Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 73: Viviparous organisms


After the voting, all members passed, except Lao Xu.

Han Shu jumped off the chariot and saw Lao Xu smoking by the campfire, so he walked over.

After slapping Old Xu on the shoulder, Han Shu also took out a cigarette and lit it: "That kid Cangdu always speaks without thinking, don't bother with him."

Old Xu blew out a smoke ring and shook his head: "He is actually right. I am holding you back."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Han Shu took a deep puff, and the cigarette butt glowed red. "As a family man, it's always better to be careful. But we plan to continue exploring. How about this, when there is an operation, you stay and watch the vehicles with the soldiers. If there is anything wrong, you don't have to worry about us, how about it?"

Old Xu didn't say anything, just nodded silently.

The two men finished their cigarettes and walked back.

After a moment, the chariot started and left the camp.

In the car, Sergeant Yan Bing was driving towards the strange small building discovered by Cangdu and Tianyang.

Since there were traces of some kind of ceremony being held there, Han Shu felt it necessary to go there and take a look.

Sitting behind the driver, Tianyang gently patted Yanbing's shoulder: "How is your injury?"

Yan Bing gave a thumbs up and said, "Miss Ji Yu's skills are impeccable. She gave me first aid and my injuries are now stable. But I can't do strenuous exercise, so the captain asked me to drive."

"Fortunately, the bones are not injured. After returning, we can go to the medical center to fill them with biomaterials, and they should be able to recover to their previous level." Tianyang made a suggestion.

Yan Bing smiled, paused for a moment, and then said, "No, it's too expensive to fill it with biological materials. I plan to go to the Soldier Hospital and fill it with artificial polymer materials."

Tianyang frowned: "Polymer materials have no bio-based basis and will affect the motor function of your legs."

Yan Bing scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm getting married soon, and I want to save more contribution points. The polymer material is not very useful, but I don't think it will have much impact on the calf position."

Tianyang disagreed. Although the joints were not injured, the loss of calf muscles would affect the speed of movement. Even if biological materials were added, it would not be possible to restore it to its original state, let alone polymer materials.

In adversity, the speed of action will sometimes determine a person's life or death.

"After returning to the fortress, go and fill the biological materials. I will give you the contribution points."

Without waiting for Yan Bing to refuse, Tian Yang

I said, "Just consider it as me lending it to you first. When you have more money, you can slowly pay me back. Don't refuse unless you want to retire. Otherwise, do as I say."

Yan Bing was silent for a long time before he squeezed out a sentence: "Thank you."

The soldier's hands gripped the steering wheel even tighter than before.

"A nice guy."

Cang Du, who was sitting next to him, looked out the window and said this.

Tianyang smiled and said, "If you need it, I can lend it to you."

"Tsk." Cang Du closed his eyes and said, "No need."

Tianyang shrugged, closed his eyes and dozed off, trying to find some time to rest.

When the car stopped, we had arrived at the alley leading to the strange little building.

Han Shu said on the car radio: "Old Xu and the soldiers stay behind to guard the place, and the rest of you follow me."

Tianyang patted Yanbing on the shoulder, told him to be careful, and then jumped off the chariot with Cangdu.

In another chariot, Han Shu and Ji Yu poked their heads out of the chariot and got out together. After the four of them met up, they walked into the alley.

The alley was very quiet, with nothing unusual except for the occasional black mold that appeared on the ground and walls.

In a blink of an eye, the small building came into sight, and the skeleton of the giant corpse lying on the building had gradually become visible. At this rate, it looked like only bones would be left after 36 hours.

Outside the gate, the black dead tree with mysterious symbols engraved on it was still there, and the corpse of the mad dog worshiping the dead tree had not changed.

Han Shu made a gesture, and Ji Yu took out a small recorder, took pictures of the dead tree and the mad dog, and stored them for archiving.

Tianyang and Cangdu took out recovery tools and collected scales, tissues and other samples from the giant corpse.

After returning, these things will be handed over to the experimental department. At the same time, they will bring certain merits and contribution points to the Raven Team.

After about 5 minutes of busy work, the team finally entered the small building and came to the living room with an eerie atmosphere.

Looking at the giant bag hanging in the middle of the living room, Han Shu fanned his nose vigorously. "The smell in here is so bad that I almost thought I fell into a cesspool. Damn, these dark bastards are so disgusting. And what on earth is this thing?"

Tianyang had already drawn out the Red Moon Saber and pointed the blade at the gap in the meat sac: "Captain, look here, something came out of there, and we found something like footprints, it extends all the way to the window."

Han Shuba

The light shone on the ground, and sure enough, on the black mud-like substance on the ground, there were marks extending towards the window.

The distances between these marks are not consistent, and it looks like the thing has just been born and is still unsteady when it walks, like a baby who is just learning to walk in July or August.

The word "baby" made Han Shu feel a little nauseous. He turned the light back on the hanging giant sac: "So this thing is something like a culture tank?"

Ji Yu crossed his arms over his chest and said in a low voice: "If you want to know whether it is or not, you can cut it open and see. Unfortunately, I don't have the tools."

"I have."

Tianyang raised the Red Moon Saber and pressed the star essence into the blade, and the heat-conducting lines lit up. When the blade generated a bright red luster, the temperature in the room rose rapidly!

A moment later, the giant sac that was cut open by the Red Moon Saber was lying on the ground, divided into two halves, allowing Ji Yu to see it fully.

"Look here." Ji Yu used a dry branch to pick up a thin membrane inside the meat sac: "What do you think it looks like?"

Han Shu said unhappily, "If I knew, I would have studied it myself. Do I need you to help me?"

Ji Yu was no longer surprised by his temper, and said calmly: "This is something similar to amnion. Do you know what amnion is?"

Han Shu pinched his nose and asked back: "Should I know?"

Jiyu looked at the other two people. Tianyang and Cangdu also looked confused. The woman sighed softly: "You men..."


She used the branch to pick out a piece of flesh membrane from the flesh sac, but this piece of flesh membrane was covered with black hair.

Next, Ji Yu found some ribbon-like objects in the flesh sac. She stayed between the two flesh sacs for about ten minutes before walking out.

"It's exactly what I guessed. This thing is an organ. It's similar to the placenta, because inside it, I found the amnion, the chorion, and something similar to the umbilical cord."

Ji Yu turned around and looked at the organ: "It's a pity that I don't have the tools at hand, otherwise, I could study whether it has the ability to synthesize. If it can synthesize hormones, enzymes, cytokines, etc., then it is basically correct."

Han Shu swallowed and said, "So you want to tell me that the creature born inside this damn thing is a mammal?"

Ji Yu corrected him: "I can only tell you that it is a viviparous creature. But obviously its 'mother' is no longer able to breastfeed it."

The woman pointed upwards.