Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 57: Shit luck


Tian Yang couldn't help but move back. This face was too lethal. He muttered, "Didn't we just check it last night? How can I cooperate with you, doctor?"

Luo Shan laughed, and her smile looked a little naughty. Then she said something earth-shattering: "It's simple, just take off your pants!"


Tianyang almost jumped out of the bed, he was really scared.

Luo Shan laughed so hard that her body shook and her eyes became wet. "I was just kidding. Look how scared you were. I'm sorry. I haven't met a little guy as shy as you in a long time. I couldn't help but want to tease you."

She laughed a few more times after she finished speaking.

After finally stopping her smile, Luo Shan said seriously, "There's no need for a physical examination, but I must talk to you."

Tianyang was curious: "What are you talking about? Do you want to give me psychological counseling?"

Luo Shan shook her head. "No, I want to talk to you about... the Avenger class."

Tianyang was stunned. How could she know this

Then Luo Shan took out a document and handed it to Tian Yang: "This is a letter of authorization jointly authorized by the upper echelons of the fortress and the Night Walker Command. From today on, I will be your personal doctor. In addition to being responsible for your health, I also need to collect data, communicate with you, and learn as much as possible about this new rank of Avenger. In order to learn its characteristics, and even the ability formation diagram of the whole thing, etc."

Tianyang looked at the document, and the content of the document was as Luo Shan said. And there were seals of the Fortress Military Department and Night Walker Command at the end, so it should not be forged, after all, only a few people knew about the new rank.

Besides, Luo Shan is just a doctor. If she hadn’t been told by her superiors, she would have no way of knowing about this.

After returning the file to her, Tian Yang nodded: "Then how can I cooperate with you?"

After saying that, he subconsciously touched his pants.

Luo Shan saw this and burst out laughing again: "Don't worry, you don't have to take off your pants."

"Let's get back to the point. Yesterday, Night Walker sent me all of your recent physical data, especially the data from your last recovery mission."

Luo Shan picked up the data pad and said as she looked at it: "From here

Judging from these data, the current level 1 assassin has very high mobility, and your movement curve far exceeds that of the hunter class, which is known for its leg strength. "

"In addition, your star energy activity can reach its peak in a very short period of time. It can be seen that your attack has great explosive power. In general, this job level currently exhibits the characteristics of high mobility and high explosive power."

Luo Shan bit her thumb gently and looked at the boy on the bed. "But your shortcomings are also very obvious. The speed at which your physical energy and star essence are consumed is almost catching up with the Elemental Heart at full output. Because of this, you lack the ability to fight for a long time. In addition, your physical fitness has not been significantly strengthened. In fact, your physical strength is worse than that of the War God class of the same level, let alone compared with the Fortress class."

"In the future, you should pay attention to these two points in combat. Don't get caught in a protracted battle, and avoid serious injuries."

Tianyang remembered everything she said: "I understand, Dr. Luo Shan."

Luo Shan hummed, put down the data tablet, and leaned forward slightly: "So, can you tell me what abilities you have now?"

"There are two in total, namely weakness sensing and instant kill." Tian Yang did not hide anything and explained briefly, "Weakness sensing allows me to feel the target's flaws and even weaknesses. Specifically, when I stare at the target, the target's image will fade, and its flaws or weaknesses will be highlighted in my sight. However, this ability will be interfered with. Take the Ghost Car as an example. At first, I couldn't sense its weaknesses at all. It was not until it released the deflection field that I could roughly feel it, and then when I entered its body cavity, the feeling was most obvious."

"As for the second ability, it is a bit like the Silver Arm of the God of War class, which can strengthen my attacks. The difference is that it has obvious destructive performance. When hit by this ability, the target will be chopped into particles from the inside. It feels like the star essence is converted into some kind of energy, which is cut at a high frequency in a short period of time."

Luo Shan turned on the recording function of the data board and recorded Tian Yang's words word for word: "I understand, your description is very accurate, which saves me a lot of effort. These two abilities, combined with your mobility and explosive power. As long as you are given a chance, the sublimators of the same level can basically only be beaten. No wonder you were so nervous last night.

You can take out that sniper master."

The doctor stood up and said, "Okay, that's all for today's discussion. Have a good rest..."

"Wait." Tian Yang interrupted her, "I have another question to ask you."

Luo Shan laughed: "If it's about Xun, I'm sorry, I won't answer."

Tian Yang coughed a few times after being choked by these words, and then said: "No, it has nothing to do with Xun. Doctor Luo Shan, in fact, I have obtained a sublimation node, which seems to be able to be put into the three fields of mind, body and intelligence, but I don’t know which field to strengthen, so I want to hear your opinion. Doctor Luo Shan, what’s wrong with you... "

The boy suddenly discovered that Luo Shan was stunned as if she had heard something incredible.

Xuan Ji rushed over, grabbed Tian Yang's shoulders roughly, and exclaimed: "What did you say? You got a sublimation node. This... What kind of shitty luck is this!"

Tianyang's mouth twitched. This was the second time he had heard this word today.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

Luo Shan loosened his hand, stepped back a little, and smiled bitterly: "You lucky boy, I think you should know what the sublimation node is? As long as it is related to the sublimator, we can always find the answer in our brains. It's just like when we become sublimators, something stuffed the relevant data into our heads. Unfortunately, there is no reasonable explanation for this phenomenon so far."

"Let's get back to the point. The generation of sublimation nodes is random. According to current statistics, most sublimators will obtain their first sublimation node at around level 3. Some people may not even get a node in their entire life. For someone like you, you got a node at level 1. You're so lucky that it makes people jealous!"

Tianyang spread his hands and said, "I hope my luck won't run out all at once."

Luo Shan snorted heavily, and it seemed that she was very unbalanced, but she still explained: "Before deciding which area to strengthen, you must first know what benefits the three areas of mind, body, and intelligence have."

"First of all, it's the mind. The most intuitive manifestation of strengthening the mind is that you will become stronger. Your psychological endurance will be far superior to others, but is that all..."