Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 81: chase


Near the high wall, the dark people whom Lao Xu called tree spirits have begun to take action.

The "giant" composed of many human-faced monster flowers moved clumsily, like a baby who had just learned to walk. It took a step, then swayed and fell towards a building on the left.

The giant pressed down on the outer wall of the building. The violent squeezing caused the windows on the building's surface to burst one after another, and even cracks were created on the wall.

The giant quickly adjusted his posture, stretched out his hand and pressed on the wall to regain his balance. He took another big step forward, and although his body was still swaying, he did not fall down again. His balance had improved a lot.

Next, it took big strides, and each step covered a distance of twenty to thirty meters.

Although it did not run, its steps were so fast that after a few seconds, it had caught up with the two Falcon chariots.

The black fog was so thick that it was hard to see the giant's full appearance in the chariot. All that could be seen were the two legs entangled in vines and the human-faced flowers on the legs. The expressions of the human-faced flowers were no longer as cold as before. Ruisi was shaking constantly under the intense movement, forming a series of unpredictable faces.

Cold stares, sneering, ferocious looks, rage, calmness... They looked like a group of spectators, watching the Raven Squad.

"Damn, these things are really uncomfortable." Han Shu turned around and shouted in the direction of the driver, "Drive faster and get rid of it!"

Both tanks had a row of rough metal steam pipes sticking out from the rear bottom plates. When the sound of gas flowing in the steam pipes was heard, after a slight vibration, gray-white compressed gas spurted out from the steam pipes!

The speed of the chariot suddenly increased, and in a blink of an eye it had distanced itself from the giant.

Those steam pipes, the full name is "propulsion tail nozzles". They are connected to the turbocharger, and can spray high-pressure gas to increase speed when needed, which gives the Falcon vehicle strong maneuverability and often has unexpected effects in chase battles.

Seeing that they had gotten rid of the giant, the team members in the carriage cheered softly, but it was too early for them to be happy.

Sitting in the heavy artillery firing cabin, in the black fog that filled the sky above the sun, the vague figure of the giant moved. It seemed to raise its arms high, and then swing them down with force.


Tianyang yelled nervously.

Then, an arm descended from the sky in the black fog. The arm, which was tangled with countless vines, shattered the black fog that was everywhere in the world of rebellion. The hand, which was like a mountain, slapped down at the two Falcon chariots.

The driver swerved

The two cars separated to the left and right, barely avoiding this huge palm.

The palm slapped the ground, causing the road surface to shake violently. The ground where the giant palm landed sank, but the surrounding road surface bulged up. Finally, the roadbed, which was several meters square, was ejected into the air, and then fell heavily, breaking into countless pieces!

The five fingers of the giant palm were bent, and the giant seemed to retract his long arms, digging out several large grooves in the ground.

The attack failed, and the giant inserted his other hand into a nearby building, and when he swept it out, it caused a rain of stones!

The huge rock that was pulled out of the building smashed into the two Falcon chariots like a cannonball, and one floor of the building was almost torn apart by the giant. The structure was severely damaged, and the building broke in the middle. The upper part of the building tilted and slid down, creating a terrifying roar.

Tianyang controlled the Xingsu heavy artillery on the hunting vehicle, aimed at the huge rocks falling from the sky, and then blasted them into pieces in mid-air.

Even so, there were still countless pieces of gravel hitting the car body like a rainstorm, and the car body armor made bursts of sharp noises under the collision of the gravel!

The giant raised his hand again and was about to take a picture.

Tianyang suddenly remembered what Lao Xu said, especially the part about "fear of fire", and immediately paid attention.

A low roar sounded in the air, and the giant swung his arm again, and his huge palm fell quickly like a dark cloud. It was about to hit the chariot, and the tail nozzle of the Falcon chariot sprayed out a line of thick smoke. The chariot accelerated and broke away from the giant's palm.

Before it was about to sail out of the giant's palm, Tianyang's star aura had already revealed itself, transforming into a silver stream of light that leaped high into the air and landed on the giant's palm.

In the chariot, Han Shu couldn't help but look out of the window and shouted anxiously: "Tianyang, what are you doing!"

Unfortunately, Tianyang couldn't hear clearly and didn't have time to pay attention. When he landed on the giant's palm, he transferred the force of his fall by rolling a few times. When he got up again, the giant was about to retract his arm.

Tianyang was like standing on an elevator, with the sound of wind stirring in his ears. He drew out the Red Moon Sword, the star energy pressed into it, and the edge of the blade lit up crimson.

The boy flew along the arm, with the blade pointing to the ground. The high heat of the blade easily ignited the vines on the giant's arm when it came into contact with them.

So Han Shu in the car looked from afar and saw Tianyang setting off beacons along the way. He immediately understood the boy's intention: "This kid wants to burn the tree spirit!"

Running on the giant's arm, Tianyang kept walking. Not only could he hear the sound of wind, but he also heard a hollow and unreal cry. It was like someone was sobbing and screaming in his ear!

It was only then that the giant realized that his arm was on fire. The huge tree spirit quickly stretched out his other hand and swatted at Tianyang, who was like a fly.

The boy quickly adjusted his body, stopped on his arms, turned around, calculated the size of the gap between the giant's palms, and jumped high between the two arms.


The dryad slapped its burning arm with one hand, and the wind pressure blew out the nearby flames. But Tianyang landed on its other arm, leaned forward and ran, dragging the tip of the knife on the ground, creating a second fire belt.

When he reached a high place and was close enough to the giant, Tianyang could see clearly the twisted, strange head of the tree spirit.

The head, also formed by twisted vines, is crowded with seven or eight human-faced flowers, and looks like several human heads piled together.

The tree spirit opened its mouth and ejected more than a dozen vines from its mouth. Under the firelight, the vines were greasy and shiny, covered with short black hairs, and ink splashed everywhere as they fluttered, adding a faint fishy smell to the air.

Tianyang waved his sword, and the Red Moon Sword drew out crimson rays of light, cutting off all the vines that were curling towards him. At the same time, he reached into his waist bag, took out something, activated it, and threw it into the mouth of the tree spirit with all his strength.

High fever explosion!

The explosive bomb was thrown into the mouth of the tree spirit, and the huge dark creature was obviously uneasy. He no longer cared about dealing with Tianyang, and the vines retracted, retreated into the mouth and rolled down, accurately catching the explosive bomb.

Just as he was about to expel the explosive, the vines wrapped around the explosive swelled up. Inside, a high-heat energy expanded rapidly, and the dazzling flames illuminated the entire vine.

The next moment, there was a violent explosion in the chest of the tree spirit. A large burst of scorching flames blew through its chest and back. Like a volcanic eruption, the high-temperature energy released by the explosion almost blew up the entire chest cavity of the tree spirit in an instant!

Although Tianyang had already jumped away from the tree spirit, he was still hit by the shock wave caused by the subsequent explosion, and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

If you fall from a height of dozens of meters and are unable to adjust your posture, you might get seriously injured if you are not careful!

Just when Tianyang was prepared for the worst, starlight appeared in front of his eyes and a layer of barrier appeared on the surface of his body.

Then he saw the Falcon chariot returning and Han Shu with most of his body sticking out of the car window.

Tianyang finally fell to the ground...

PS: Thank you for the tip from Skulugi-chan. It was a little after 5 o'clock. You got up really early...