Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 60: Red Moon


Tianyang slowly raised his head and slowly lowered his arms, moving his five fingers rhythmically to quickly eliminate the numbness and soreness caused by the impact.

His eyes fell on the instigator.

The other person looked a little older than him, had an exaggerated hairstyle, and had dyed a tuft of hair bright blue.

This man's eyes were sharp, and his gaze kept wandering over Tianyang's body. Wherever his gaze fell, he saw some of the more vulnerable parts of the human body.

He looked like a wolf, cold-blooded, cruel, and exuding a dangerous aura.

Tianyang stared at the epaulettes representing second lieutenant on the other's shoulder for a moment before sliding his gaze behind him.

There were two companions behind him, but they were just ordinary warriors, and they had smiles on their faces because of what the blue-haired boy said.

It was just a forced smile, as if they were trying to please the blue-haired boy.

"If sneak attack is your specialty, then you are really good at it." Tianyang shook his hands with a calm expression.

The blue-haired boy's smile froze, and then his face darkened: "Say it again if you dare!"

"I don't want to repeat the same thing twice. Also, you don't need to prove anything to me. If you really want to prove something, the family base in the upper city will not run away. You can go there to prove yourself."

Tianyang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and posed a difficult question to the other party.

The two soldiers at the back suddenly stopped laughing.

Tianyang's meaning is very clear, you want to prove that you are better than me. Okay, you can also go to the family residence for a tour.

The blue-haired boy naturally understood, but because of this, he became even more furious.

Of course he couldn't do that, not to mention whether he could take down a family mansion on his own. Even if he could, he didn't think the fortress would let the attackers go easily this time.

The blue-haired boy unconsciously lowered his center of gravity, his feet in his boots slightly arched, like a wolf about to pounce on its prey.

The two soldiers secretly cried out in alarm, for they were very familiar with their second lieutenant, and this was a sign that he was about to take action.

Fortunately, someone said coldly at this time: "Kunlan, why don't you stay in your three-headed dog's team house? Why are you making trouble in our territory?"

With a long ponytail fluttering behind his head, Cangdu, carrying the Chunshui sword on his back, had an expression of undisguised arrogance and indifference on his face.

The boy named Kunlan snorted and relaxed his body. When he passed by Tianyang, he deliberately bumped him with his shoulder: "You kid has caused everyone to deduct a year's income. I am sure that I am not the only one who wants to make trouble for you. Wait...

Just wait and see, your troubles won’t end here.”

Tianyang smiled and shook his shoulders, causing Kunlan to stagger. “I’m never afraid of trouble.”

The two people's eyes met in the air, and suddenly, the smell of gunpowder in the aisle was extremely strong.

Kun Lan chuckled and left with two soldiers from the team.

Cang Du then came over and said, "You are too late."

Tianyang spread his hands and said, "This is my first time in the inner city. If I didn't have navigation, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find the building."

"Excuse me." Cangdu stretched out his hand and pushed the door of the team house open inwards, "Come in."

There is a partition at the entrance, and after passing the partition, there is a hall.

There is a round table in the hall with five high-backed chairs and potted plants around it.

"This is a place for meetings, but it is used very limited times in a year." Cangdu walked straight to the exit on the other side of the hall.

Tianyang followed and came out of the hall, which was a corridor.

On the right side of the corridor is a row of windows through which you can see the scenery outside the building.

On the left side, there is a room every four meters, with a sign hanging on the room with the name of the room user.

In order, they are Lao Xu, Ji Yu, Cang Du and Tian Yang's own name.

Cangdu opened Tianyang's room and said, "This is for you to use. It only has the basic configuration. If you want to add anything, you have to buy it yourself. Also, go to the captain's room. He has something for you."

The young man with ponytail pointed to a room at the end of the corridor and then walked back.

Tianyang poked his head into his room and took a look. The room was quite clean, but there were very few things in it.

Apart from a set of metal tables and chairs, there are no other decorations. It is indeed a basic configuration.

Tianyang closed the door and went to the room at the end of the corridor. He knocked and heard Han Shu's voice from inside.

"Come in."

The boy pushed open the door and saw Han Shu sitting behind a huge desk, leaning back in a chair with his legs crossed on the desk.

He was smoking a cigarette and looking at an electronic board. I don't know what he was looking at, but there was a lewd smile on his face.

Looking around, images of beaches and beauties were projected onto the walls on both sides. The women in the images were wearing revealing clothes and making all kinds of blushing poses.

The captain's hobby... is very simple.

Han Shu put down the electronic board and waved, "Why are you standing there? Come over here."

Tianyang walked over:

Captain, you're looking for me?"

Han Shu took out two items from under the table and said, "Starting today, you are an official member of our Raven Squad. There are some equipment and supplies in here, take them, they should be useful for the next mission. By the way, have you checked your room?"

Tianyang nodded: "I saw it. What is that room used for?"

Han Shu laughed: "I don't know about other teams, but in our team, you can do whatever you want. Even if you hide a woman in there, as long as it doesn't disturb everyone, no one will care."

Captain, I am not the kind of person you say I am...

"So what should I do next?"

Han Shu held up the electronic board again and said absentmindedly, "You don't have to do anything. You can go home now even if you want to. Just show up at the assembly point on the transfer platform on time when you are on a mission."

Captain, is our discipline too lax

Seeing that Han Shu had already immersed himself in the virtual world of the electronic board, Tianyang reluctantly picked up the two equipment boxes and returned to his room.

After the door was closed, he placed the boxes on the table and opened both of them.

There was only one knife in a box, and the sword and scabbard were placed separately. Tianyang's attention was immediately focused on the sword.

There's no way, it's too eye-catching!

The blade of this sword is straight, the body is red, and there is a row of geometric patterns on the spine.

The handle is 30 cm long, which is enough for dual wielding. Moreover, the blade of this knife has a crescent moon design, and the blade extends out from two crescent moons, which is beautifully shaped.

Tianyang stretched out a finger and gently stroked the blade. The touch between his fingers was not cold, but slightly warm.

The boy tapped the panel next to the box, activating an electronic interface on which relevant information about the sword appeared.

The Red Moon Saber is a composite knife forged with the Dark People's Ghost Chariot, the second-stage sickle-shaped forelimbs, and heat-conducting crystals as the main materials, combined with other materials.

This knife is sharper than the particle sword and lighter. In addition, the thermal conductive crystals can heat the blade when stimulated by the star energy.

Theoretically, the peak heat can reach 500 degrees, but in actual combat, the average temperature is only around 400 degrees. However, this does not prevent the Red Moon Sword from having the characteristics of high heat and burning.

At the end of the message, there is a warning: It is very expensive, don't break it easily, or you will cry when you receive the repair bill! - Gu Min