Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 88: secret


The door was ajar, and there was darkness in the crack, with an inexplicable malice flowing through it.

Tianyang approached the bedroom silently, with his back against the wall, and took in the feeling with all his concentration.

Since strengthening in the physical realm, his senses have become much sharper than before, but he did not sense any special aura in the room.

Tianyang raised his head and shouted softly: "Turn on the light!"

The smart home system immediately turned on all the lights in the apartment, and suddenly the whole house was brightly lit.

The moment the bedroom light came on, Tianyang pushed open the door and rushed in with a knife. If there was someone inside the door, they would feel uncomfortable for a second or two when suddenly illuminated by the light in the dark environment, which was enough to give Tianyang an opportunity to attack.

But there was not even a ghost in the bedroom, and even the windows were closed. It was obvious that everything that had just happened was just Tianyang's illusion.

But at this moment, there was a sound of air swirling outside the house. Tianyang turned around and rushed out, but he only caught a glimpse of a figure flashing out of the window.

When the boy chased to the window, he saw someone using some kind of tool to quickly pass the corner of the building and disappear.

Tianyang's face looked a little solemn. He closed the window and checked the house. After making sure that there was no one else hiding in the house, he walked into the bedroom.

He sat down beside the bed, with the Red Moon Saber within reach, and the boy fell into deep thought.

Who was that? Why did he sneak into his own house

Inadvertently, Tianyang saw the bookshelf opposite, where the books brought back from the downtown area were neatly arranged.

However, one book is crooked.

Tianyang walked over and saw a few pieces of gravel on the bookshelf, which were obviously brought in by the intruder.

The other party fiddled with the bookshelf. Was he looking for something

But what do people want with these crappy books

The boy suddenly had an idea. Could it be that he was not looking for a book, but a diary

Su Lie's diary!

That was the only valuable thing in Tianyang's hand, and it was related to books.

There must be some secret hidden in that half-torn diary, otherwise no one would go to so much trouble!

Tian Yang was about to check if the diary was still there, but he suddenly stopped. The boy picked up his personal communicator and contacted Lao Xu.

He sent a text message: Lao Xu, if I want to check a space, is it

What should you do if you are being monitored

Ten minutes later, Lao Xu replied: Why did you suddenly have this idea? I said, Xiaomai likes that Trojan horse very much. You are good at painting. Well, let me think about it. You can go to the material warehouse of the headquarters and get an electromagnetic jammer. Although this can't be checked, if there is a monitoring device, its receiving signal will be interfered.

Tianyang replied "thank you", then deleted the message with Lao Xu, threw it on the bed, and left the room to take a shower.

The next day, Tianyang drove to the Night Walker headquarters building. After showing his ID card and registering, he easily picked up an electromagnetic jammer from the supply warehouse.

Once you get back to your apartment, turn off your home system so it isn't affected as well.

Then Tianyang turned on the jammer according to the instructions and adjusted the frequency to a range that could cover the entire house.

Even so, I heard a neighbor complain from outside the window: "Why is the home system not responding?"

"What happened to the projection screen? Is it broken?"

It looks like the jammer has worked.

Tian Yang then returned to the bedroom and took down the lighting cover on the ceiling. Inside, Su Lie's diary lay quietly in the groove.

Tianyang took out the diary, restored everything, turned off the jammer, and went out with the diary.

Arriving at the community square near the apartment, Tianyang found an empty corner and took out his diary.

Tian Yang flipped through the diary again, still having no idea: "Why would someone steal something like this? Could it be that the person is a peeping Tom?"

The answer is definitely no, it’s just that Tianyang can’t find the right direction for the time being.

Around ten o'clock, a sheriff and three team members arrived at the apartment.

When Tianyang went to the headquarters in the morning, he reported to the nearby police station about the infiltration of his room last night. Since Tianyang was an ascender, the police station, which was affiliated with the Iron Wall City Guard system, took this incident very seriously.

The sheriff sent was actually the deputy director, and the three team members were also experienced people in the station. They conducted a detailed inspection of Tianyang's apartment and promised to give Tianyang an answer as soon as possible.

At the same time, the public security station will strengthen patrols in this area.

Tianyang didn't expect them to discover anything, he just hoped that the security office would intervene and make that person restrain himself.

At least in the short term, there will be no more sneaking into the apartment.

After dinner, Tianyang went downstairs to walk.

Step one, and casually took out the diary that was placed in the elevator locomotive.

Arriving at the community square, Tianyang sat under a street lamp and flipped through the diary again. This time, he found that the leather cover of the diary seemed to be bulging, and it was much thicker than the back cover.

The boy was a little excited, feeling as if he was about to touch the secret, so he quickly cut open the cover.

Sure enough, a folded piece of paper was found inside.

Tianyang spread out the paper and saw the symbol at first glance.

Diamond shape, a solid circle painted with thick ink, surrounded by twisted lines.

Tianyang was stunned. Isn’t this the symbol engraved on objects by those dark people in Huanggu Town

Could it be that Su Lie had also discovered the same symbol in the adverse world

Below this symbol is a set of numbers and a phrase: Under the cross, the sun shines in the sky.

What does it mean

Obviously this couldn't be Su Lie's prank. Perhaps the intruder was looking for this set of numbers, this phrase!

Looking at the symbol of the black citizen on the paper again, Tianyang narrowed his eyes slightly. He quickly took out the communicator and logged into the Night Walker's information database.

After inputting that set of numbers, Tianyang got a place name: Baoshi Town!

Tianyang laughed. He guessed correctly that this set of numbers was a coordinate. Su Lie drew this black symbol to hint that this was the coordinate of the Reverse Realm.

The secret should be in this gem town!

Tianyang checked the information of Baoshi Town again. Baoshi Town is located near the Yunxiang base. Some luminous fungi grow in this town. They gather in clusters, and when they emit light, they look like pieces of gems from a distance, hence the name.

Tianyang wrote down the phrase, then touched the paper with the Red Moon Saber to burn it.

Next, the boy plans to meet Han Shu tomorrow. He wants to take a leave to go to Baoshi Town.

Su Lie's secret must be hidden in the Gem Town. If nothing unexpected happens, that phrase should be a hint of a specific location in the town.

But to find out the real situation, we need to go to Baoshi Town to check.

After putting away the diary and preparing to go home, Tianyang patted his head again. Compared with Han Shu, he thought of a better candidate, who could even provide him with some help...