Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 91: Enemies meet


"What's wrong, sir?" Tianyang was a little curious. The branch commander's face showed surprise without any concealment. Was he scared by his appearance

Shen Mozhu waved his hands. He had regained his composure, with a faint smile on his face: "It's nothing. When people get old, they will always see things wrongly."

He wiped his hands with a towel and sat down behind a desk lined with potted plants that almost blocked his face.

"I told you about your matter, Mr. Ling Feng. It seems to be a special mission, and you are assigned to go to Baoshi Town. But in order to avoid suspicion, let me arrange a mission for you."

Tianyang nodded: "Indeed, thank you for your help, sir."

"No trouble." Shen Mozhu laughed, "You're lucky. If you had come a few days earlier, I wouldn't have a suitable mission for you. After all, there are too few towns to explore in our base. The surrounding towns have been explored in the past fifty years, and the ones that are farther away are out of reach..."

"Look at me, I've strayed off topic. Let's get back to the point. I have a mission to go to Gem Town. Recently, a botanist came to the fortress and said he wanted to go to Gem Town to study the luminous fungi. He hopes that I can send a team to protect him, and you can come with me, what do you think?"

Tian Yang said happily: "I will follow the commander's instructions!"

Shen Mozhu seemed to be in a good mood and said happily: "Then it's decided. By the way, the people from the Yun family will also go with you. You know the Qingtian Yun family. Those young masters have a lot of problems. When you go on the road, you should keep a low profile as much as possible. This will be good for everyone."

Tianyang was stunned. The Qingtian Yun family was also going to Baoshi Town to study plants? They really had nothing to do.

Shen Mozhu picked up the communicator and shouted, "Ask Adam to come over and tell him I'm looking for him."

Adam? It sounded like a name from the Western Continent. How come there were Western Continent people in this base, and they were night walkers? Tian Yang was very curious.

Shen Mozhu glanced at him, and seemed to see what Tianyang was thinking. He took a pair of scissors and trimmed the plants while saying, "There are not many Night Walker teams in the base now. The 'Sun Spear' team led by Adam is one of the elites I can show off. He is from the Western Continent, but he has been in our Sky Fort for almost ten years. Except for his different appearance, he has already integrated into our team."

There were footsteps outside the door, followed by knocks.

A young but somewhat mature voice came: "You looking for me, sir?"

Shen Mozhu put down the scissors: "Come in."

The door opened and someone walked in. It was a young man from Xilu. He had deep features and, like Luo Shan, had blonde hair and golden eyes. I don't know if it was because of his short hair, but he looked very steady and mature.

What surprised Tianyang the most was that this man was actually wearing a full set of armor, and he clearly had the style of the Western Continent.

The armor did not have the deep glow of the star material, and it looked like it was made of ordinary steel. He also had a long sword hanging from his waist, and holding the long sword, the blond man came to Tianyang's side.

He suddenly put his legs together, clenched his right fist and punched his chest hard, hitting the armor with a "clang" sound, and then shouted: "Hello, sir!"

The sound was so loud that the windows were buzzing.

He is a serious person, Tianyang thought.

Shen Mozhu took out a handkerchief and wiped his face. "Adam, don't be so reserved. Let me introduce you. The person next to you is Tianyang, who is also a Night Walker. Lingfeng has a special mission for him. Tomorrow, he will go to Baoshi Town with you. You can announce to the public that he is a member of the 'Sun Spear'."

Adam shouted without thinking: "This won't work, sir. My team members are carefully selected. You can't just insert others in. This will hinder my command."

Shen Mozhu coughed awkwardly: "Adam, Tianyang has other tasks to do, I just need you to cover for him. You don't need to interfere with anything else."

Adam shook his head decisively: "I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"Even if I ask you to do that, you can't?"

"Although you are the superior, I have the final say over the team!"

"Well, in that case, I'll let the Pegasus team take your place on tomorrow's mission."

"Sir!" Adam said helplessly, "Okay, I'll listen to you. We finally have a mission that allows us to leave the base. If I mess it up, the team members will be very disappointed. But sir, this won't happen again."

Shen Mozhu smiled and said, "Next time, we'll talk about it next time."

I bet he still can't beat his superior next time. But then again, Captain Adam is quite principled. Well, he is a simple and honest man... Tianyang thought.

Shen Mozhu added: "Then take Tianyang around, and remember to arrange a room for him."

"Yes, sir!"

Adam turned around and stretched out his big hand: "Then I'll be grateful for your guidance in the coming period. I'm the captain of the Sun Spear Squad, Adam!"

Tianyang quickly shook hands with him: "I am a member of the Raven Team, Tianyang, thank you for your help, Captain Adam."

"Sure, sure."

Wow, this big brother has such a strong hand...

Adam let go of his hand and strode out of the office: "Come with me, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the base, although it doesn't look like you will stay here for long."

Coming down from the Night Walker Branch Building is the main road of the Yunxiang Base, where many large transport vehicles are constantly entering and leaving the base. This base coexists with the forest, and you can see the twisted, morbid and strange trees in the Reverse World everywhere you go.

The base's remote sensor tower is hidden among these plants. If Adam hadn't pointed it out, Tianyang would never have discovered that the legendary tower responsible for communicating with the outside world was actually hidden behind several strange trees.

Adam stopped when he passed a huge wall. "This is the memorial wall of the base. Many people sacrificed their lives when the base was built. Their names are engraved on the wall. Later, the names of the warriors who died in the exploration process also survived. I hope that one day, my name can be engraved on this wall!"

Brother, you are still young, isn't it good to be alive...

Tianyang reached out and touched the wall, feeling the coldness. This memorial wall should be made of some kind of steel. Names were engraved on the wall, silently telling a history that was not easy at all.

"Come on, I'll take you to the warehouse. If you need anything, you can apply there."

Adam was about to lead Tianyang to the base warehouse when a voice suddenly rang out: "It's you, why are you here?"

Tianyang looked over and saw a slightly cold face that looked a little ferocious because of anger. Tianyang's face was clearly reflected in the eyes that seemed to be spewing flames.

It turned out to be Zhou Wang, the Zhou family member who repeatedly caused trouble for Tianyang and tried to violate Xun!

Tianyang was also very surprised. Why was Zhou Wang in the Yunxiang base? Was he exiled