Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 40: Funeral (seeking various tickets)


When getting off the medical vehicle, Tianyang realized that the team had not set out at all during these days.

They remain where they are.

The Ghost Car seemed to be the most powerful dark creature in this area. Now it is dead, but its body is too huge.

As a result, the corpse has not completely decayed even after five days, and the smell it emits makes other low-level dark creatures unwilling to approach it.

Oh, the Prowler seems to be an exception. That kind of black people has no wisdom, so they don't understand fear.

A few days ago, the Ghost Car "spit out" a lot of Wanderers, but judging from the current situation, they should have been cleared out by Han Shu and others.

From a distance, the corpse of the ghost car was like a small hill, still remaining in its original position.

Recovery team members wearing protective suits have been moving among its corpses, searching and recovering valuable materials. They have been doing this work for five days.

It seems that we will have to stay for another day or two to complete the entire recycling work.

"What are you doing? Over here."

In front, Cang shouted angrily.

Tian Yang then withdrew his gaze from the corpse of the ghost car and followed the ponytailed young man to an open area. This place had obviously been cleaned up, with small piles of stones on the ground.

There are nameplates hanging on the pile of stones.

Tianyang finally knew whose funeral this was.

The convoy suffered heavy losses in this encounter with the Ghost Cart, with more than half of the soldiers killed. Even the Ascendants lost seven men.

The bodies of those that are relatively intact are currently lying in the freezer of the medical vehicle and will be handed over to their families after they return.

As for those with mutilated bodies, according to the tradition of the Night Walkers, they were cremated and buried on the spot.

Tianyang had heard of this tradition, but it was his first time attending a Night Walker's funeral.

A lot of people came to the funeral. Basically, everyone was there except those who had work.

The men stood in the middle, the ladies stood on both sides, all of them were dressed in black, and the ladies wore black hoods. The atmosphere was solemn, dignified, solemn and sad.

Han Shu stood at the front, looking at the piles of stones and bowed.

Someone began to recite the eulogy: "The night is long, I walk alone in the darkness, death is my destination, and the battlefield is my grave."

Someone continued: "The night is long, but I have never walked alone. My comrades are by my side, so I do not feel lonely along the way."

Then everyone chanted loudly: "The night is long, we watch over each other! The sharp blade helps me resist the darkness, I will always seek

The light of dawn. The road ahead is uncertain and filled with evil. We walk in the darkness to explore what lies beyond. "

The voice paused.

Han Shu straightened his back and sang in a deep voice: "The night is long, and I am buried in a foreign land. Don't cry for me, I will be on the other side of dawn, waiting for the morning light."

It was silent.

Tianyang clenched his fists, and tears were streaming down his face without him noticing.

The eulogy of the night walker made the boy seem to see generations of explorers stumbling forward in the endless darkness, falling, getting injured, bleeding, and dying.

But it is precisely because of these night walkers who are willing to dedicate themselves and are not afraid of sacrifice that the glory of the world outside the door is created.

Even though that bright world is not perfect yet, and even though there are still many people struggling to make ends meet.

But at least the fortress was able to build high walls and people did not have to be displaced.

The threats in the endless wilderness gradually became legends, rather than nightmares that people had to face!

After a while, the ladies on both sides lit small lamps, which were solid burning lamps that could burn for a long time in the world of adversity.

They placed these lights in front of each pile of stones, and the flames illuminated the metal plates, praying that the dead would not feel lonely and cold in the darkness.

After the ladies stepped back, Han Shu raised his hand. The men in front of him all raised their guns.

Three gunshots were fired and the funeral was over.

After a while, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Tianyang had no intention of leaving. Instead, he walked to one of the piles of stones.

There was a plaque on the pile of stones with the name "Broken Star" engraved on it.

Tianyang remembered that she was a hunter in the Huanglong team, with short hair and a love of laughter. During breaks, he could always hear her hearty laughter.

Now she rests here forever, and on the way back, I will no longer hear her laughter.

My mood sank.

"Why didn't you leave?" Han Shu's voice rang out, and at the same time, a choking smell of smoke came.

Tianyang looked up and saw the captain of the Raven Squad smoking a cigarette. In the dim sky of the Reverse Realm, the red light on the cigarette butt was so obvious.

"Captain, what about you?" Tianyang asked instead of answering.

Han Shu took down his cigarette and exhaled a stream of smoke: "I'll take another look at them. Maybe I won't be able to see them anymore in the future."

Tian Yang looked at the piles of stones and said, "I don't know most of the people here. Or, I only said one or two words to them. Even so, I still feel bad. Captain, you feel worse..."

Han Shu looked towards the darkness above his head:

"We're used to it. People like us often have to say goodbye to our friends and relatives. Maybe one day, it will be our turn."

"My only wish is that I can die beautifully. It would be even better if someone could help me collect my body."

Tianyang was silent.

Neither of them spoke until Han Shu finished his cigarette. The man turned around and said, "Let's go."

Tianyang followed behind him.

Han Shu put his hands in his trouser pockets and said, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise, more people would have died. I will report this matter to the higher-ups, and they will definitely reward you. Also, your particle sword is scrapped. But we found some good materials on the ghost car, I'll see if I can get some of them and help you make a material weapon."

Material weapons are weapons made from parts of the bodies of the dark people.

This type of weapon usually inherits some of the characteristics of the material itself. The Ghost Car is undoubtedly a very dangerous dark creature. Weapons made from its materials are definitely stronger than the Particle Saber.

So the boy nodded expectantly.

Not far away, someone walked out from behind a chariot. It was Zhou Wang.

He had heard everything Han Shu said just now. Zhou Wang looked at Tian Yang from afar with an extremely jealous look in his eyes: "Why do you get all the good things? I also fought hard, why don't I get any special rewards, nor any materials or weapons!"

He snorted heavily and turned away.

Two days later, the convoy set off, leaving the metropolis and heading straight for the Lighthouse Outpost.

After completing the handover, the mission was considered completed. Han Shu originally planned to take a vacation, but Ling Feng gave him a new mission. Although the rough man cursed, he still took the mission.

As for Tianyang, Ling Feng had no new assignment for the time being, so after staying at the base for 4 hours, he boarded the high-speed train back to the fortress.

Unexpectedly, Luo Shan also wanted to take Xun back, and happened to be riding in the same carriage with Tian Yang.

He thought he had company on the return journey, but Tianyang's good mood did not last more than 5 minutes and disappeared completely when he saw Zhou Wang's arrogant face.

I don’t know if he did it on purpose, but he sat down between Xun and Tianyang, so Tianyang had to shift his gaze to the window.

Even the depressing and distorted scenery along the way is a hundred times more beautiful than Zhou Wang’s face!

PS: I will update more on Mondays. Please support me! Recommendation tickets! Monthly tickets! Collections! Please give me a hand!