Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 78: Eating (seeking collection)


"These bastards, are they planning to have a few kids here for fun?" Han Shu muttered as he turned his gaze away from the giant corpse.

Tian Yang felt even more depressed: "It won't be that simple, Black Prince... If there is a prince, will there be a king?"

Han Shu's expression changed. "Four Eyes once let it slip that there is indeed a Black King or something like that in the Reverse Realm. Unfortunately, my authority is not enough. It seems that only the high-level officials like Four Eyes know about that kind of thing."

Tianyang frowned: "As an exploration corps, shouldn't the Night Walkers open up to us unconditionally about the intelligence of the Reverse Realm?"

Han Shu patted his shoulder in comfort. "I thought the same when I first joined Night Walker. But now I think it's better to know less. At least there will be less mental pressure. Just look at Siyan's kidney deficiency and you will know that it's not easy to be a senior executive."

Tianyang really couldn't agree with his idea.

Han Shu snapped his fingers at Ji Yu again: "We have to go down and take a look, Ji Yu, find a way out for us."

Ji Yu sighed: "My workload has increased again."

Han Shu grinned: "The more you work, the more you get. Okay, stop complaining and quickly figure out what those dark bastards are doing so that we can get back as soon as possible."

"I'm going to drink when I get back." Ji Yu emphasized, "Drink good wine!"

"Leave it to me. I'll treat you. If you get drunk, I'll find you a bed to sleep on." Han Shu blinked.

Ji Yu snorted from his nose, nimbly climbed over the tree wall and crawled down.

The others followed.

Arriving under the tree wall, Ji Yu made a gesture and led Tian Yang and the other two to move among the rocks, car wreckage, and various shelters.

With extraordinary success, they sneaked into a building.

Inside the building, the walls were covered with mold unique to the Reverse World, and the ground was littered with all kinds of messy things. They found a staircase leading to the upper floors, and after a while, they arrived at the fourth floor.

Han Shu found a window and looked out. He discovered that there were more than a dozen strange black trees growing in the open space in the middle of the building, also arranged in a circle.

These trees had no leaves, only twisted branches, and strange symbols were carved on the trunks. Under each strange tree, there was a fire. In the firelight, strange figures were wandering nearby.


There weren't many of them, but there were still dozens of them. These low-class black people were like lepers, wandering around aimlessly.

Tianyang also saw this scene. He lowered his voice and said, "Captain, these buildings, and the circle of strange trees below, if you add the outermost tree wall, then that would make three circles. The tree wall, the buildings, and the strange trees form a concentric circle structure. This is obviously not a natural phenomenon."

Han Shu also retracted his head and sat at the foot of the wall. He drew three circles on the dusty ground with his fingers. "It does look weird. It's a bit like the structure of the altar of the Church of the Lord of War. And that Black Prince, what on earth are these bastards worshipping?"

Cangdu, who was looking out the window, suddenly changed his expression, and Jiyu beside him also reminded him: "Look outside."

Han Shu and Tian Yang looked out the window again, and saw a team appearing in the middle of the open space below where strange black trees were growing.

The team was basically made up of Mad Dog and Secret Shooter, with a wizard walking in the front.

Next to the wizard, there was another figure.

Tianyang adjusted the field of view of his tactical eye, zoomed in, and he saw a fat man.

He was short and stocky, wearing shorts, and had pale skin.

There was a crown-shaped helmet on its head, and Tianyang bet that it must also be wearing a visor covering half of its face.

"Could that thing also be a Black Prince?" When Han Shugang said this, another team appeared in the northwest of the open space.

The team was also led by a wizard, and also followed by a humanoid creature. However, this creature was particularly burly, with very clear muscle lines, and his arms were wrapped with circles of black iron chains. When walking, the chain links collided, making a clanging sound.

Judging from the crown helmet and black visor, yes, this is also a black prince.

Han Shu and the other three all retracted their heads, sat down, and stared at each other.

"I think we should retreat." Ji Yu coughed dryly and gave Han Shu an inquiring look.

Just one wizard is enough to give people a headache. Now there are two of them, and there are two Black Princes.

Including the one who escaped from them, there are already three Black Princes in this town.

Although not

It is clear what the real strength of the Black Prince is, but since he can be called a prince, he must be no less powerful than a wizard.

If we regard them as dangerous level 3 black monsters, then there are now a total of five monsters of this dangerous level.

No matter how you look at it, Team Raven has no chance of winning.

Han Shu hesitated. It would be dangerous to stay here in the current situation. But if he left like this, he would not know the purpose of the dark people.

A strange roar came from downstairs. Tianyang looked over and saw that the two teams had already arrived near the circle of trees.

The team stopped, and the mad dogs and secret shooters among them were all roaring and screaming, as if they were celebrating something.

It was not until the two hunched wizards, wearing layered fabrics like cloaks, raised their pale and skinny hands that the madly roaring dark people quieted down.

The wizard pointed toward the center of the tree circle. At this moment, the ground shook slightly and a piece of rock was pulled out of the ground by an invisible force.

The two wizards gestured with their hands, and the rock suddenly turned into stone powder. Under the invisible force field, it was chiseled into a high-back rock base.

On the high back of the rock base, a string of sparks flickered, carving out the mysterious symbols that Tianyang and his friends had seen on the black dead tree outside the mysterious little building!

After the symbol was completed, a series of short and hoarse words came from the wizard's hood. The two black princes seemed to understand, nodded slightly, and then walked towards the circle of trees.

As soon as he entered the circle of trees, the exceptionally burly Black Prince swung his arm violently, wrapped the chain around his arm and flew out, entangled a wanderer.

The giant Black Prince grabbed the chain and pulled it, and the Prowler was pulled over. The Black Prince reached out and grabbed it, and the crown-shaped helmet and visor on the top of his head opened together, revealing the mouthparts inside.

One bite.

It bit the wanderer's head, and there was an immediate sound of sharp teeth and bones scraping violently.

The other fat man was not to be outdone. Despite his clumsy figure, he leaped up lightly and pounced on the two wanderers in front.

The man was in mid-air, and his stomach suddenly opened to the left and right, revealing a bloody mouth.

When the fat man pounced, two puffs of black blood like oil spurted out from under his body, and in a blink of an eye, most of the wanderer was eaten.

"They..." Tianyang looked at Han Shu, "Are they eating?"