Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 95: Fungi


After entering the town, Tianyang noticed that the size of this town was much smaller than that of Huanggu Town. Moreover, the buildings are generally low, and there are many factory-like facilities on a street.

You are next to me and I am next to you.

The reason why I think it is a factory is because there is usually an open space in front of these buildings. There are usually one or two unnamed machines in the open space. As far as the light can reach, some of these machines have long been covered by bacteria.

And those that have not been visited by the bacteria have long since become empty wrecks, leaving only a huge frame.

They looked a bit like the lifting machines in the factories in the lower city of the fortress, so Tianyang thought that these might also be from factories.

When passing a building, a prowler crawled out of the door. Well, maybe it's more appropriate to call it half. After all, the guy's lower body was missing, and a section of vertebrae protruded from the broken part of his waist.

As the Prowler crawled on his hands, the vertebrae scraped across the ground like a short white tail.

That thing that was originally terrifying and twisted now even has bacteria growing on its body. Among them, a cluster of bacteria emerged from its left eye socket, pushing its original eyeball to an unknown place.

Tianyang saw wanderers like this parasitized by bacteria several times during the rest of the journey.

He looked towards Adam and found that the strong man's face didn't look good either.

"Something must have happened here. I visited Gem Town two years ago. At that time, although there were black people wandering around the town, they were not parasitized by the bacteria."

Adam wiped his sweat. In fact, the constant temperature system in the tank kept the sealed compartment in a cooler environment. Adam should not feel hot.

Finally the car stopped in a small square, protected by a wall and gate, which seemed to be some important institution in the town.

Near the two-story building at the back of the square, there was also something like a flag discarded. Unfortunately, it was stained and the original color and pattern could not be seen clearly.

The car door opened, and Kong Zhang, wearing protective clothing and a helmet, stepped onto the ground of Gemstone Town with the support of students.

The phenomenon of bacterial invasion here is relatively mild. Except for the left side of the building, which is covered with bacterial flora, there are only some scattered bacterial plaques in other places.


We plan to use this place as a temporary camp. After all, the wall in front of the small square is a natural line of defense and cover.

Members of the Sun Gun team also got out of the car one after another. Adam directed the soldiers to strengthen the fence, place firepower points at the commanding heights, and park several Falcon tanks side by side in front of the small building.

When needed, the Xingsu heavy artillery on the tank can form a heavy firepower position.

When he was planning to explore the small building and clean up possible dangers, Yunze came over and took the job politely but forcefully.

Adam seemed to have expected this, had no objection, and was not surprised.

Then Yunze ordered Zhou Wang, headed by him, to bring another ascendant of the God of War class, plus five ordinary soldiers to form a standard exploration team and enter the small building.

Shuangyunwei quickly arranged a table and several folding chairs in the small square. A holographic projector was placed on the table, so that the images returned by the exploration team in real time could be displayed on the projection.

Yunze pulled up a chair, first asked Mr. Kong Zhang to sit down, and then called to Tianyang: "Mr. Tianyang, this is your first time meeting our Shuangyun Guard. It just so happens that you are an experienced veteran." Nightcrawler, help me see what the shortcomings of our family guard are."

Tianyang finally said: "Mr. Yunze, I am just an ordinary team member in Night Walker. I cannot deserve the praise of experienced people, let alone the word sir. You should just call me by my name."

Yunze looked happy: "Okay, it's more friendly to call me by name. But don't call me sir, that would seem too foreign. Well, I'm older than you, so you can just call me Brother Ze."

Tianyang really can't say this title...

Zhou Wang's voice sounded on the screen. It seemed that because the transmission signal was not very good, the voice coming from the holographic projection contained a little electronic noise: "Mr. Yunze, we have searched the first floor. There is nothing abnormal. Now let’s go up to the second floor.”

In the picture, you can see Zhou Wang and the God of War walking in front, while other soldiers holding guns formed a shooting formation behind them.

It can be seen that the Yun family has worked hard on the training of this guard. The pace of the team members is almost the same. If there is any disturbance on the way, the muzzle of the gun will immediately point to those suspicious places, and the reaction will be very fast.

Soon the team arrived at the second floor

, coming out of the stairs, a corridor stretches left and right.

This stairwell was right in the middle of the corridor. It was obviously not wise to explore separately. Zhou Wang immediately decided to explore the corridor on the left first.

The team turned left, and there was a room not far away. The door was open, the door frame was empty, and the door leaf had gone somewhere.

When the light shines in, it seems to be a conference room. There is a long table in the middle, the chairs are tilted here and there, and the floor is covered with various debris.

In the holographic screen, when the light passed through the corner of the conference room, Tianyang suddenly saw something move.

The sound of breathing was immediately heard from the projection, and the light that had passed through returned to its original place, illuminating a figure.

It seemed to be a person, huddled in the corner, with his hands on his knees and his head buried in his knees.

The reason why we can't be sure is because this humanoid thing has bacteria all over its body!

The densely packed dark blue bacteria had completely taken over it, making it impossible for people to know what its true appearance was.

Zhou Wang exchanged glances with the sublime next to him, and the latter drew out a silver-white long sword. At the same time, Xing Yun revealed himself, assuming a posture ready to attack at any time.

Zhou Wang raised his hand, gray light roared, forming an elemental spear.

He threw the gray light gun and pierced the thing's head.

Although Tianyang was not ashamed of Zhou Wang's character, the other party's reaction was quite correct. Anyway, that thing doesn't look like a human being, so instead of testing whether it's alive, it's better to just kill it.

After being attacked, the humanoid body covered by bacteria showed no reaction at all and seemed to be incapable of movement.

There was a sound of breathing in the holographic projection, and the team breathed a sigh of relief, and the light just passed over the thing.

Zhou Wang said: "I will clean it up and transport it away in a body bag or something..."

At this moment, Tianyang saw the elemental light that was slowly dissipating in the dim corner.

Suddenly disappeared!

Then there were exclamations, shouts, and Zhou Wang's curses from the holographic screen.

Yunze suddenly stood up and shouted: "What happened? Answer quickly! What happened!"