Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 64: Weird little building


When Tianyang and Lao Xu arrived, a soldier who was on guard here was lying on the ground with his rifle ready. From this posture, it seemed that he was preparing to attack.

This was a new soldier, not much older than Tianyang. His face turned pale with fear, and his fingers were shaking slightly, making people worry that he might accidentally discharge his gun.

Tianyang understood this, no matter how the instructor described the horror of the world of adversity to you in class. Even through video footage, you can clearly see what some of the dark people look like.

But that is completely different from experiencing it firsthand in the world of adversity.

The former is at most like a nightmare, while the latter is like a nightmare turned into reality.

So it is understandable that the face of this new recruit, hidden in the closed helmet, would be full of fear.

Old Xu waved his hand in front of his eyes and said, "Hey, stop daydreaming. What did you see just now?"

The new soldier finally reacted and pointed ahead, his voice trembling: "There is something. I just saw something over there."

"What is it?" Tianyang asked.

The soldier shook his head. "I don't know. It's in the dark, but I can see a light. It should be the light emitted by the cage of will. And, I feel that it is watching me. Or, observing me. It feels like a scavenger looking at a fresh corpse. I... I don't want to die. I want to go back!"

He got up and tried to run back.

Old Xu raised his foot and tripped him, then said to Tianyang, "Go over and take a look."

Tianyang nodded in agreement, lowered the muzzle of his gun, crouched down and moved forward cautiously.

Old Xu pulled the new recruit over and said, "Look into my eyes, you'll be fine. Stay calm! Even if you want to quit, you have to wait until this mission is over. Now you'd better stay with us, understand!"

After being yelled at by Old Xu, the new recruit seemed to calm down a little. Although his face was still ugly, he finally nodded.

At this time, Tianyang stopped, and the light on the gun illuminated the ground. There was a palm print on the ground. Tianyang gestured and found that the palm print was slightly smaller than his, and it seemed to be a woman's hand.

Then he found several sets of prints, including hand prints and footprints.

Judging from their distribution, Tianyang's mind suddenly emerged with the image of a woman crawling on the ground.

At this time, Lao Xu came over: "How is it?"

Tianyang turned on the light and scanned the marks. "It should be a mad dog. There seems to be only one at the moment. I don't know if it passed by or discovered us.

A sentry coming over to scout."

Old Xu shook his head: "If it's the latter, I'm afraid there is a nest nearby."

"Let's wait until the captain comes and decide."

Old Xu smiled and said, "I agree."

20 minutes later, two Falcon tanks drove out of the black fog and stopped at the temporary camp. Han Shu was the first to jump off the vehicle.

When he heard that a mad dog was found, Han Shu became very cautious. This man was usually careless, but he was decisive at the critical moment.

After looking at those groups of prints, Han Shudang took Cangdu, Jiyu and two soldiers to track and investigate, while the others stayed in the camp to collect news.

After a while, gunshots were faintly heard in the black fog. Tianyang and Lao Xu immediately looked nervously towards the source of the gunshots.

However, the gunshots did not last long and disappeared after about a few minutes.

Ten minutes later, Han Shu and his friends came back, and there was some blood on their bodies. But it looked like the blood was from a mad dog.

Han Shu sat down and cursed, "What bad luck! There is indeed a mad dog's den ahead, but the dogs are not numerous and there are no mutants. When they got there, those guys were busy doing that, but they made me sick."

Tianyang looked confused: "Captain, what did you say? I don't understand."

Han Shu said unhappily, "Don't ask so many questions, kid."

Tianyang understood immediately. He thought that the dogs were probably mating when Han Shu and the others arrived.

This is also the terrifying part of the Reverse World. The Dark People reproduce in different ways. For example, Mad Dogs reproduce in the same way as viviparous animals. And the Wanderers are said to grow from a half-plant, half-living dead tree.

That’s right, it grows like a fruit!

Many of the ways in which these residents of the opposite world were born are so bizarre, and some are even so horrifying that they are beyond the limits of human imagination.

After a short rest, Han Shu began to arrange the work: "In order to complete the task as soon as possible, we have to split into teams to explore. Jiyu and I will be in one team, Cangdu and you and Tianyang will be in another team, each team will have two soldiers. The rest of you will stay in the camp to guard the supplies. Do you have any objection?"

Cangdu was the first to jump up: "Yes, Captain, why do you want me to be on the same team with this guy!"

"Because Tianyang is a newcomer, he needs someone to guide him. Jiyu is like a mute, do you think she can guide a newcomer?" Han Shu said unhappily.

Cangdu pointed at him and said, "You can lead the captain too. Old Xu will do."

Han Shu cursed

"You know nothing. Old Xu is always thinking about slacking off. Let him lead? One old man is enough. If there is a little one, who can stand it?"

"As for me, don't you see how old I am, Captain? There is a generation gap between me and Tianyang. You know the generation gap, right? You are about the same age as Tianyang, and you have more experience than him. You are not dumb, and you are positive enough."

"Tell me, if you don't take the newcomers, who will?"

Captain, your skill in shirking responsibility is simply perfect... .

Cangdu was so choked that he couldn't say a word. After a long while, he could only glare at Tianyang fiercely: "Don't hold me back later, otherwise, I'd rather do it myself!"

As a newcomer to the team, Tianyang naturally had no objection.

So Cangdu and Tianyang formed a team, took Yanbing and another soldier and left the camp.

They walked along the road and turned onto a street at an intersection. There were many buildings on both sides of the street, but the height was limited. Just after entering the street, the buildings were still six or seven stories high. But the deeper they went, the lower the buildings became, basically only about three or four stories high.

Compared with the metropolis, these buildings appear much simpler, and there is a clear gap in taste and style.

Moreover, the buildings in the town obviously have no unified planning. Tall and low buildings are crowded together, giving people a messy feeling.

When the main street was blocked by several collapsed buildings, Cangdu pointed to an alley on the left, and the team changed route and entered the alley.

The houses in the alley were even more dilapidated and low-rise. The ground was covered with a layer of dirty black mud, and stepping on it was like walking on the belly of a giant monster.

Cangdu glanced back and said, "No matter where you are, don't walk in the center of the passage. Walk to the side, so the chance of being attacked is at least reduced by half."

Tianyang nodded, and followed Cangdu's example, walking under the left corner. Suddenly, Tianyang put his hand on Cangdu's shoulder.

The ponytailed young man swept his hand away with disgust: "What are you doing?"

Tianyang raised his gun and let the light fall on a house in front: "Look over there."

Several beams of light shot out, and Cang Du's breathing became slightly heavier. The two-story building in front was covered with some kind of dark mucus, which had almost solidified, but under the light, liquid would still flow down from time to time...

PS: Thanks to Xiang Lingyun, Shanjian Yifengting, and I am Wangwang for the tips. Please support me on Monday!