Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 3: An unexpected discovery



Tianyang grabbed a shelf nearby, pulled himself up from the ground, and jumped to the door with one foot. The boy closed the door hard, and saw that the metal door was about to isolate the darkness of the passage and the pale ghost lights.

A hand reached out and inserted itself between the door and the door frame.

The metal door wouldn't close.

“Damn it!”

Tianyang picked up the dagger and slashed it. The sharp alloy dagger cut off the rotten hand easily like cutting tofu.

At least, half of the palm was cut off.

The door was finally closed and Tianyang quickly locked it. Continuous banging sounds and the depressing breathing of the wanderer could be heard outside the door.

The young man pushed the iron cabinet against the wall to block the door, and then carefully walked around the severed hand on the ground.

Finally, he wiped clean the dagger stained with the wanderer's body fluids. However, the yellowed metal surface on the blade showed that it was no longer as sharp as before.

The Prowler's body fluids are corrosive, and although the intensity is limited, it is enough to blunt the dagger.

Even so, Tianyang still kept it, after all, it was a gift from his mother.

This was the first gift Tianyang had ever received since he could remember, and the boy cherished it very much.

Sitting on the floor covered with documents, leaning against a shelf, the previous activity had aggravated the injury.

The boy's thigh was covered in blood, so he quickly took the first aid kit, opened it, and pulled out a bottle of disinfectant spray.

Spray the wound, disinfecting it while cleaning away the blood around it.

Then Tianyang took the scalpel and tweezers and removed a bullet from his thigh.

He then used a stapler to sew up the wound, gave him a painkiller injection, and applied a tourniquet. After doing all this, the boy let the tools scatter on the ground, his face in the helmet covered with sweat.

After a while, Tianyang took a survival kit and inserted it into the extractor of the protective suit. After activating it, a straw stretched out from the helmet.

The boy held the straw in his mouth, which provided the high-energy liquid food needed for the day's activities and continuously poured it into his mouth.

The Reverse World was filled with omnipresent black fog, which did more than simply absorb light and heat. Except for the Ascended, ordinary people would die if exposed to the black fog for more than 15 minutes without protection.

Death can be said to be the most ideal outcome, but some people will be contaminated by the black fog and eventually transformed into something similar to what is outside the door.

Therefore, in the adverse world, you must carry liquid food. When eating, you use an extractor to complete the food replenishment under sealed conditions.

After eating a portion of liquid food, Tianyang finally felt a little warmer, and his hands and feet were no longer cold. He stretched his body, then took the remaining tourniquets and stuck them on the gaps in his protective suit.

There are several layers stacked up.

Tianyang hoped that they could seal the gap in the protective suit and stop the pheromone from leaking out. But whether it would work or not was up to fate.

Fortunately, it seemed that God had not given up on him. After a while, the knocking sound outside the door gradually stopped.

But the danger is not over yet.

The reason their team was trapped here was because the captain was greedy for merit and advanced too recklessly, ending up going too deep, and the route back to the team was cut off by a large number of Wanderers.

Unless he finds a new route, Tianyang will have to wait for death once his survival supplies run out.

The boy clenched his fists. He was not willing to die here.


When he joined the collection team, he vowed to let his mother, who had worked hard for most of her life, live a good life from then on.

What's more, he also has to repay Qin Wu's "care", although the boy doesn't know how to cross the huge class gap between the two and take revenge on the unscrupulous captain who used him as bait.

There was a dull sound of gunfire coming faintly from outside the window. It was the roar of the attacker's rifle. Tianyang propped himself up and went to the window.

Through the thin mist, I could vaguely see a light coming on at the bottom of the southeast floor, and then a car rushed out from the dim alley.

That was the collection team's standard vehicle, the Coyote light field vehicle. The vehicle had a high chassis and universal wheels, allowing it to be adjusted in direction at will.

It is equipped with a continuous live-ammunition machine gun and a front-mounted light machine gun, which can provide certain firepower support.

It seems that Qin Wu and the other two have successfully left the building, but whether they can return to the team safely still depends on their luck.

Tianyang looked up at the sky. It was not completely dark. Although it was dim, it was not so dark that one could not see one's hand in front of one's face.

The sky at this moment is more like the gloom before a summer thunderstorm. The clouds are thick and block out the light.

Under this oppressive light, one can see the dilapidated buildings across the street, only the frames remaining. Together with the outlines of buildings further away, they form something called a city.

Qin Wu was right. This Reverse World No. 127 was so similar to the world where Tianyang and the others lived.

But Tianyang never wanted the world where he was born and grew up, nourished by sunshine and rain, to become like the horrible thing before him.

Perhaps long ago, this world was also full of sunshine, birdsong and fragrance of flowers. But now, this world is like a seriously ill patient, struggling on the brink of death.


A strange hollow howl came from the street at the bottom of the building, and Tianyang saw several wanderers passing by the building.

Those things with twisted bodies, like lepers, are just like the immortal human germs of this world. They are everywhere, wandering around. Wherever they pass, it is filthy.

These abominable dark creatures are located at the bottom of the biological pyramid of the Reverse World. They are slow in movement and have no five senses, but once they gather in sufficient numbers, they will overwhelm everything.

On the way here, Tianyang saw with his own eyes that a large number of wanderers gathered together. They pushed and shoved each other, and from a distance they looked like a group of snakes.

Entangled, rolling, surging!

The tangled mass of ugliness spread like an infectious disease along the streets, then dispersed and spread out, contaminating the entire world.

There aren’t many people wandering around the building now, but Tianyang knows that it won’t be long before this place will be invaded by evil.

Must get out of here!

But where to go

While thinking about this question, Tianyang discovered that the wanderers that passed by the building had moved to an intersection ahead.

But for some reason, they suddenly stopped, then turned around at the same time and walked back.

Although wanderers have the habit of moving back and forth meaninglessly in a certain area.

But their behavior just now was contrary to common sense. It was as if they had encountered something scary and turned around to avoid it.

What's at that intersection

Tianyang decided to go and take a look.

Sliding down the pipe outside the wall, the boy moved along the wall. When a prowler passed by him, Tianyang held his breath.

Fortunately, the thing with pus constantly rolling off its surface was completely unaware of his presence and gradually walked away with staggering steps.

Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief, gripped the dagger tightly, and came to the intersection.

This is a T-shaped intersection. The street is empty and there is no one wandering around.

Vehicles were everywhere on the road, if these things with no weapons, only four pitiful little wheels and thin armor could be called vehicles.

In short, only the remains of these iron-wrapped things remained, like steel corpses, helplessly allowing some fat, white, morbid fungal vegetation to invade them.

Through the weak light on the shoulder of the protective suit, Tianyang saw that the road was covered with large and small colonies of bacteria. If you step on it carelessly, it will be like stepping into mud.

That feeling of corruption and decay is simply disgusting!

Tianyang tried his best to step on the road that was not covered by bacteria. As he passed a corner, he suddenly saw a flash of light in the corner of his eye.

The boy stopped and looked back. Not far from the corner, there was a passage leading underground.

There was a conspicuous sign hanging on the outside of the passage, with patterns and some text-like things on it.

Tianyang couldn't understand the words in the reverse world, but he could make out the pattern. It was a train running in a tunnel.

It seems that the beings who once lived in the world of reversal like to dig tunnels under their own cities. What kind of evil taste is this...

At the entrance to the underground tunnel, there grew a strange plant. It looked a bit like the moonlight grass that Tianyang was familiar with, but this glowing plant was actually a crystal.

A crystal with a plant-like appearance, Star Crystal Grass!

The boy's heart suddenly burned. The light emitted by the Star Crystal Grass was something that the Dark People hated extremely. Even the wanderers who had no reaction to the light source would instinctively stay away from the location of the Star Crystal Grass.

More importantly, the Star Crystal Grass only grows near the Star Marrow Pillar. In other words, there may be a Star Marrow Pillar in that underground tunnel!

This kind of exclusive specialty of the Reverse Realm is an important medium that allows ordinary people to have the opportunity to become ascenders, and it is also the energy supply required for the operation of each fortress.

The merit of discovering the Star Marrow Pillar alone can be exchanged for a considerable amount of contribution points.

This is also the reason why Qin Wu did not hesitate to take the risk and go deeper.

It turns out that Dongyan's digital model was not wrong, there is indeed a Star Marrow Pillar here. If they had explored further at that time, it would be a different story now.

Tianyang took a deep breath in the hood, and then went deeper into the passage. The further he went down, the brighter the light became. When the boy stepped on the ground, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

A towering tree appeared in the tunnel. It was so majestic, with a straight trunk and lush crown.

From the roots to the leaves, everything exudes a silver glow!

The light was so holy that it dispelled the darkness, like a bright lighthouse on the dark sea, shining into the desperate hearts and rekindling the fire of hope.

Tianyang stretched out his hand, his lips trembling, his heart beating faster, and he walked towards it excitedly.



At this time, a strange noise came from the top of the passage. The slightly sharp sound touched Tianyang's nerves and made the boy come back to his senses immediately.

He turned quickly, dagger raised, knees slightly lowered, and assumed a fighting stance.

Something is coming...