Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 28: leader


The battle was kicked off by the 5th generation general-purpose heavy-duty aircraft. The pilot brazenly fired a heavy rocket launcher into the area where the dog pack was most densely populated, creating a bright orange-yellow fireball.

There was a scorching heat in the air, and even though he was more than 300 meters away, Tianyang still felt as if his hair was on fire.

A roar of joy rang out from the convoy's defense line. It must be said that the power of this shell was really inspiring. The dog pack was directly reduced by two-thirds, and the remaining mad dogs were affected by the impact of the explosion and their bodies were shaken.

After a while, they continued their charge, and what greeted them were heavy machine guns.

The two heavy machine guns on the back of the three-dimensional weapon were lifted up by two mechanical arms, with the muzzles pointed at the mad dogs, and then roared passionately.

Bullet shells the size of a child's fist fell to the ground one after another, and the dense knocking sounds rang in everyone's ears.

Once the running mad dog is hit, its entire body will explode. Even if the cage of will is fortunately not shattered, its rotten body can only twitch on the ground in vain and cannot pose any threat to the defense line.

As a result, this group of mad dogs were completely wiped out in less than two minutes under the firepower of the fifth-generation weapons.

"That's amazing..." said the girl with a round face, soft features and childishness that has not yet completely disappeared. She is a newcomer to the Gray Pigeon Team and has only participated in two missions so far.

The bald lady Lida looked at the 5th Generation Armed Forces calmly and said, "In two minutes, we consumed about 2,000 contribution points of ammunition. If we can't even take down a pack of dogs, the Armed Forces Research Lab can all resign and apologize."

The new girl stuck out her tongue, unable to believe that she had just spent 2,000 contribution points in the blink of an eye.

After completing two missions, she only earned 800 contribution points!

The machine guns stopped roaring, but before people could breathe a sigh of relief, a shadow appeared in front of them. Then, dogs appeared on both sides.

There were still about a hundred dogs, four or five groups, running from different directions.

This time the dogs learned their lesson. The monsters dispersed and advanced in echelons, rushing towards the defense line like a gray torrent!

Lida's voice rang out from everyone's communicator: "The 5th generation armed forces will attack head-on, and the others will deal with the dog packs on the left and right sides. Gunners, get ready, and try to send the star shells to densely populated areas. It's still a long way to go before the mission is completed, so don't run out of ammunition here!"

Several star element energy heavy artillery on the Falcon tanks, under the gunner

Under the operation, they point to different directions respectively, trying to expand the fire coverage as much as possible.

When the heavy machine guns of the fifth generation armed forces roared again, the energy heavy guns also sounded the hum of charging. Then, a blue ball of light streaked across the battlefield like a meteor and landed in the pack of dogs.

The light ball exploded, generating waves that spread out in all directions. The mad dog suddenly stopped running as it was swept by these waves that seemed to flow like water. Then its body fell apart, along with the cage of will inside it, and broke into regular particles that were centimeters long and wide.

A moment later, soldiers with rifles and other Ascendants who were good at long-range attacks also joined the battle.

At this point, in front of the defense line, a dense and magnificent firepower network was interwoven by guns and abilities, blocking most of the mad dogs.

If there are any who slip through the net, they will be handed over to the Ascendants including Tianyang to deal with.

With the particle sword in hand, Tianyang lowered his center of gravity slightly and focused nervously on the front.

Suddenly a black shadow rushed out from the fire net. It was a male dog, and it rushed straight towards Tianyang.

The boy could see the human-like head, with blood-red eyes filled with madness.

The mad dog leaped up and grabbed the boy from above.

Tianyang's mind went blank and his body rolled under the mad dog driven by instinct.

The particle sword slashed a dark blade, cutting off most of the mad dog's limbs. The monster fell to the ground and continued to bite everywhere. Then the broken limbs moved and actually crawled towards Tianyang.

A sharp sword stabbed down, penetrated the mad dog's head and broke out from its chin.

After another turn, the red light in the mad dog's eyes began to fade.

With one foot on the dog corpse, the owner of the long sword drew out the weapon, pointed at his head and said, "The cage of this thing is under the skull. Either chop off the head or pierce the cage directly. Do you understand?"

Tianyang nodded: "I'm grateful for your advice."

The battle was fierce, but also short. Five minutes later, the battle was almost over. Just as the humans were about to reap the fruits of victory, screams and cries suddenly rang out from the square behind.

Tian Yang had just beheaded a mad dog, and when he turned around, he saw mad dogs appearing in the square behind the defense line. One of the female dogs had just detonated the tumor bomb under her ribs, blowing herself away, and the splashing poisonous juice splashed on several recovery team members.

The poison was obviously corrosive, and the team members' protective clothing was corroded in an instant. Several other male dogs rushed in.

The crowd bit everyone they saw, causing chaos for the recovery team and the medical team.

A familiar figure appeared in Tianyang's eyes. It was Xun. She ran towards the defense line. But she was pushed down by a panicked man behind her. What was worse was that behind Xun, a male dog rushed towards her with disgusting saliva flowing from its mouth.

A faint light drifted down from the hair, and the scenery in Tianyang's eyes turned into a flowing light and shadow. The figures of Xun and the mad dog rapidly expanded in his field of vision.

Finally, Tianyang saw himself through the girl’s helmet mask, his whole body emitting a hazy silver glow, and the particle sword that turned into a black waterfall of light and chopped down at the male dog’s head!

The mad dog's hard skull was completely unable to block the sword's cutting. Its head and the front half of its body were cut in half by Tianyang's sword. The still-broken body of the dog fell powerlessly to the ground like a huge blooming red flower, and the gushing blood flowed quietly by the boy's feet.

Tianyang turned around and pulled Xun up: "Are you okay?"

Xun shook his head.

Tianyang pointed in the direction of the front line of defense: "Go over there quickly."

Then he picked up the knife and ran to the next target.

This scene was seen by the bald lady who was in charge of commanding the entire situation: "Can a War God class perform at such a speed?"

Rita's eyes flashed with surprise, and then she shouted, "The attack of these bastards is organized. There must be a leader in the pack. Who can find it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a hunter-class Ascendant called out, "Commander, 1 o'clock, 800 meters away!"

The bald lady picked up a telescope and looked in the direction the hunter said.

A demon appeared in her sight.

It was a bigger, more mutated mad dog!

It looks like a male and female dog sewn together.

For example, its head is half male and half female.

It has two front limbs, four hind limbs, dark red skin, and gray-white ribs on both sides of its body, forming armor.

The arched back was covered with three clusters of short black bone spines. Rita bet that they were definitely not decorations.

In the telescope, the big dog opened and closed its mouth, as if roaring, and then several male dogs around it trotted away, as if to carry out the orders of their leader.

Putting down the telescope, Lida gritted her teeth and said, "Fifth Generation Armaments, fire a shot in that direction!"

"Yes, sir!"