Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 77: High wall


Ho! Ho! Ho!

There were a few gasps beside Tianyang. It seemed that not only he saw the white face, but Han Shu and Cangdu also saw it.

As more lights were shone, the bright light dispelled the dark fog in the room, and everyone saw clearly that it was not a face, but a pistil. It was only the combination of the depth of the pistil's color, coupled with the lack of light, that created the illusion of a human face.

But even in bright light, if you stare at it for long enough, you'll still feel like you're looking at a face.

This is a flower, a very big flower.

Its pistil is mostly white, with delicate petals on both sides. The petals gradually change from white to pink from the inside to the outside.

In the dim world of the Reverse Realm, this color looks weird no matter how you look at it, not to mention the thick ends of the petals, which have veins similar to nerves or blood vessels growing on them, making it hard to tell whether it is a plant or a living thing.

Below the strange flower was a thick rhizome with both ends hidden under the wall. On the dark roots of the plant, there were scarlet tumor-like things growing. They would occasionally agitate, and during the contraction movement, there was a sound of some liquid flowing inside.

A hoarse, fine, and slightly illusory sound came from the pistil of the demon flower. The filaments around the pistil seemed to be affected by the vibrations of the air and fluttered up and down.

From a distance, it looked as if the white face was speaking, exuding an inexplicable weirdness.

Everyone looked at each other.

Ji Yu folded his arms across his chest: "What do you think it is?"

Tianyang blurted out: "Communicator."

Ji Yu gave him an approving look: "I think so too. It seems that something is using this plant to convey information. Maybe it's no accident that the Black Prince is here."

"You mean, it received some kind of instructions here?" Han Shu touched his rough chin. "If there is something using this plant to send messages, then as long as we follow the roots of these plants, we should find something. We can even find the prince again."

Ji Yu nodded and said, "I thought so too."

Han Shu immediately decided: "Let's go. I'll ask Lao Xu and the others to drive the car over here. The scanning device on the car should be able to find out where the roots of these plants lead to."

A few minutes later, two Falcon light tanks arrived nearby. Han Shu got on the vehicle and activated an interface on the vehicle's control panel.

He activated the scanning function, and a piece of armor on the top of the tank opened up, and a cylindrical three-dimensional light scanner rose from it. The top of the instrument opened like a flower bud, emitting hundreds of rays of light.

As they scanned the surroundings, a perspective model of nearby buildings appeared on the screen of the tank's control panel.

Han Shu adjusted the accuracy of the model and quickly found the strange plant hidden in the wall and marked it with red.

From the screen, we can see that the roots of that thing extend underground and extend towards the southeast of the town.


At Han Shu's command, the two chariots began to move, following the roots of the plant underground.

As we went deeper into the town, more and more similar plants appeared in the building models on the control panel. Some of them were no longer satisfied with hiding underground, and they emerged from the ground and wrapped around tall buildings like snakes.

Those strange plants had human-faced flowers growing on them. Tian Yang looked out the car window and saw cold, expressionless faces looking down at the town indifferently.

When the vehicles stopped, the road was no longer passable and thick, twisted black roots emerged from the ground and buildings.

They are tangled together to form a high wall. On this wall formed by plants, the roots even hang car wreckage, parts of buildings, and sundries such as lamp posts.

These things are like plants that pop up and grow wildly, taking with them everything in their path and becoming decorations on the high walls.

Looking at the high wall blocking the way, Han Shu gestured: "Let's go and see if there is another way."

The two chariots returned to a crossroads and chose another direction to move, but unfortunately, the high walls cut off all passages and seemed to have enclosed part of the town.

The chariot stopped again. Han Shu punched the door with his fist and snorted, "It seems we only have one choice left."

Everyone looked at him.

Han Shu stared at the high wall outside and narrowed his eyes: "Let's climb over it!"

The high wall "woven" by plant roots was about four stories high, which was basically no difficulty for Han Shu and others.

After a brief inspection, Han Shu led the team, which still consisted of four Ascendants, and moved forward along the streets and buildings.

Lao Xu and the soldiers stayed behind to look after the vehicles and to assist the team in evacuating when necessary.

When he came to the bottom of the high wall and looked closely, Tianyang discovered that the thick stems of the plants here were covered with dense black short hairs. They seemed to be some kind of plant fibers, which were unevenly distributed, with patches here and there, making the high wall look like it had patches of sickly black spots.

"It's so fucking disgusting." Han Shu put on a pair of gloves and placed them on the short hairs. The furry things immediately shrank and curled up into a ball.

Cangdu had already climbed up, holding a pickaxe in his hand and carrying a coil of rope on his back. In places where there were no fulcrums, the ponytailed youth would use the pickaxe to dig into the roots and then use it to climb up.

His climbing skills were quite good, and in less than 10 minutes, he had climbed to the top of the high wall, stuck the pickaxe deep into the tree roots, tied a rope to it, and then lowered himself down.

It was easy for others to climb up. With the help of ropes, they reached the vicinity of Cangdu in 5 minutes.

The crowd did not rush to climb over. Instead, they lay down at the edge of the tree wall and looked down. There were scattered fires below, and the flames dispersed the black fog.

Then Tianyang saw that almost all the buildings inside the wall were razed to the ground, with only six or seven buildings left in the middle.

Those tall buildings are arranged in a circle, and it seems that they are not left there randomly, but have been selected and have some purpose.

On a pile of rocks, there lay a 20-meter-long greasy corpse. Its twisted and horrible body was almost impossible to describe in words. The body of the cursed creature that should not exist in the world was rotting and decomposing.

The mucus slowly flowed down from the corpse, winding down along the pile of stones and forming a shallow black puddle on the ground.

The eerie white bones that emerged from it, as well as what were obviously the hind limbs, had many similarities with the corpse lying on the two-story building.

This shows that they are the same kind of dark people.

If so, does this giant corpse also have an organ similar to the placenta and give birth to another Black Prince