Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 68: The dark shadow behind


Activating the night vision mode of the tactical electronic eye, Tianyang adjusted the distance, and the blurry scene in the distance was immediately brought closer and became clear.

What the soldier was pointing at was the wreckage of a car on the road. A figure suddenly jumped out from behind the car, of which only the frame was left.

It's a mad dog!

The abomination with a human face crouched over the car and looked in the direction of the camp.

More mad dogs appeared on the road, bypassing cars and obstacles, spitting out long scarlet tongues covered with flesh thorns. Like the masterpiece of the god of nightmare, this reptile with some human features began to trot.

"what happen."

Han Shu heard the alarm, jumped out of the car and ran towards the cordon.

Old Xu put down a telescope and said nervously, "It's a pack of dogs, about a hundred in number, rushing towards our camp."

Suddenly, a dark red beam of light shot out from the darkness of the road and hit the chest of the soldier next to him. The soldier didn't even notice it, and after a moment, he lowered his head and covered his chest where blood was gushing out.

He knelt down and stretched out his hand towards Han Shu, perhaps wanting to call for help. But the face in the helmet only had blood pouring out of his mouth.

Han Shu cursed, "Everyone, be alert, there's a shooter! A secret shooter!"

Tianyang was already lying on the ground, holding the assault rifle's stand open and resting the gun on the ground. The tactical electronic eye searched for the source of the beam, and then saw a mysterious shooter, a goat-faced thing standing on a car, aiming at the camp's bone barrel and continuing to fire.

Aiming at the eyeball on the alienated gun, Tianyang retaliated with color. A deep blue beam of light cut through the darkness of the road and blasted the will cage of the mysterious shooter.

More black and red beams were coming towards the camp.

Cangdu hid behind the chariot, pointed his gun at the enemy in the dark, and shouted as he fired: "Use the heavy artillery to deal with those shooters first, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

The soldiers in the chariot controlled the Star Element heavy artillery on board and pointed the muzzle at the opposite firepower point. After the charging hum sounded, the blue energy shells broke through the air and detonated blue fireballs on the firepower position of the dark people.

At this time, the dogs had already launched a charge.

Nearly a hundred mad dogs used their hands and feet to quickly close the distance between them and the camp.

At this moment, a huge aura suddenly erupted in the camp, followed by a rain of arrows that shot up into the sky. After reaching the highest point,

Then it shook it downwards and shot towards the pack of dogs rushing towards the camp.

Suddenly, a large number of dogs in the front line fell down, and the blue arrows exploded violently after hitting the monsters, creating huge wounds.

Even if the mad dogs' will cages were not blown to pieces, their flesh and blood would be blown everywhere, making them unable to move for a while.

After launching this hail of arrows, Ji Yu put down the ectoplasmic longbow, took out a test tube from his waist bag, unscrewed the stopper, and drank the glowing blue liquid inside in one gulp.

That is the Star Essence Supplement.

But even after infusing a bottle of supplementary fluid, the starlight on Ji Yu's body was still extremely weak.

It seemed that the rain of arrows just now consumed a lot of her star energy.

At this moment, Tianyang's eyes lit up, and a layer of star barrier appeared around him.

Lao Xu beside him whispered, "This is the captain's ability, but don't expect it to be very strong. At most, it can withstand a few beams from the mysterious shooter."

Old Xu had already drawn his sword, with star aura also evident around him. Then he and Cang Du stepped forward together and knocked down the few dog demons that rushed up.

The wrists of these two War God Ascendants began to glow with brilliant light, their auras slowly rose, and when their swords were swung, a dull sound of breaking through the air was heard.

No barghest could reach them with a sword!

As for Han Shu, first a piece of armor outlined by light flashed on his body, and then a spear condensed from star energy appeared in his hand.

He stood between Lao Xu and the other man, sweeping and stabbing with his spear, killing all the dog demons that pounced on him.

Under the suppression of the heavy artillery of the two tanks, the secret shooter was beaten back step by step, which greatly reduced the pressure on the camp's defense line.

Even so, there were still mad dogs rushing into the camp from time to time, and Tianyang and Jiyu had to kill them at this time.

After a moment, one of the recruits couldn't bear the psychological pressure anymore, he yelled, turned around and ran away.

Several dog demons just rushed into the camp. Tianyang drew out the Red Moon Sword and cut off the head of one of them.

Ji Yu also shot two arrows in time, destroying their cage.

But another one pounced on the recruit, and then started to scratch and bite him, causing sparks to fly from the recruit's armor, and he was so scared that he shouted for help.

Finally, the dog demon bit off his neck. Inside the helmet, the recruit died with his eyes wide open and blood spitting from his mouth.

A red light flashed across the mad dog, and Tianyang slashed the monster almost in half with one knife.

Unfortunately, it was still too late and the soldier was not saved.

He hummed.

With a sound, he raised the rifle with his left hand and sent beams of star element light into the dog pack.

... ... .

A few minutes later, most of the dogs in the pack, which were killed or injured, began to retreat. Before leaving, they would bite those of their kind that were seriously injured but not dead, and pull out their skulls along with the will cages underneath.

When there was no mad dog left alive on the road, the remaining dog demons retreated into the darkness in the distance.

The battle came and ended quickly. At this time, a soldier knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

He was also a new recruit who had just joined the Night Walkers. It took some luck for him to survive such a fierce battle just now.

Unfortunately, his luck seemed to have run out.

The recruit had just controlled his emotions and was about to get up when he suddenly saw a wisp of black smoke rising from the front of his helmet.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his hand was on fire!

The black flames were not hot, but rather so cold that they made people shiver.

The recruit was so frightened that he screamed, "What is this? What is this!"

Han Shu and others noticed his abnormality, and when they saw the black flame, Han Shu's first reaction was to rush over. Suddenly, the black flame jumped up and engulfed the new recruit in an instant.

The recruit turned into a black fireball, screaming horribly in the flames and stumbling towards the crowd.

When even Han Shu was at a loss, a deep blue beam shot into the flames, and the screams of the recruits stopped.

He fell to the ground, the black fire continued to burn, but he no longer screamed.

He is dead.

Han Shu finally reacted and looked towards where the beam of light came from. Tian Yang had just put down his assault rifle.

Cangdu also saw this scene, and the expression of the young man with ponytail became complicated.

Tianyang sighed softly, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat. He raised his head as if he had been electrocuted, and saw an evil figure appearing behind Jiyu.

"Get down!"

Tianyang shouted, pointed the gun at Jiyu and shot suddenly!

Ji Yu reacted very quickly and fell down immediately after hearing the sound. Just at this moment, the shadow behind her stretched out a pale and skinny hand.

If Ji Yu hadn't fallen down, the hand would have been on her back.

More importantly, a ball of black flame was burning on this hand!

PS: Thanks to yelantingyuz and xianglingyun for the tip! Thank you!