Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 97: Strange buildings (seeking collection)


Tianyang did not enter the building rashly. Several experiences of exploring the reverse world have made him develop the habit of observing before taking action.

The building in front of you has a unique style, which is obviously different from other buildings in the town. The building adopts a symmetrical approach, with a tall main building and low auxiliary buildings on both sides.

The main building's spire-like structure has tall windows, and even its main door is tall and narrow.

There was a cross-shaped window above the gate. When the light shone into it, I could see some patterns painted on the glass, but unfortunately most of it was covered by dust, making it difficult to identify.

The building has been abandoned for a long time, and one of the doors that should have opened in the middle is missing.

Many of the surrounding windows were also damaged. Those windows that had been painted with color using some technique now looked more like black mouths, empty and dark.

Across the street from this strange building, there is a row of anti-world trees. These black, twisted plants are now covered with fungi.

They grow desperately, occupying the entire tree trunk and piling up a heavy "crown" between the branches.

Not far away, a lamppost fell to the ground at an angle, crushing a strange tree that was occupied by fungi. These unique products of Gem Town seemed to have no interest in metal mouths, so the lamppost survived.

After making sure that there were no dark creatures wandering around, Tianyang crossed the street and came to the spire building.

Lights shone in from the main door, and wooden benches were tilted here and there on the floor of the hall inside the building. Judging from the length of these chairs, at least four or five people could sit down.

There are quite a few chairs like this, so this hall can accommodate at least forty or fifty people.

On both sides of the hall are several towering pillars, on which are carved some sculptures. These sculptures look like humans with wings.

Tianyang was a little puzzled. Did the residents of the opposite world look like this in the past

There are several lamp holders hanging on the dome of the hall, and behind the lamp holders, that is, on the dome, there are actually some pictures painted.

The young man then directed the light to the front of the hall. There was a stone table similar to a podium in front of it. It was unknown how many years it had existed in the world of rebellion. Although the stone table had not fallen apart, it had become dilapidated.

There were some small statues lying on the table, and a cross-shaped ornament was hanging on the wall behind the stone table.

On this meter-long and wide object, there is a relief of a human figure. The sculpture has its hands open, and nails pierce its palms and nail it to the cross ornament.

It looked like some kind of mysterious cult.

Tian Yang just didn't understand why the residents of the Reverse World would worship something that nailed itself to a cross. He also didn't know what the meaning of this was.

However, on the left side of the sculpture, Tianyang found a door. The door was open, and there seemed to be another space behind it, which should lead to the spire above the building.

The boy held the assault rifle, quickened his pace, and came to the door.

When the light shone in, there was indeed another space inside, with a spiral staircase spiraling upwards. The air behind the door was humid, and on the walls and floor, you could see dark blue fungi.

It’s just that the area they are distributed over is not large, at least Tianyang has space to stay.

He walked in, carefully avoiding the fungi, not knowing whether he would get entangled if he came into contact with them.

In short, it is better to be careful.

When he arrived near the stairs, Tianyang raised the Striker and the lighting accessory on the gun extended the light upwards, pointing directly to the top of the spiral staircase.

Just as the light passed across the spiral staircase above, something seemed to flash by.

Tianyang's muscles tensed up immediately, he stepped back violently and slipped into the hall.

He half-crouched on the ground, pointing the light inside the door, and vaguely heard a weak but strange sound.

Then, Tianyang saw nothing wherever the light reached.

But he was sure that something was approaching through the door. His intuition came from the faint sound and some indescribable aura.

Tianyang tapped the side of his head and activated the infrared vision of the tactical eye, then lowered the muzzle of the gun, allowing the light to retract from the door and gather at the area beneath his feet.

In the infrared vision of the tactical eye, something finally appeared in the space that had turned bright red, on the ground and on the door.

Fungus man!

Yes, those humanoid figures covered in fungi. Two fungus men, one crawled out from the ground inside the door like a reptile, and the other emerged from the door frame like a spider.

Suddenly, two fungus men pounced on Tianyang at the same time.

One up and one down, attack the target from both sides!

The infrared vision was turned off, Tianyang picked up the rifle, and pointed the light first at the fungus man on the ground.

When hit by the light, the thing immediately stopped moving. At the same time, Tianyang moved to the left, and the attacker's gun muzzle sprayed out beams of star element light.

While hitting the fungus man on the ground, Tianyang also avoided

Another monster attacked, and when it fell to the ground, it also appeared in the range of light.

The second fungus man also stopped moving.

It seems that just as Kong Zhang said, these things have the habits of plants in the opposite world. Within the range of light, their cells will stop functioning!

I don’t know if the shooting just now can kill the fungus man.

To be cautious, Tianyang placed the gun on the ground to keep the light shining. The young man drew out the Red Moon Saber, pressed the star essence into it, and a crimson light appeared on the edge of the blade.

The temperature in the air rose sharply, but fortunately the special material of the sword concentrated the heat on the blade. Otherwise, I would not be able to even hold the sword.

Tianyang carefully went behind the two fungus men to avoid blocking the light and giving them a chance to move.

Then he swung the sword and slashed at the two fungus men. Wherever the Red Moon Sword passed, flames suddenly rose from the fungus men, and in a blink of an eye, two fireballs appeared in the hall.

In the flames, the fungus man kept twitching, and a sharp roar came from somewhere.

It took more than ten seconds before they stopped moving. When the flames died out, only two human-shaped black scorch marks remained on the ground.

Tianyang sheathed his sword, picked up his rifle again, and stepped into the room through the side door again.

He climbed up the spiral staircase, and this time he did not encounter any fungus people. However, there were gaps on the spiral staircase from time to time, and it took the boy a while to finally reach the top.

The top floor is a small platform with windows on all four sides.

Tianyang climbed out of one of the doors and came to the top of the building. The cross-shaped object was right in front of him.

It was covered with fungi, so densely packed that there was no room to get started!

"Under the cross, the sun shines in the sky..."

Tianyang muttered the two short sentences softly, drew out his sword with a groan, and cut off the cross-shaped object at the root.

Under the fracture was a base, and Tianyang removed the base in a few seconds.

But there was nothing under the base.

Tianyang was stunned: "Isn't it here?"

At this time, the communicator rang: "Tianyang, where are you? We are going back, let's meet up at the camp."

The boy agreed and turned off the communicator. He frowned and returned the way he came.

When walking out of this strange building, Tianyang looked at it again, then left quickly and rushed to the camp to meet Adam and the others.