Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 33: Lucky guy (seeking recommendation)


Tianyang stopped.

I remembered what Xun said.

"You are so forgetful." Tian Yang didn't look back, just turned his back to Zhou Wang, "If I remember correctly, I told you that she is mine."

Zhou Wang laughed: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten. How about this, after I'm done playing with her, I'll give her to you. You can play with her however you want, isn't it good?"

"I'm sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. Please allow me to reiterate, Xun is mine. If you want to touch her, you have to ask my Daotong for permission first." A light began to shine in Tianyang's eyes.

The dignity that the girl tried so hard to maintain should not be trampled upon by such people!

Zhou Wang smiled silently, and a symbol faintly lit up on the emblem of the heart of elements on his forehead.

"Is it necessary to go to this extent? Isn't he just a commoner? Is he worthy of your protection?"

"Besides, do you have that ability? Although you are also an ascender, you don't have a last name, right? An ascender without the protection of a family may have a very short life."

Tianyang stared at the darkness ahead of the tunnel. "No family lasts forever. Besides, even if you have a family to protect you, it doesn't necessarily mean that your life will be long. What's more, among all the famous families in Qingtian Castle, I don't think I've ever heard of the Zhou family."


Zhou Wang turned around suddenly, and almost at the same time, Tian Yang was facing him.

Moreover, the particle sword is already in hand!

Grayish-white elemental energy surged in Zhou Wang's hands. He said gloomily, "Just what you said just now is enough reason for me to kill you!"

Tianyang said expressionlessly: "Then, do you want to give it a try?"

"Zhou Wang, you are here."

The sudden sound broke the tense atmosphere on the platform.

The newcomer from Gray Dove, who had a slightly round face and soft features, came closer and saw Tianyang's sword being sheathed, and the elemental energy slowly dissipating from Zhou Wang's palm.

The girl asked nervously, "Did you encounter any monsters?"

Apparently, the girl didn't think about the fact that she had just stopped a fight.

Tianyang left without saying a word. A moment later, the new girl and Zhou Wang also returned to the scene.

The Star Marrow Pillar was still in place. In front, there were a dozen people queuing up to touch the Star Pillar, and Xun was among them.

Not far away, Chen Liu sneered: "It's just a waste of time. If we had that time, maybe we could all

On the way back."

Han Shu next to him was smoking a cigarette, blowing out a smoke ring, and saying nothing.

Now it was Xun's turn. The girl in protective clothing walked forward and, like the others, stretched out her hand and gently placed it on the star pillar.

At the moment Xun touched the star pillar, this strange tree-like substance suddenly lit up, and a dazzling silver glow bloomed all over!

Han Shu's cigarette fell to the ground.

Chen Liu opened his mouth wide, stunned.

Zhou Wang's eyes were filled with astonishment, and then a hint of anger flashed across them, as if his plans had failed.

As for Tianyang, he was surprised at first, and then he was happy for Xun. The star column was reacting, and it was obviously inducing the cells and genes in Xun's body to evolve into a higher level of life!

Sure enough, light began to shine inside the girl's protective suit, as if a galaxy was contained inside it.

The crown of the star pillar swayed silently, and bits of starlight sprinkled down from the crystal-like leaves.

The silver glow illuminated the space, and the light became brighter and brighter until it was impossible to look directly at it.

After lasting for three to five seconds, the silver light gradually disappeared, and several rays of starlight were entwined around Xun.

Looking through the transparent cover of the helmet, the girl still seemed unable to believe that she was blessed by the god of luck.

It wasn't until the captain of the medical team, Ms. Roxanne with blond hair and blue eyes, stepped forward and tapped her helmet that Xun came back to his senses.

"Take off your helmet." Luo Shan said with a smile.

Xun hesitated for a moment, then slowly took off her helmet. When she came into contact with the air of the opposite world, the blood vessels on the girl's face glowed with silver light, and then returned to normal.

She took a deep breath and felt nothing unusual.

Luo Shan hugged her and said, "Good job, Xun. Tell me what class you have awakened."

Xun closed his eyes, and after a moment, he said in disbelief: "It's the Glory Class."


"It's actually the Glory Class!"

Han Shu cheered: "This is really lucky, the little girl actually awakened the Glory Class, haha, we won!"

He looked at Chen Liu and said with a grin, "What do you think, sir? Our tradition is pretty good, isn't it?"

Chen Liu snorted, trying to maintain his dignity, but it was not difficult to tell from his gently trembling fingers that he was still quite excited about Xun's awakening of the Glorious Class.

Among the currently known classes, two are the rarest.

One is the abyss, the other is the glory.

The former is the most dangerous and uncontrollable of all known classes. Those who awaken the Abyss class are all extremely desperate people, and they often make very dangerous moves. Moreover, their abilities are also very terrifying, restraining most classes.

As for Glory, it is simply the opposite of Abyss. Glory-class Ascendants can use healing and purification abilities, especially in the Reverse Realm. Whether a team has Glory-class or not is a completely different matter.

Unfortunately, whether it is the Abyss or the Glory, the Ascendants of these two classes are extremely rare, and can be described as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Of course, that was all before Tianyang awakened to the Avenger class.

Now, they are not the rarest ones.

But even so, this is already something worth celebrating, especially since Tianyang's new rank is still kept secret.

Among them, Luo Shan was the happiest. She immediately announced that Xun was now her student.

After returning, she will give Xun a private lesson. As one of the best field doctors in the fortress, many medical students want to get Luo Shan's favor.

But she had never planned to accept a disciple, and now she had decided that Xun would inherit her legacy.

Hearing this, Zhou Wang's face became even uglier.

There are not many experienced field doctors in the fortress. Luo Shan is not only a highly respected field doctor, but also an ascender herself.

Her status in the fortress was only higher than that of his Zhou family. Now that Xun, who was at the Glory level, had become her student, this girl was no longer someone she, Zhou Wang, could touch.

In fact, from the moment Luo Shan announced that he would accept a disciple, the number of people in the fortress who dared to set their sights on the girl could be counted on one hand.

But those people would never do such despicable things!

As a result, Zhou Wang resented Tian Yang even more. If he had not been stopped by Tian Yang at the outpost, Zhou Wang might have been killed.

Now, the Zhou family will have an ascender of the glorious rank, and Zhou Wang will be able to rise to prominence through this.

But all this was ruined by the white-haired boy in front!

The more Zhou Wang thought about it, the angrier he became, and he wished he could just give Tianyang an elemental javelin right now.

But he never thought that even if he succeeded at the base, would the girl definitely marry him

PS: Thank you brothers for the reward, thank you everyone for your support, and by the way, please recommend and collect!