Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 32: Provocation (seeking collection)


After the convoy set off again, everyone could see that Han Shu was in a bad mood.

He was in a bad mood, and there was a reason for that. In order to rescue Chen Liu, the Raven and Highland Eagle teams lost three soldiers. The personnel left behind in the square also suffered a number of casualties.

Ammunition, star energy, and medical resources were also depleted to varying degrees. In fact, there was an ascender in the medical vehicle who had just undergone surgery and was lying on a bed in the intensive care unit.

And all this could have been avoided.

So no one spoke on the way, even Old Xu, who talked the most, smoked silently.

Tianyang sat in the back seat of the chariot, silently summarizing and reflecting on his previous battle.

Through actual combat, he discovered that the star essence in his body could reach its peak activity in a very short time, which gave him extremely strong explosive power and high mobility.

But the biggest discovery was the detection of the weaknesses of the dark people.

When he observed the mutant in the mad dog, the dog's skin and flesh faded, allowing Tianyang to directly see the will prison in its body. And then he killed it instantly with one knife, proving that it was not an illusion.

Now that I think about it, this should be the specific application of job-level ability weakness sensing.

Thinking of this, Tianyang secretly looked at Han Shu in front of him... However, the fading phenomenon did not occur.

Could it be that this ability is ineffective against humans

The boy thought, if only there was an instruction manual...

“It’s a bit strange.”

Old Xu, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

Han Shu in front said unhappily, "What's so strange about that?"

Old Xu tapped lightly on the car window with his fingers: "Captain, look outside, it's too quiet."

"I remember the mission report said there were a large number of Prowlers here, but how come we didn't see any?"

The convoy turned an intersection, and within the range of the lights, there was not a single shadow in sight.

Tianyang also looked out the window, and just as Lao Xu said, there was not a single wanderer on the street.

But when he left, the number of the lowest class of black people was so large that it was not an exaggeration to say that they were huge.

Now, where did that stuff go

Han Shu said nonchalantly, "Maybe they went somewhere else. Things like Wanderers will wander around the world. Do you expect them to stay in the metropolis forever?"

Old Xu murmured, "I hope so."

As a result, there was no collision until we arrived at the destination.

The last Prowler went so smoothly that it felt unreal.

But for Han Shu, it would be best if the return journey was just as smooth, then this mission would be barely perfect.

Seeing the entrance to the tunnel where the Star Marrow Pillar grew again, Tianyang was deeply moved. It was in that tunnel that his life changed.

The tunnel below can be regarded as a crossroads of the boy’s fate.

Now that I'm back again, I don't know what will happen.

Hopefully nothing happens.

The young man, who was quite satisfied with the current situation, said so in his heart.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the tunnel, and two Night Walker teams jointly set up a cordon. The Raven team went down the tunnel to explore, and after confirming that there was no danger, they allowed the recovery team to enter the tunnel with their equipment.

When Tianyang followed Chen Liu and others into the tunnel, the recovery team was already preparing for mining.

Such a large star pillar naturally cannot be completely recovered. The only ones that can be completely recovered are those small ones, like the one in the Sky Fort Memorial Park.

But even if it can be completely recovered, after leaving the Reverse Realm, the Star Pillar will not continue to grow. Moreover, the star essence in it will slowly disappear. So far, there is no clear answer to this phenomenon.

"Okay, everyone listen to me."

Han Shu coughed dryly, drawing everyone's attention. "According to our tradition, all personnel involved in recovering the Star Pillar, except for the Ascended, will have a chance to touch the Star Pillar. Old Xu, go get the medical team down as well."

Old Xu agreed and was about to leave, but Chen Liu stopped him: "What kind of tradition is this? Why haven't I heard of it? Captain Han, what the hell are you doing!"

Han Shu said unhappily, "I'm not playing tricks. This is our Night Walker tradition. What's the matter? Retrieving star pillars is a dangerous and arduous task. They are fully qualified to get a chance to change their fate."

"Nonsense!" Chen Liu shouted, "The coming-of-age ceremony held in the memorial park every year is to give residents who are 18 years old or older a chance to touch the star pillar. The people in the team now, those who are adults have already touched the star pillar, and those who haven't participated in the coming-of-age ceremony will have another chance in the future. There's no need to do these unnecessary things!"

"Sir, everyone has a share. You can touch it, too. It won't take up much time. Besides, the tree in the memorial park hasn't produced an Ascendant in years. I think it's time to replace it."

Han Shu's grinning face made Chen Liu want to punch him in the face.


He said with a straight face: "Anyway, I don't agree."

Han Shu scratched his head and said, "How about this, let's have a referendum. Those who agree raise their hands. The minority obeys the majority. Sir, what do you think?"

Chen Liu shouted, "Then the majority must agree. What's the point?"

Han Shu laughed dryly and looked at Chen Liu meaningfully: "Sir, since you also understand that everyone wants a chance to change themselves, why do you insist on stopping it? It is difficult to go against the will of the people, sir."

Chen Liu looked around. Although no one said anything, he knew from the eyes of those people that they didn't like him.

"It's up to you guys, but when I get back, I have to report your so-called traditions to my superiors!"

Han Shu laughed out loud, not taking it seriously, and even saluted Chen Liu: "Thank you, sir!"

Chen Liu was so angry that his teeth were itching, but there was nothing he could do, so he just walked away and sulked.

Old Xu went to call for help, and Tianyang saw that there was nothing for him to do next, so he simply walked deeper into the tunnel.

After a moment, he saw a platform.

There was a dark track in front of the platform, but no train-like vehicle was visible. Perhaps it was now parked in some dark tunnel.

Tian Yang then realized that the residents of the opposite world dug tunnels underground for the purpose of allowing trains to run.

How much do they hate sunlight to put their trains underground...

When his thoughts were a little scattered, Tianyang suddenly heard footsteps and immediately swept the light in his hand in the direction of the sound.

"Oh, what a coincidence." That was Zhou Wang's voice.

Tianyang lowered the lighting tool, and sure enough, the young man with a proud look on his face walked over empty-handed.

Not wanting to waste time talking to this kind of person, Tian Yang walked forward silently. When he passed by Zhou Wang, an arm stopped him.

Zhou Wang’s hand.

Resisting the urge to move his hand towards the sword, Tianyang looked up and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Wang smiled and said, "Come on, are you still angry with me? I told you that the shot was just a slip of the hand. You wouldn't be so petty, would you?"

"What happens to me has nothing to do with you."

Tianyang pressed down Zhou Wang's hand and walked past him.

But when they were walking a long way, Zhou Wang's voice came from behind: "That girl, her name is Xun. What a coincidence, she is from the medical team. I have played with many women, but I have never touched a young nurse. After I go back, I have to play with her well. I hope she is still intact, so it will be more fun to play with her."