Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 48: dissuade


Tons, tons, tons...

There was a fragrant aroma coming from the tall pot on the stove. A boy of about eleven or twelve years old was drooling at the potatoes and chicken in the pot.

He looked at the girl in the apron and said, "Sister, when can we eat?"

Xun was turning off the fire and preparing to put the food in the high pot on a plate: "I told you, an important guest is coming tonight. Once the person arrives, we can eat."

The boy looked at the table not far away with a sad face. There were many delicious dishes on the table, including steamed meat and fish, stir-fried vegetables with meat slices, cold dishes mixed with sesame oil, and the potato and chicken.

It was the first time in the boy’s life that he had such a sumptuous dinner.

Since returning from the Reverse Realm, Xun, who has become an Ascendant, has received great attention from the Fortress.

The father who had been bedridden was taken to the medical center in the upper city the next day, and Luo Shan even arranged a caregiver for him. Even if Xun did not go to the hospital, her father would still be well taken care of.

Luo Shan also gave her two thousand contribution points, which was a huge sum of money for Xun.

In addition, as a benefit for the ascenders, the identity certificate of Shangmin has been processed. The application for an apartment in the upper city is in progress. When the time comes, Xun can designate two places and move with her to the apartment in the upper city.

Everything is moving in a positive direction.

The more this happened, the more grateful the girl was to Tianyang. If it weren't for him, she might have been humiliated by Zhou Wang now, and that would have been a different story.

So Xun took the initiative to invite Tianyang to come to her house tonight. She specially asked Luo Shan for a day off and started busy preparing early in the morning.

After putting the potatoes and chicken on the table, Xun looked at the clock. It was already late and she didn't know if he had arrived yet.

The boy looked at the table full of delicious food but couldn't eat it, so he just lay on the table and said, "Sister, why hasn't your boyfriend come yet?"

Xun's face suddenly became hot: "Xiao Jie, if you keep talking nonsense, be careful or I won't give you food!"

The boy named Xiaojie immediately covered his mouth, fearing that he would say something wrong and miss the delicious food tonight.

Xun took off her apron, walked out of the house, and looked around the street.

There were two more men near the street. Although they were disguised as homeless people and drunkards, Xun knew that they were the guards arranged for her by Luo Shan.

Every glorious class

They are all ascenders worthy of the fortress's full training. With Zhou Wang's previous experience as a lesson, Luo Shan dare not take it lightly again.

But apart from the two guards, there were very few pedestrians on the street. Xun looked at the intersection and it seemed that the figure would appear in the next second.

But she didn't know that Tianyang was driving to Shangcheng District. So the appointment tonight was doomed to be broken.

Shangcheng District, Qin Mansion.

Qin Jie stood on the balcony, looking at the neat and clean streets below. The green belts on both sides were a sight not found in the lower city area, and the quiet environment was a symbol of luxury.

As a family that has been established for more than 50 years, it has now reached the fourth generation. Except for the patriarch of the first generation, there have been no more ascenders in the Qin family in the next two generations, including Qin Jie.

By the time of Qin Wu's generation, Qin Jie no longer had extravagant hopes, and only hoped that his son could get a position in government. The father and son gritted their teeth and tried to get 10,000 contribution points every year to maintain the right to establish the clan and other related rights.

But less than half a year after sending his son to the collection team, something went wrong.

And he didn't die at the hands of the people of darkness, but was killed by a young boy who had just awakened!

Qin Jie couldn't swallow this.

Not only because of his son's death, but also because the Qin family might very well meet its end in his hands.

So, even though Lin Yang warned him not to retaliate, Qin Jie still took action.

When he thought of throwing that boy's mother into the black mine, a cruel smile appeared on Qin Jie's face.

He knew very well that no woman could survive in a place like the Black Mine. In particular, he had taken care of the Black Mine's management, and as he expected, the woman died three days ago.

Later, Qin Jie was somewhat surprised when he heard that the boy named "Tianyang" broke into the illegal mine at night, but he had anticipated this situation.

The truth will come out sooner or later.

Qin Jie was not worried that Tian Yang would take revenge. On the contrary, he was waiting for that boy to die.

Yes, to die!

At this moment, in the seemingly peaceful Qin's mansion, eight experienced, cunning and cruel gold diggers are lying in ambush. Those who have entered and exited the adversary world and survived are truly desperate criminals.

As long as they are given enough benefits, they are willing to do anything. Most importantly, they are willing and dare to fight hard!

In addition, Qin Jie also hired a Level 3 Ascender.

Qin Jie hired him, and when the news spread, his reputation was somewhat damaged.

But he couldn't care less about all this now.

But Qin Jie's trump card is not the gold digger and the sublimator, but his power as the director of the third public security station!

That's right, he is not an ascender, but he is an official after all, and the police station itself is a violent agency. So when necessary, Qin Jie can mobilize the personnel in the station. Once Tianyang shows an aggressive tendency, Qin Jie can execute him on the spot!

Thinking of this, the smile on Qin Jie's face widened.

"Come on, kid. I'll let you know that a newly awakened Ascendant is actually nothing. You will pay a terrible price for your impulsiveness!"

Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind me, and an old man who looked like a manager said softly, "Master, I just received a message from the city checkpoint. The young man drove alone and has entered the upper city."

Qin Jie's eyes were extremely bright. He rubbed his hands excitedly and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Son, did you hear that? That kid is coming. Wait, Dad will send him to apologize to you!"

... ... ..

After entering the upper city area, the number of street lamps suddenly increased, and the sufficient lighting allowed Tianyang to see every corner clearly.

Switching the mode to automatic driving, Tianyang opened the navigation and entered Qin Jie's name.

Soon, the location of the Qin family's residence appeared clearly on the interface. Pointing the end point to the Qin family, the motorcycle turned at the next intersection.

Then Tianyang saw them.

Ling Feng! Han Shu! Lao Xu! Cang Du! Ji Yu!

Tianyang had to turn off the engine and stop the car because they were blocking the way for several cars.

Soon, two more cars came from behind and completed the blockade.

Tianyang's gaze fell on Ling Feng. He didn't expect that he, who was far away in the lighthouse base, would come back specially.

"General Staff Ling, please move aside." The young man's tone was calm, but the more so, the more people could feel that beneath the seemingly calm surface, there was actually a volcano that was about to erupt!

Ling Feng raised his glasses and took two steps forward: "Tianyang, it's not too late to stop now. Compared to you, Qin Jie is just a small character. You don't have to take risks for such a person. I still say that, leave it to Night Walker. We can follow the formal procedures and bring him to justice."