Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 45: Can I trust you? (Seeking recommendation)


"Mom, it's me, I'm Tianyang!"

Nan Fei's eyelids twitched. They were so heavy that even the slightest movement required all her strength.

No matter what, they opened, even if it was just a slit, and even though there was almost no life in her eyes behind that slit.

Nan Fei's vision was filled with blurry images. She vaguely saw someone in front of her. She tried hard to see the other person clearly, but the front seemed to be shrouded in a misty morning fog.

This reminded her of a morning long ago when Nan Fei saw him in the same fog.

He came from the garden, holding freshly picked flowers, the petals still wet with morning dew.

He handed the flower to her: "Here you are, Nan Fei. You are as beautiful as a flower."

Haha, that smooth-talking guy.

Her vision seemed to become clearer, and she saw a familiar face full of anxiety.

She looks very similar to him, but a lot younger, with a hint of childishness still lingering between her features.

But what does it matter

Nan Fei raised her hands with great effort and gently held the young face: "You are here, Lie... I have been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you had forgotten."

He opened his mouth and seemed to be saying something, but Nan Fei couldn't hear clearly.

Her cracked lips curled up slightly, revealing a relieved smile: "I can't hear what you said. Let me sleep for a while, I'm... tired..."

She closed her eyes again, her eyelids were too heavy and she was no longer able to support them.

After closing her eyes, she felt extremely peaceful, as if all the pain had gone away. Yes, she could no longer feel the pain in her body.

Then... ...

She seemed to see Tianyang, her most beloved child. The child's face was full of anxiety and fear, he was shouting desperately, tears welling up in his eyes.

Tianyang, what's wrong with you

why cry

Don't be sad, mom is here and will protect you.

She wanted to hug the boy, but someone called out from behind, "Nan Fei."

She turned around and saw a bright light behind her. In the light, a man bit a piece of grass and said with a smile: "What are you doing? Let's go together. I know a fun place. We will have a lot of fun if we go there."

"Lie..." She looked back at the crying boy, "But Tianyang is very sad..."

The man came over, hugged her and said, "Don't worry, he will get through it. Don't you believe in our child?"

She thought about it, nodded and smiled: "Well, I believe him."

The man took her hand, just like he did on the golden beach seventeen years ago, and walked slowly forward: "Let's go, from now on, we will never be separated again."

She glanced back.

I gotta go,

Child. Don't cry, Mommy is now... .

very happy.

The golden and warm light gently enveloped her, and the boy's figure gradually disappeared without a trace.

... ... ...

In the workers' dormitory of Mine Area No. 3, Tianyang stared at his mother in his arms, unable to believe that she was gone just like that.

Drops of scalding liquid fell onto the mother's stained face. She closed her eyes, her expression was peaceful, and there was even a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth.

As if falling asleep.

But the gradually cooling body tells a cruel fact.

She will never wake up again.


Tianyang covered his chest with his hands. It felt as if there were thousands of knives cutting his flesh and bones!

"Ah--" the young man let out a heart-wrenching cry and looked at the male supervisor next to him with red eyes. Tianyang picked up the assault rifle at hand.

The cold muzzle of the gun was pointed at the man's head.

kill him!

kill him!

kill him!

The hand holding the gun was shaking, and the anger in his heart was looking for an outlet. As long as he pulled the trigger, the fire in his heart would be vented.

But at this moment, Nan Fei's stern face flashed through the vision blurred by tears.

So the hand holding the gun slowly lowered itself.

Tian Yang gently put his mother down, stood up, looked at the trembling man and said, "You should thank the woman you just insulted. She asked me to never let hatred dominate me. Don't vent your anger on irrelevant people. Obviously, she is here not because of you. So, you saved your life."

The man heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Nan Fei's body with a complicated expression.

"but... "

Tianyang's voice was emotionless: "The injury on her back was caused by you, right?"

The male supervisor shuddered, but dared not deny: "It's... it's me, please forgive me, sir! I didn't mean it, I just, just..."

"With which hand did you crack the whip?"

The male supervisor raised his right hand trembling with fear.

The attacker raised his hand, and a beam of light entered from his palm, broke out from his shoulder, and shot through the man's right hand!

The screams echoed in the corridor, and Tianyang turned around and walked towards the person in charge.

"You are the person in charge of the mine. You should know who threw her into the mine, right?"

Yingqi was sweating profusely: "Listen to me, Lieutenant. I am only responsible for managing the mine. As for who sends the people here, I..."

A beam of light pierced his shoulder.

Tian Yang pointed the gun at the person in charge's heart: "What I need is an answer, so next time, think carefully before you speak."

Yingqi covered his shoulder and tried to argue for himself, but the attacker's gun shattered his remaining courage.


Suddenly, Tianyang's communicator rang, and then a voice came out: "I am Lingfeng, listen to me, Tianyang, put your gun down."

At this moment, in the office far away at the lighthouse outpost.

Ling Feng held the communicator in his hand and looked at the holographic projection screen in front of him. On the screen was Ying Qi's pale face.

Tianyang's voice rang out from the communicator: "This is my own business, Chief of Staff."

Ling Feng said firmly: "As long as you are a night walker, then this is not your business!"

Tianyang's voice suddenly became urgent: "They killed my mother!"

Ling Feng nodded: "I already know that he is just a small character in front of you. Even if you kill him, he won't know who sent your mother to the mine. Now, put down your gun. If you have no objection, hand over your mother's body to me. I will have someone conduct a medical examination to find out the cause of her death and clarify the responsibilities."

"At the same time, I will have someone investigate. Within three days, I will tell you who did this! And I promise that no matter who did it, Night Walker will investigate to the end!"

There was silence on the other end of the communicator.

A few seconds later, on the holographic projection screen, the rifle pointed at Yingqi was finally put down.

"Can I trust you, Chief Ling?"

Ling Feng picked up the communicator: "You can trust me."

"... ... .All right."

Putting down the communicator, Ling Feng took off his glasses and suddenly punched the desk.

The table fell apart!

He raised his head, his eyes like swords, and looked at Lin Yang: "Go check and see which bastard did this!"

The adjutant naturally had no objection and reminded: "General Ling, do you want to notify the commander?"

Ling Feng adjusted his breathing and said, "I will contact the commander right now. If nothing unexpected happens, this kind of despicable behavior can only be done by people sitting in offices. Moreover, I roughly know who did it, but I need solid evidence."

Lin Yang stood at attention and saluted: "Understood!"


Recommended book: Doomsday NPC

Synopsis: In 2045, billions of zombies are ravaging the world, and humans are forced to fight a final and desperate battle. With the end of the world imminent, Liu Xing uses a time machine to return to the time before the zombie outbreak.

If he lives his life again, can he change the future

Human nature is black blood, can we see the light in hell

Comments: After reading some chapters, I found that the author has a good grasp of the rhythm and the description of human nature. The opening reminded me of the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past".

Overall, it is still a good zombie novel. If you are interested in this subject, you can read it.