Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 98: The fox borrows the tiger's might (seeking collection)


Tianyang quickly returned to the camp.

Although Ling Feng's "special mission" was used as a shield, even if people found out that he had left the main team, it wouldn't matter much. But it would inevitably lead to suspicion, and it was unnecessary, so Tian Yang didn't want to use that "shield" easily.

As the camp was in sight, the boy suddenly heard a dog barking.

Then a dark shadow suddenly jumped out from the alley on the side.

A mad dog with bacteria growing all over its body. Those dark blue bacteria seemed to make this monster even more violent.

The head with a human face roared wildly, and using its hands and feet, it arrived in front of Tianyang almost in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a crimson line appeared in the mad dog's sight.

The red light split its field of vision into two, and in the middle was a ravine-like darkness!

This was the last scene the monster saw. Tianyang frowned and pointed his Red Moon Sword at the ground. The black people in front of him were splitting in the middle, and their corpses fell to the left and right, then quickly decayed and rotted.

More dogs ran out of the alley, and Tianyang had to fight and retreat at the same time, keeping a distance and not giving the dogs a chance to surround him.

After moving forward another ten meters, beams of azure blue light passed over Tianyang's head and hit the vicious dogs that were parasitized by the fungus.

It turned out that the firepower person on the commanding heights of the camp discovered him and provided timely cover.

Fortunately, the number of these mad dogs was limited, and after a few minutes, most of them were killed by Tianyang and the fireman. Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining few turned around and dived into the winding and deep alleys and disappeared.

Tianyang then returned to the camp gate.

Just as he was about to go in, a figure flashed out from the gate, pointed at Tianyang and shouted: "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you come back with the team? You even provoked a group of mad dogs. Do you want to kill us?"

It turned out to be Zhou Wang.

He was in a threatening manner, looking like he was out to call someone to account, his eyes flashing with excitement and a bit of pride.

Tian Yang pushed him away and said, "I don't need to report anything I do to you. I didn't provoke those mad dogs. They suddenly ran out. What can I do?"

Zhou Wang reached out and grabbed his shoulder and said, "Mr. Yunze asked me to be responsible for the safety of the camp. Now, you have threatened the safety of the camp. You must report to me!"

Tian Yang sneered: "Are you trying to tell me that the Yun family is powerful enough to interfere with Night Walkers?"

Zhou Wang was speechless immediately. He couldn't just say "yes", otherwise he would let Yunze beat him in the head.

Just then, Adam's voice came from outside the door: "What are you doing?"

It turned out that the exploration team had returned. Tianyang looked and saw Yunze among them.

When he saw Zhou Wang harassing Tian Yang, his face immediately became gloomy.

Zhou Wang still held Tianyang tightly, "Captain Adam, Mr. Yunze, you came back just in time. I don't know what this guy is doing in secret. Not only did he come back alone, but he also provoked a group of mad dogs just now, and almost caused our camp to be attacked."

Tianyang raised his hand and placed it on the attacker's gun handle: "Let go of your hand!"

Zhou Wang sneered: "Why, do you dare to shoot me with a gun?"

Tian Yang gave a meaningful smile: "How do you know I don't dare?"

Yunze looked at Zhou Wang, then at Tianyang, with a complicated look in his eyes: "Captain Adam, I just wanted to ask you, why didn't Tianyang go with us."

Adam said calmly, "I gave him a task. I asked him to go around the town alone and learn about the current situation in Gem Town."

"Oh I got it."

Yunze didn't seem to want to pursue the matter. He glanced at Zhou Wang calmly and said, "Did you hear what Captain Adam said? He has a mission to accomplish. Stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Wang snorted through his nose and then let go.

Adam shook his head and asked the soldiers to take the collected specimens into the building. While they were collecting specimens, the Yun family's guards had already loaded a set of equipment onto the car and moved it into one of the rooms in the small building.

Now, that room is the temporary study room for Kong Zhang and his three students.

These scholars were not interested in the current minor conflict. The old man and his student Wuwu followed the soldiers into the building, eager to study the collected fungal specimens.

Yunze also led people to rest in the building. When passing by Tianyang, he just smiled and said nothing, making people wonder what he was thinking.

A big hand fell on Tianyang's shoulder, and Adam gestured for the boy to follow.

The two men came to a small meeting room, and Adam took off the sword from his waist and placed it casually on a table.

Then he pulled over a chair and sat down. His weight plus the armor made the chair creak under his butt.

"How is it, is the mission going well?"

Tian Yang sat against the wall and shook his head: "I can only say that there are some clues, but it is still a long way from completion."

“Then you have to work harder.” Adam pinched his thick neck. “We met two more fungus people on the road, and a mad dog controlled by the fungus. Damn it, how did this town become like this? I can hardly recognize it.”

"Did Kong Zhang discover anything


This time it was Adam's turn to shake his head. "The old man didn't say much on the way, but judging from his expression, these bacteria are not simple."

"Strange things often happen in the reverse world. These fungi are just one of them. Shouldn't night walkers be used to it?" Tianyang asked with a smile.

Adam laughed heartily. "You're right. Maybe we've been in the base for too long and have become accustomed to the same old routine. This won't work."

"By the way, are there any towns open for exploration here now?" Tianyang added, "I met some gold diggers on the train."

Adam hummed, "There was an earthquake not long ago. It wasn't very strong, but it shook out a town."

Tianyang was confused: "What's going on?"

Adam spread his hands and said, "Nothing, that town is near the Gem Town. It's just that the road leading to the town was blocked before. Because of the earthquake, the road was cleared. As you know, Yunxiang is short of manpower. Besides, the scale of that town is a little smaller than that of Gem Town, so the minister simply applied to the fortress to open it to gold diggers to explore."

"I see."

Tianyang nodded. It was indeed unnecessary to go to great lengths for a small town. The gold diggers would have to pay a certain fee to the fortress for whatever they got in the town. Moreover, by using them, the fortress could also get information about the town.

I wonder if that town will also be occupied by fungi, after all, it is not far from here.

Thinking of the fungus, Tian Yang asked casually, "Didn't they say that the fungus in Baoshi Town glow? Why didn't I see it? Could it be related to the recent abnormal growth of the fungus?"

Adam waved his hand. "It shouldn't have anything to do with that. The bacteria don't glow all the time. According to our observations, every time they glow, there will be a 36-hour dark period, and then it will repeat."

"We have been in town for more than ten hours. Maybe they will light up in a few hours. So you'd better take a rest now. Otherwise, once they light up, everything will be bright and you won't be able to sleep."

Tianyang smiled and said, "Hearing what you said, I have to go to sleep quickly."

PS: Today should be the last day on the new book list. Thank you all for your support over the past four weeks, which allowed me to stay at the top of the list.

Today, four chapters will be updated. There will be changes starting tomorrow. The word count will be increased to 3,000 per chapter, and the update will be two chapters. The update time will be around noon and 8 pm.

We will ensure that the amount of information remains unchanged and the stories become more and more exciting. I hope to get your support in the future!
