Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 8: A small request


Outpost, diagnostic center.

Tianyang was lying on an automatic examination bed with a pure white medical diagnostic device on one side. Under the control of a robotic arm, it was conducting a comprehensive examination on the boy.

The examination took 15 minutes, at the end of which the diagnostic machine retracted into the ceiling above and transmitted the data to the attending physician's personal control panel.

The control panel looked like a piece of silver tinfoil, and displayed Tianyang's physical information. After browsing it, the doctor in charge folded up the control panel.

After folding it into the size of a card, he casually put it in his pocket. The female doctor with smooth black hair smiled gently: "All your indicators are normal, and there is no sign of contamination by the black fog. However, the vitreous body of your left eye has been completely damaged. I will have to perform an extraction surgery on you later."

Tianyang covered his left cheek: "Is there no way to repair it?"

The doctor apologized, "More than 70% of the eye is damaged, and many nerves are damaged. This is irreversible damage. Of course, you can use a medical 3D printer to get a brand new eyeball, but that can only be done in the medical center of the fortress, and it is expensive."

"Or, later on, you can apply to your department for work injury certification and get some subsidies. At least, an electronic prosthetic eye shouldn't be a problem."

Electronic prosthetic eyes? At least it's better than being blind.

Tianyang thought that after his contribution points were distributed, it should not be a problem to exchange them for a fully functional tactical electronic eye.


With a slight sound, the automatic door of the diagnostic center opened and someone walked in.

The flaxen hair had a brown sheen under the light, and there was a barely perceptible hint of tiredness on the young, strong-lined face.

On his straight nose, he wore a pair of simple plain glasses. Even so, the eyes behind the lenses still shone with a sharp light like a knife.

He was wearing a dark officer's uniform with a silver emblem on his chest. The pattern was a crescent moon and a traveler. It was the emblem of the Night Walker Exploration Corps!

"Ah, Chief of Staff Ling, why are you here?"

The female doctor's face was full of surprise and her eyes were filled with undisguised admiration.

The young man nodded slightly: "I'm sorry, doctor. Can I talk to him alone for a few minutes?"

The female doctor naturally would not refuse. After looking at him a few more times reluctantly, she left the diagnosis center.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ling Feng, Chief of Staff of Night Walker."

Tianyang quickly jumped off the bed, clenched his fist and put it on his chest: "Collect

"I am a soldier from the team, Tianyang. I greet the commander!"

Ling Feng's eyes fell on the class emblem on the back of the boy's hand, and he said calmly: "The commander is not at the lighthouse base, so I came to see you. You said that you have awakened a new class?"

"That's right, sir! The class I awakened to is called Avenger!"

Tianyang answered loudly.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and gently raised his glasses: "Avenger class? I've never heard of this. Can it drive the star essence?"

Star essence is a kind of energy within the body of the Ascendant and is an important resource for them to use their abilities.

"I'm not very proficient yet, so it may take some time." The boy was a little reserved.

Ling Feng took two steps back: "Show it to me."

Tianyang nodded, closed his eyes, and felt the power in his body with his heart.

After a moment, a tiny glimmer of light escaped from his hair, like stardust.

The emblem on the back of the hand, the hand of dark flame holding the sickle, the flame slowly floating, like a living thing.

A strange aura appeared on the young man, which Ling Feng had never felt in other ascenders.

And that emblem is unprecedented. Since it can be activated by the star essence, it means that it is not forged!

The General Staff said softly, "Okay, now I believe that you have awakened a new class. So, tell me, what is your purpose in meeting the Commander?"

Tianyang opened his eyes and said very seriously: "I want to join the Night Walkers."

Ling Feng said simply: "No problem, we Night Walkers welcome every ascender. I will ask my adjutant to handle the entry procedures for you later. You will get the notification letter in 48 hours."

"No, sir. I want to become a member of the Night Walkers right now. And, obtain all the rights of the Ascendant. For example, the status of the Upper Citizen."

Ling Feng's face turned cold: "I can fulfill all of what you said. But it will take time to go through the formalities!"

Tian Yang did not retreat: "Perhaps the new rank of Avenger can shorten the time. If the Night Walkers can't do it, the Stormtroopers, the Iron Wall City Guards or the Church of the Lord of War may be able to do it."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light shot out from his pupils: "Soldier, are you threatening me?"

Tian Yang gritted his teeth and endured the murderous aura of the young man in front of him. "I am just stating a fact, sir. A brand new job rank, complete job rank information and ability array. With these, Night Walker can definitely apply for more financial grants."

"Compared to them, I am so small.

What is the request of the government

Ling Feng did not respond.

Tianyang stood straight.

The atmosphere in the diagnostic center was depressing.

After a few breaths, Ling Feng asked, "Why? Why are you in such a hurry to get these?"

Tianyang clenched his fists, a hint of hatred flashing in his eyes: "I have my reasons, sir."

Ling Feng no longer supported it: "Well, now you are a member of the Night Walkers, and you have the status of a superior citizen and all related rights. I am the guarantor of all this."

Tianyang saluted: "Thank you, sir!"

Ling Feng nodded: "I will give you specific arrangements later, you can rest first. By the way, don't mention the new rank to anyone else. You'd better find something to cover the emblem on your hand."

After walking out of the diagnostic center, Ling Feng glanced at the young man inside the door again.

"A brand new class. If the news spreads, the Golden Council and the four major churches will be in an uproar. You underestimate your own value. Originally, you could have made more requests..."

A thousand years have passed since the first Ascendant appeared. During this time, nine classes have been created. Countless battles in the past have shown that there is a restraint relationship between classes.

Due to resource issues, each fortress city focuses on training different classes.

Therefore, the fortress's diplomatic focus and strategic layout are often adjusted according to the level of Ascendants it possesses.

Once a new job class appears, it will have a huge impact on the old structure.

There have been several precedents in history where the emergence of new classes has reshuffled the world order.

Now, the tenth class has appeared.

By studying and observing, and mastering its job level information and ability array, you can know what job level it restrains.

If used properly, the Ascendants who awaken to new classes will become a deterrent force.

It will be an important bargaining chip in the diplomacy of the fortress.

However, Tianyang has only awakened for a short time, and this seedling is in urgent need of protection and cultivation before it can hope to grow into a towering giant!

After returning to the office, Ling Feng sent an encrypted message to his boss. He then met with people who had contact with Tian Yang and issued a gag order.

The fewer people who knew about the new class, the better. Especially the Church of the Lord of War, Ling Feng didn't want the boy to have anything to do with the church.

After all, that church has a great interest in the Ascendants and all kinds of mysterious things in the adverse world!