.

There is such a monster among the dark people. It is obviously a biological organism, but it can send out distress signals that can be received by electronic equipment.

Thus the trap was set.

As for human language, it is obviously related to that human face!

Based on past experience, this trap may not be that simple.

Besides, it is always a good idea to be more cautious when you are in adversity. It is better to feel that you did something unnecessary afterwards than to be caught off guard.

It turned out that Captain Lida's worries were correct. Not long after the Raven Squad left, a red flare suddenly rose into the air on the dark road in front of the square.

That's the alarm from the team members on the guard line who spotted the enemy!

"Mad dogs! It's a pack of dogs, at least a hundred of them!"

At the same time, the guard's gasping shouting was heard in everyone's communication channel.

The bald lady immediately shouted: "Energy artillery enters standby mode, the War God class forms the vanguard team, and the other classes and soldiers provide long-range assistance!"

Tianyang immediately rushed to the front of the formation and formed the forward line of defense with seven or eight War God-level Ascendants.

The boy's left eye lit up red, a sign that the tactical eye had activated its infrared vision. Tianyang looked in the direction of the red flare, and the visual distance narrowed.

Suddenly, a figure that should have existed only in nightmares appeared in Tianyang's sight.

When he saw the devilish figure, Tianyang felt his stomach twitch and the nauseous feeling almost made him vomit out everything he had eaten.

Mad Dog, a monster that is a combination of a human and a dog. Its pointed ears stand up high, its eyes flash with bloodthirsty red light, and its face looks like a human but with a protruding nose. Just one look at it is enough to make people shudder and scream.

It had no hair and was even somewhat smooth. It was running on the ground using its hands and feet like a dog.

Mad dogs are thin and the male dogs have hooked claws. The ribs on the sides of the female dogs' bodies will protrude from their bellies and close together under their bellies, supporting a mass that looks like a tumor.

According to records, when the female dog rushed into the crowd, the tumor would swell and explode, spraying the highly toxic substances inside at high pressure to all around. This is an indiscriminate weapon of mass destruction, and it is also the origin of the name of the mad dog.

Looking at the pack of dogs approaching the defense line in the electronic eye, Tianyang remembered what Lao Xu had said before.

If the people of darkness were transformed from the original inhabitants of the reverse world, then is this form of life evolution or degeneration

What happened in the reverse world that caused the original life to become the monster it is today