Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 42: disturbed


When Zhou Wang woke up, he felt terrible pain in his waist, ribs and the back of his head. When he tried to stand up, he found that he was tied to a chair. He looked around carefully and found that he was in the interrogation room on the train!

"Let me go! Who did this! Do you know who I am?" Zhou Wang was shocked and angry, and roared loudly.

The door of the interrogation room opened, and Luo Shan and the train conductor walked in. Seeing them, Zhou Wang shouted angrily: "What are you doing? Let me go!"

He tried to mobilize the star energy in his body, but found that it was not under his control at all. Then he realized that he was wearing a collar around his neck.

Star interference device!

This device can interfere with the star energy in the body of the Sublimator. Although it can only work on low-level Sublimators, it is more than enough to deal with him.

What made Zhou Wang even more horrified was that jammers were usually only used on criminals. So what was going on now? Did they treat me as a criminal

Luo Shan looked at him coldly: "You know what we are doing. Zhou Wang, you are so brave that you actually want to violate Xun?"

Zhou Wang's heart skipped a beat, the figures of Xun and Tianyang flashed through his mind, and he remembered what he had done before he fell into a coma.

"So what!" Zhou Wang was like a wounded beast, his eyes bloodshot, "That woman is not even a high-ranking official yet, what I did is legal! On the contrary, you are the ones who illegally imprisoned a high-ranking official, and a high-ranking official with a family background. Aren't you afraid of Zhou's revenge?"

Luo Shan sneered: "The moment she became an ascender, Xun became a high-ranking citizen. It's just that she hasn't obtained the certificate of the fortress yet. Even if she is still a low-ranking citizen, she is my student. That means no one can infringe on her. At least, you, or the family behind you, are not qualified!"

Zhou Wang yelled, "Shut up! You are a woman from the Western Continent. You are just a little bit medically skilled. What's so great about that? I advise you to let me go immediately. Otherwise, after I become a high-level sublimator, I will kill you too!"


The train conductor slapped Zhou Wang hard and said, "Shut up! Even the city lord has to be polite when meeting Dr. Luo Shan. Who do you think you are? How dare you say such dirty words to a doctor!"

Luo Shan shook her head and said to the conductor, "I'll leave him to you."

The conductor saluted and said, "Don't worry, I

He will be handed over to the Iron Wall Legion."

Zhou Wang was stunned and shouted, "Why hand me over to Tiebi? I am a member of the Night Walker team. What does it have to do with Tiebi?"

Luo Shan left straight away. The train conductor sneered and said, "Master Zhou Wang, the Night Walkers already know what you did. Chief of Staff Ling has personally ordered that you be expelled from the Night Walkers immediately. As for the crime you committed, it will be handled by the Iron Wall. After all, they are better at handling the internal affairs of the fortress. Oh, by the way, this matter has been reported to your family. Guess how the Zhou family responded?"

Zhou Wang couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "How to reply?"

"Leave it to you, and express my sincere apologies to Miss Xun." The conductor gave an answer that made Zhou Wang despair.

Zhou Wang suddenly lost all his strength, and his whole body was cold. The family's response was tantamount to giving up on him. This was probably to show goodwill to Xun and Luo Shan.

Perhaps one Roshan or one Glory class might not be enough to force the family to make such a concession. But if the two were combined, it would be hard to say.

Zhou Wang realized at this time that he was too impatient and underestimated the influence of the Glorious Class and Luo Shan.

But if it weren't for that white-haired boy, Xun might have been his woman now, and the result would have been completely different.

Clearly, he was only one step away from reaching heaven, but now, he was thrown into hell!

I won't accept this! I won't accept this!

Zhou Wang gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth: "Tianyang, you bastard, I'm not done with you!"

... ... ... .

It was the afternoon of the next day when we returned to the fortress.

At three o'clock, the sun was shining brightly.

Tianyang took the electromagnetic locomotive at the transfer platform and drove towards the lower city. On the road, the wind blew in his face, and the boy was in a good mood.

After Zhou Wang was subdued by him, Dr. Luo Shan had already reported what the bastard had done. Night Walker immediately dismissed him from his post and handed him over to Tiebi for investigation.

I don’t know if it’s because of Zhou Wang, but Tianyang discovered that the sublimation progress has increased by another 2 percentage points and is now 42%.

In addition, Xun also asked him to visit the girl's home in three days, saying that she would cook personally to thank Tianyang for his help.

Growing up, Tianyang has never eaten food cooked by any woman other than his mother.


The young man, riding a motorcycle on the road, suddenly giggled twice and was looking forward to the meal three days later.

No conversation along the way.

After returning to the lower city, Tianyang did not rush home. He first went to the store and used 15 contribution points to buy bread, eggs, ham, and even a fish.

A fresh fish!

Tianyang has already started to imagine in his mind whether his mother would smile when she sees these ingredients.

As far as they can remember, the last time they ate fish was ten years ago.

Seeing that it was still early, Tianyang did not go home directly, but drove to the Volcano Bar. At this time, his mother should still be cleaning the bar.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the bar, they found the door closed. Tianyang got out of the car and knocked on the door: "Kaidi, are you there?"

I shouted several times, but no one answered.


Tianyang walked to the window again and saw that it was covered with a layer of dust. It looked like it had not been cleaned for several days.

This is impossible. Ever since she started working as a cleaner in a bar, Nan Fei has cleaned every window. Tianyang believes that being lazy will never happen to his mother.

He knocked on the window and door, and a homeless man sitting on the ground not far away shouted, "Stop knocking, Katie hasn't opened the door for several days."

Tianyang looked at him: "What happened?"

The homeless man muttered, "How should I know? Even if I know, I won't tell you. What does this have to do with me?"

Tianyang thought about it, took out a piece of bread and put it in front of him: "Does it matter now?"

The tramp laughed. "Add a piece of ham and it would be about the same."

After a while, the homeless man who had carefully hidden the food whispered, "I heard that Kaidi was beaten up a few days ago. He almost died, but the cripple on East Street saved his life. If nothing unexpected happened, Kaidi should still be there. You can go over and take a look."

Tianyang immediately jumped on the motorcycle. He had a bad feeling. Kaidi was a local tyrant in the downtown area. Normally, no one would mess with him, let alone beat him half to death. Moreover, Tianyang was more worried about his mother.

If something happens at the Volcano Bar, will my mother be implicated

The boy rushed home at lightning speed. His anxiety became even stronger when he saw a layer of dust on the door...