Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 72: vote


"Captain, listen to me, there's something strange about the pendant. There seems to be a living being in the pendant, which could be the wizard's true body. I'll try to force that thing out. If it appears, it's up to you, Captain..."

Han Shu remembered what Tianyang had said on the communicator just now. Just as he said, there was actually a multi-eyed black lizard hidden in the wizard's pendant.

Now, that thing had been blasted into pieces by the star element beam, and there were some red flames floating from the fragments of the corpse. It seemed that this living thing was the prison of the wizard's will.

This made Han Shu very confused.

Last time it was the ghost car, this time it was the wizard. Why can Tianyang always find the weaknesses of these dark people? Moreover, his speed, explosive power, and reaction are not the characteristics of the God of War.

What class is this kid

What is Ling Feng, the four-eyed guy, hiding

At the other end of the road, the fabrics left by the wizard on the ground began to rot. It turned out that the cloak and rags were not fabrics, but biological tissues.

Things in the world of adversity are indeed difficult to measure with common sense.

Tianyang was feeling emotional and was about to leave when he noticed two eyeballs rolling out of the wizard's palm.

The tissues are not eroding, but the lens inside the eye is changing.

Its cornea was melting away, turning into black particles so tiny that they were barely noticeable.

The lens and vitreous body are crystallized. The black particles formed by the cornea look like a cloud of mist or a flame. They enter the crystals through some kind of veins.

So the pair of eyeballs looked like they contained black fire. Tianyang picked them up and put them into the recycling container.

If you hand it over to the fortress, you should be able to exchange it for equivalent contribution points. Maybe the next time the development department sends out equipment, there will be weapons containing this material.

After the wizard disappeared, the dark people outside the defense line were leaderless, and because most of them were killed or injured, these cunning creatures finally chose to retreat.

A few minutes later, the black civilians left completely, and the two soldiers began to clean up the battlefield. Recycling the materials left behind by the black civilians after their death, even if it was only left by Mad Dog and Secret Shooter, could be exchanged for a contribution point.

Han Shu and his companions did not participate. There is an unwritten rule among the Night Walkers that the materials of the dark people below the danger level 3 belong to the soldiers.

As an informal subsidy for soldiers participating in exploration work.

In the Falcon Chariot, Han Shu was contacting the Lighthouse Outpost. After the communication was established, Han Shu asked to speak to Ling Feng.

A moment later, the voice of the Chief of General Staff sounded from the speaker of the car communicator: "I am Ling Feng."

Han Shu almost lay on the communicator, his voice low and serious: "Master General Staff, I'm afraid we have to give up Huanggu Town. You don't know what we encountered here!"

Ling Feng's voice was a little helpless: "Han Shu, I have a lot of work to do and I don't have time to play dumb with you. If you want to report something, can you get straight to the point?"

Han Shu turned around and pointed into the communicator: "This guy really has no sense of humor."

Then he coughed dryly and said, "Okay, let me tell you the main point. We ran into a wizard. You know the dark creatures, the kind that can perform magic tricks. Of course, its magic tricks almost cost us our lives."

"Also, that damn thing can speak our language. You heard it right, Mr. Ling, I'm not kidding. That thing started talking about..."

Han Shu looked at Lao Xu for help: "What did it say?"

Old Xu knew him very well, and there was no surprise on his face: "Ritual, human, death. Or, just one word death? Anyway, it's about the same."

Han Shu repeated what Old Xu had said, and then asked, "What do you think, Mr. General Staff? To me, these dark bastards are getting weirder and weirder, even though they have always been weird."

"Last time when we recovered the star pillar, we encountered a monster that could transmit electronic signals. Now, the black people here are just like the believers of the Church of the Lord of War. They even worship something. Tianyang and Cangdu found something similar when they were exploring."

There was silence on the communicator for a moment before Ling Feng's voice rang out: "According to the current situation, your best option is to retreat. But I hope you can consider..."

"What are you considering?" Han Shu frowned, as if he already knew Ling Feng's answer.

Ling Feng's voice was emotionless: "Consider going deeper into Huanggu Town. If the Dark People are planning something there, the sooner we find out, the better. You know, Huanggu Town is not far from the lighthouse. If something really happens,

talk... "

After a pause, Ling Feng changed the subject: "Of course, if you choose to evacuate, I won't force you. Think about it for yourselves. If you have a result, please contact me so that I can make arrangements as soon as possible."

Communication ended.

It was very quiet in the Falcon chariot, and everyone, including Tianyang, was looking at Han Shu.

Han Shu scratched his spiky head and spread his hands, saying, "Tell me what you think."

Old Xu was the first to raise his hand and said, "I think we should evacuate. Just one wizard almost killed us. God knows what else is in this town. Don't forget, the strange house that Tianyang and his friends saw on the way clearly had some kind of dark people born there. So I personally think it's too dangerous to go any deeper."

Cang Du shook his head: "I think we should continue exploring. Just like Chief Commander Ling said, it would be better to find out what the black people are planning here as soon as possible. And I don't think there will be many monsters of danger level 3 in a town like this. Maybe we have just eliminated the most dangerous thing in the town."

Old Xu frowned, "But you can't be sure. There is more than one wizard in the town, right? What if there are more dangerous monsters? Our luck can't always be so good, right?"

Cangdu looked at the window and said, "Old Xu, if you are so scared, maybe you should consider retiring."

Old Xu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally lowered his head: "I'm going to go out and get some fresh air."

He left the chariot.

Han Shu slapped Cang Duhe on the head: "What nonsense are you talking about, kid."

Cang Du covered his head and said, "I'm not wrong. The Night Walkers are the most dangerous corps. People who are afraid of death should not go there."

Han Shu sighed softly: "What do you know, kid? When you reach Old Xu's age, you will know that being a little timid is not a bad thing."


Cang Du sneered.

"Well, let's just vote. Although I want to leave this damn place as soon as possible, what Four Eyes said makes sense, so I want to find out what those dark bastards are planning here." Han Shu was the first to express his opinion.

Then, the captain looked at everyone and asked, "What about you?"

PS: Thanks to Xiang Lingyun and Ren Erqi for their tips! Thanks to everyone who voted!