Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 86: Teaching


The instructor on the podium was in his early 40s, with gray hair, a beard, and wrinkles on his face. He looked like he was busy every day.

But his eyes were full of spirit. They were not sharp, but very bright, like a well-polished mirror!

The lecturer who called himself Liu Jinglin smiled gently and said in a tone of appreciation: "I never thought that with such a boring course, I could still gain 13 students, and 11 of them are sublimators."

"It is an honor to teach the Ascended."

It sounds like this lecturer is just an ordinary person.

He knocked on the podium and activated an interface. The wall behind him became darker in color, from white to black, and the entire transformation took only two to three seconds.

Words began to appear on the darkened walls.

Liu Jinglin wrote the word "civilization" on the interface of the podium, and the projection screen on the wall was synchronized. The bearded lecturer cleared his throat and said: "No matter what kind of world it is, as long as intelligent life appears, civilization will definitely form. The Reverse World is no exception."

"Here, let me first talk about what civilization is."

“Civilization is the accumulation of history. It can enhance our understanding of the objective world, a certain spirit that can be recognized by the vast majority of people, as well as the sum of inventions, creations, order and good customs.”

“Civilization is the opposite of barbarism. It represents order. A complete civilization must have tools, language, writing, faith, laws, beliefs, city-states and countries.”

Liu Jinglin paused for a moment before saying, "In the Reverse Realm No. 127, after more than eighty years of research, we can tell you with certainty that a glorious civilization must have existed in that Reverse Realm in the past!"

There was a murmur in the classroom.

Tianyang glanced at Lao Xu next to him. He didn't seem surprised and even looked at his personal communicator absentmindedly.

As someone who has been in and out of the Reverse Realm several times, Tian Yang was not surprised at this conclusion. The existence of towns such as Metropolis and Huanggu Town showed that the past of the Reverse Realm had its own set of rules.

The existence of laws regulates the behavior of the residents of the reverse world. Only under such protection is it possible to build a large city like Metropolis.

Tianyang was curious about how much Fortress knew about the civilization of the 127th Reverse World.


On the podium, Liu Jinglin made a gesture to ask everyone to be quiet.

He seemed very satisfied with the student's reaction, with a smile on his face: "There are many elements of civilization. Today, I want to talk to you about the literature of the Anti-World Civilization."

Tianyang was stunned. Text? What was that

Many people had the same question as him. A girl with beautiful features raised her hand and asked, "Teacher, what is literature? Does it refer to the writings of the world of opposites?"

"No, no, no. Literature is the study of words. It can also be considered the art of words." Liu Jingshuang hurriedly explained, but obviously, his explanation made people even more confused.

A young man with short hair who was sitting in front of Tianyang stood up and asked, "Teacher, what is art?"

Liu Jinglin smiled and replied: "Art is a kind of culture that uses some means or media to express certain emotions through intentional shaping."

"In fact, whether it is art or literature, these are the words we learned from the information we found in the Reverse World after we analyzed the text of the Reverse World. We believe that Reverse World No. 127 once had abundant materials. The vast majority of the residents of the Reverse World can guarantee their survival needs, and literature or art is a means they created to please the senses and soothe the spirit."

Old Xu curled his lips and laughed: "They are really free."

Liu Jinglin pointed at Old Xu and said, "You are right. Research shows that residents of the Reverse World do not need to engage in too much intensive labor to obtain the materials for survival. Therefore, they have a lot of free time, which is unimaginable to us."

"That's why they create things like literature or art to fill their spiritual void. And these things, we find, can resonate with human emotions."

"We once cooperated with the medical center to try to use these things to guide patients with adversity phobia. Soothe their spiritual creations and release their emotions. The results are very exciting. Being influenced by literature and art, well, this is another adversity term."

"After accepting artistic means of expression through words, the patients' mental state appears to be more stable, which shows that in terms of treating mental trauma, whether it is literature or other types of art, it has its unique advantages."

There was another round of discussion.

After a while, Liu Jinglin began to write words one by one on the interface of the podium.

On the black walls, what he wrote was synchronized: novels, poems, and plays.

Someone asked: "Teacher, is this literature?"

Liu Jinglin nodded: "These are forms of literary expression, and at the same time, they are also what our fortress lacks very much. I think we should also have our own literature and our own art, so that we can have something to place our emotions on and make our lives more passionate!"

Next, the bearded lecturer began to explain the meaning of those words to the students. He used some specific materials discovered in the reverse world as an aid, and tried to use plain and simple language to make students understand what so-called literature is.

In a blink of an eye, the class came to an end. Liu Jinglin turned off the projection screen on the wall and said with a smile: "Today's class ends here. In the next class, I will explain the military civilization of the Reverse Realm. I think many of you should be interested in it, so remember not to be late."

After class, Tianyang and Lao Xu left the classroom, and when they passed the podium, Liu Jingshuang, who was packing up her things on the podium, suddenly looked at Tianyang.

Tianyang looked at him curiously, only to see Liu Jinglin looking excited and grabbing his arm.

"You... Is your name Tianyang?"

Liu Jinglin's expression was complicated: anticipation, fear, excitement, timidity... they intertwined together to form a complex emotion that Tianyang could hardly understand.

"I am, what's wrong, teacher."

Liu Jinglin took two steps back, holding onto the podium with his hands: "It's you? Really you? I thought..."

Tian Yang was puzzled and asked, "What do you think?"

Liu Jinglin seemed to suddenly think of something, his eyes changed, he became restrained, shook his head and said; "Nothing, I heard that you challenged the Qin family alone. I thought you were a mature and brave sublimator, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

Tianyang frowned slightly. He was not stupid, so how could he not hear that Liu Jinglin was not being sincere.

This is obviously not what he wanted to say just now!

But Liu Jinglin had already hurriedly packed up his things, walked out of the classroom, and disappeared at the staircase in a blink of an eye.

PS: It’s the last week for the new book list, brothers and sisters, please support it!