Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 79: Fight each other


Han Shu did not answer Tian Yang's question. This captain, who was rough both in appearance and heart, looked at the dark people below eating each other, and his expression became increasingly ugly.

Tianyang had no choice but to continue watching the killing inside the tree circle. At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a swaying black shadow from the corner of his eye. Tianyang quickly turned his head and saw a black shadow on the open space outside the tree circle, moving towards the tree circle as fast as lightning.

When it passed a fire, the flames were blown forward by the airflow and returned to normal after a while.

Tianyang saw it.

The black prince with long flowing hair leaned forward, almost level with the ground.

It was moving so fast that Tianyang could hardly see its figure.

The long-haired prince was like a black whirlwind. Before the other dark people could notice, he had already rushed into the team led by a wizard.

Suddenly, there was an extra figure in the team. Only the wizard who looked like a hunchbacked old man noticed it. The other secretive archers who were as fierce as mad dogs still focused their attention on the circle of trees.

The long-haired prince pressed his hands on the ground, and two black arcs of electricity, like a tangled mess, spread along his arms to the ground, affecting most of the team, causing a dozen mad dogs and three secretive shooters to tremble all over and fall to the ground.

The black people who fell to the ground kept twitching all over, and it seemed that they were numbed by the black electric arcs.

The long-haired prince's visor and crown-shaped helmet suddenly opened, and a bunch of bloody hair bands shot out from inside. Each hair band pierced a dark citizen, and then the hair bands moved, seemingly sucking the blood of their own kind.

The dark people on the earth shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into skin and bones corpses.

At this time, the killing in the tree circle stopped, and the other two black princes seemed to notice the uninvited guest.

After the long-haired prince had a full meal, he retracted his whiskers, closed his mouthparts, and slowly stood up.

Two wizards came in front of it, bent their hunched bodies even lower, put one hand on their chest and pointed at the circle of trees with the other.

The long-haired prince nodded slightly and walked towards the circle of trees with light steps.

In the tree circle, most of the wanderers were dead, and the two black princes stopped eating. They were on the left and right, and although there were no eyes on their faces, it seemed that they were watching the latecomer warily.

The long-haired prince finally stepped into the circle of trees, forming an equilateral triangle with the other two princes.

The two wizards uttered a burst of rapid and hoarse words again, and the three princes all faced the high-backed rock seat and bowed slightly.

Then, they resumed their original confrontation.

Arcs of electricity jumped from the long-haired prince's hands, and the arcs gathered and condensed into a pitch-black spear.

The giant prince on the left raised his hands and roared. Suddenly, a black lightning struck down from the sky above the Reverse Realm. When it reached the top of its head, it split into two currents and entangled with the iron chain on its arm.

When the burly prince lowered his arms, a black electric ball the size of a human head appeared at the end of each chain, flickering in and out.

The fat man was left, and the mouthparts on his belly opened again, and black electric light spurted out from it.

The fat man showed a ferocious smile on his face and opened his hands to catch the lightning.

The lightning immediately shrank into its palms, forming two pitch-black machetes made of lightning.

The three princes each held a weapon and walked slowly.

Suddenly, the long-haired prince turned into a blurry black shadow, with a violent sound of breaking through the air, and rushed towards the black prince who was like a giant, holding the black electric war gun.

The giant prince roared and raised his hand, and when he swung it down, a chain with a black electric ball tied to it hit his opponent.

Before the chain fell, the long-haired prince exerted force with his waist and feet at the same time, turned half a circle on the spot in an almost twisted posture, and then rushed towards the fat man with almost no speed reduction.

The fat man screamed and jumped up, chopping down with the black electric machete in his hand, and thousands of electric flashes were created by the black electric machete and the long-haired prince's spear.

The fat man suddenly looked up while in mid-air. It turned out that another prince was swinging an iron chain, pulling the black electric ball and smashing it horizontally.

The fat man raised the machete in his left hand, and his clumsy body spun in the air and fell to the ground.

With his toes touching the ground, he rushed forward almost sticking to the ground, and the two machetes slashed at the long-haired prince's feet.

The long-haired prince thrust his spear into the ground, then suddenly pulled it up, swinging it in a full arc and sending the fat man flying.

Then he turned around with the gun in his left hand and stabbed backwards, hitting the electric ball thrown by the giant.

Just like that, the three princes started a fight in the tree circle. The collision of the three energy weapons formed a storm, which swept those wanderers who didn't have time to leave the tree circle into the storm, and then pulled and deformed, and finally tore them into pieces!

Tianyang unconsciously clenched his fists. The long-haired black prince had indeed not used his full strength. Otherwise, with his speed and adaptability, plus his ability to control black electricity, he would probably be more dangerous than a wizard.

"We should go." Ji Yu reminded again. At this moment, her voice had become a little hoarse due to nervousness.

Han Shu nodded vigorously: "Let's go!"

They left along the same path, walking

On the stairs of the building, Tianyang's mind was still occupied by the image of the three black princes fighting each other.

What are they doing

When this question came up, the boy's mind naturally came up with the high-backed rock throne. In addition, the three princes all bowed to the throne, and Tianyang suddenly caught an inspiration.

Are they fighting for the throne

But what's there to fight about a throne of rock

The young man thought again of the diamond pattern carved by the wizard on the high back of the throne.

Unless the throne has some symbolic meaning. For example, whoever sits on it becomes the king of the dark people

Tianyang stopped.

Cang Du almost bumped into him from behind and couldn't help complaining: "Why did you stop so suddenly? Hurry up and move on, you are sick!"

Tianyang hurriedly chased after him, his heart pounding.

After leaving the building, the team went around a pile of rocks and was about to pass through a low-lying area when Ji Yu in front suddenly stopped and then retreated violently, almost crashing into Han Shu's arms.

At the same time, a black and red beam of light crossed the space and landed where Ji Yu was just now.

Han Shu gasped: "Secret Shooter? Damn it, we've been discovered! Run! Run!"

Sure enough, a goat's face was lying on a car wreck in the distance. The mysterious shooter, who had failed in his attack, opened his mouth and let out a sharp cry, circling in the sky like an alarm.

The two wizards outside the circle of trees shouted immediately and sent out all the mad dogs and archers around them, but they seemed to be more concerned about the duel between the three princes in the circle of trees and did not follow.

However, one of the wizards took out a flower from under his cloak. It was similar to the human-faced flowers on the tree wall, but it was very small, and the human face on the pistil was even more bizarre.

The stamen patterns on other human-faced flowers have no expression, only indifference.

But the pattern on the pistil of the flower in the wizard's hand was actually a grinning human face.

The wizard shook the flower, and the petals fell one by one. From the smiling face of the pistil, a chilling laugh came out.

Ha ha ha ha...

The laughter echoed in the air, and when the sound reached the tree wall, the short black hairs on the roots all shrank, and in a moment, they all disappeared on the tree roots.

There was a human face flower nearby, and two tufts of stamens in the flower had quietly started to grow from the roots and were dyed ink-colored.

So it looked like there were two more eyeballs on that expressionless face!

PS: It’s another weekend in a blink of an eye. Next week should be the last week of the new book list. I hope you guys will support me.