Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 96: Cross (collection required)


In the holographic screen, the scene changed. The thing covered with fungi just now in the corner was now hugging a soldier of the Frost Cloud Guard.

It was holding the helmet on the soldier's face, but because its back was facing the screen, it couldn't see the soldier's current situation clearly.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Zhou Wang shouted in the screen, but the soldiers were either petrified or worried about hurting their colleagues. Although several guns were pointed at the fungus-like thing, no one shot.

In the end, the War God-class Ascendant dodged and cut off the fungus man's head with a sword. The body that was holding the soldier slid straight to the ground and stopped moving.

As for the soldier who was hugged by the fungus man, the visor of his helmet had been corroded by something, revealing a gap the size of a teacup.

The soldier in the helmet had a terrified expression and wandering eyes, but he didn't seem to be seriously injured.

But his helmet was corroded. If it was not treated in time, his life would be in danger if he was exposed to the black fog for a long time.

The Ascendant retracted his sword and ordered, "Bring him back."

In the small square outside the building, Yunze also shouted hurriedly: "Quick, prepare the medical cabin!"

Tianyang was stunned when he heard this. It was worthy of the Qingtian Yun family. They even had a medical cabin in the car. They were really rich.

The soldier was quickly taken away, but at this time, screams were heard again in the picture.

Yunze looked grim: "What happened again!"

In the holographic projection, some blurry shadows flashed by, and at the same time, gunshots and Zhou Wang's angry curses were heard.

After a moment, when the picture stabilized, the fungus man in the light had somehow moved his head back and was clinging to the wall, motionless.

Yunze shouted in a somewhat inappropriate tone: "Zhou Wang, what's going on?"

Zhou Wang panted and faced the camera: "As soon as we stopped staring at it, it suddenly moved, and very quickly. But it's strange, when we were looking at it, it stopped moving."

The Ascendant added: "I don't know where its will cage is. The safest way might be to burn it."

Yunze said in a deep voice: "Then hurry up!"

This time, the team didn't dare to look away from the fungus man for even a moment. Several soldiers stared at the thing, Zhou Wang sprinkled some powder on the fungus man, then stood further away and snapped his fingers.

With a snap, a flower seedling appeared on Zhou Wang's fingertips. He flicked the seedling over, and it touched the powder on the fungus man's body.


A ball of orange-red flame suddenly appeared from the fungus man, and a tiny, illusory roar could be heard from the flame.

It fell off the wall, twisting and struggling desperately.

Thick smoke rose from the flames, and after a moment, nothing in the flames moved anymore.

It was burned to death.

Yunze finally breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and asked, "What is this?"

He looked at Adam: "Have you ever seen this kind of black people?"

Adam's face was solemn, and he shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before. This is the first time I've seen something like this."

Kong Zhang, who was standing next to him, said, "Maybe it's not the black people, or maybe it used to be."

"Why do you say that, Mr. Kong?" Yunze was quite confused.

The botanist folded his arms, looking serious. "There are some fungi in nature that can parasitize living things and even control their behavior. This anti-world fungus may have the same ability. They parasitize on some kind of black people."

"Maybe the black people are dead, but they can still control this body and perform certain actions."

"So I guess that thing didn't stop moving just now because it was being watched, but because it was affected by light. I've done some research before, and most of the plants in the reverse world will respond to light. Unlike the plants outside our door, when the plants in the reverse world are exposed to light, they will trigger a certain protective mechanism and the cells will stop functioning."

"Maybe for this reason, when the object is hit by light, it doesn't move. But when the light is removed, it moves immediately."

Yunze suddenly realized: "So that's how it is. Confucius is right. This can better explain the behavior of that thing."

Tianyang also felt that the explanation of reaction to light made more sense than Zhou Wang's explanation of being stared at.

Next, the team in the building continued to explore. But this time, no more fungus people were found on the second floor, so it can be confirmed that this temporary camp is safe.

But the soldier who was sent to the medical cabin died of suffocation, which was obviously not caused by the black fog of the opposite world.

The black fog would only pollute the human life system, causing multiple organ failures and thus death. Or, their evil power would cause humans to mutate into creatures similar to the black people.

But it would never cause suffocation to death. After scanning, it was found that there was something extra in the soldier's respiratory tract.


Those things invaded the soldiers' respiratory system at some point and multiplied in a short period of time. In just a few words, some hyphae even emerged from the soldiers' eyeballs.

That strange vitality makes the viewers' scalps tingle.

Finally, the soldier's body

It was burned to prevent the mycelium from turning into a fungus colony and then transforming the corpse into a fungus man.

After resting in the temporary camp for an hour, Mr. Kong planned to collect some fungal specimens, and Adam naturally led the team to escort him.

Tianyang also took this opportunity to launch his own action. He followed Adam out of the camp, but after walking onto the street, he separated from the main team.

The young man didn't notice that Zhou Wang quietly took note of his action.

After leaving the main team, Tianyang explored alone. Baoshi Town is not big, even if there is only one person, it is possible to walk the entire town in one day.

So Tianyang was not in a hurry. He was just worried that the overly vigorous fungi would cover up the secret that Su Lie hid in the town.

Tianyang believed that Su Lie’s secret was hidden in the short sentence he left behind.

Under the cross, the sun shines in the sky.

So the boy paid attention to the shapes of various things in the town, especially those that were close to the shape of a cross.

As I walked, my thoughts were flying.

Why did Su Lie go to so much trouble to hide the piece of paper in the cover of the diary and leave behind a set of reverse boundary coordinates and a short sentence

This incident should be related to the torn diary. Maybe there are some secrets hidden in the torn contents.

Going a step further, Su Lie did this because he was facing some kind of danger at the time.

And it was because of this danger that he eventually disappeared and forced his mother to live in the downtown area

If this is the case, Tianyang hopes to find the culprit who created the danger. If it weren't for him, perhaps his mother would still be alive now.

And, live well!


There are bacteria everywhere.

As he went deeper into the town, Tianyang found that these things were almost everywhere. During this time, he encountered several wanderers parasitized by fungi, but they were not covered by the fungi yet.

Some wanderers even pick off the bacteria on their bodies and put them into their mouths, resisting the invasion of bacteria in their own unique way.

In this town that was gradually being flooded by fungi, Tianyang finally discovered something related to the shape of a cross.

It was a building that was very different from the other buildings in the town. It had a pointed roof, and on the top of the roof stood a cross-shaped symbol.

Tianyang was a little confused. That thing didn't look like a lightning protection device, nor did it look like a signal transmission device.

Residents of the opposite world, why do you put such a thing on the roof