
Chapter 100: Seventh inning


Except for Lu Chu, everyone felt a chill down their spine and was terrified.

Cao Wenwen's voice was trembling, but for the sake of face, she pretended to be calm and glanced at everyone, and said sharply: "Who is playing a prank? Is it interesting for everyone to play like this?"

No one answered.

Cao Wenwen took a step forward, and everyone backed away in horror, some even stuck to the wall.

Seeing that everyone was so afraid of her, Cao Wenwen was very angry.

Just after the lights were turned off, the ghost appeared behind Cao Wenwen, so now she is the only one who doesn't know that she has really hit a ghost, and thinks that everyone is deliberately targeting her. At this moment, even though she was shocked when she saw the white paper with the word "death" written on it, she still firmly believed that someone turned off the lights while everyone was not paying attention, and then took advantage of everyone's panic. It's time to replace the white paper on the table.

"A prank?" Du Yangnan asked her back, "You still don't understand what happened?"

Cao Wenwen ignored him and looked at Chen Hong: "Chen Hong, tell me, did someone turn off the light as a prank and replaced the white paper while everyone was not paying attention?"

Lu Chu looked at Chen Hong unexpectedly, always feeling that Cao Wenwen really wanted to know him very well.

Chen Hong rubbed the center of his eyebrows irritably, not forgetting to comfort Zhang Qian in his arms, and then said, "I don't know either."

"You..." Cao Wenwen was very angry.

At this time, Lu Chu looked at the white paper and said, "It's not artificial."

Tang Shizhe was puzzled: "How did you find out?"

"The light switch here will make a loud 'click' sound when it is pressed. At that time, everyone lowered their voices and talked, just like the classroom in class. It was relatively quiet, and the crisp sound of pressing the switch It must be very obvious, but I didn't hear any relevant sounds." Lu Chu explained.

Tang Shizhe came back to his senses and agreed: "Indeed, I didn't hear it either..."

"And—" Lu Chu paused, and added, "Didn't you all see it just now?"

As soon as he said this, the people present remembered the ghost who was smiling at them again.

A timid girl couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears. When she cried, the other girls fell into panic.

At this time, Cao Wenwen wanted to say something again, and Lu Chuyan told her the reason for everyone's panic: "When the lights were black just now, a ghost appeared behind you, and everyone except you saw it."

Cao Wenwen felt a chill behind her when she heard the words, and immediately turned to look behind her.

Tang Shizhe added in a firm tone: "Everyone has seen it, and it is very clear. It cannot be an illusion."

At this time, Cao Wenwen began to feel afraid. Her eyes were a little erratic, and she asked Lu Chu, who seemed the calmest: "Then what... what should I do? Will I die..."

Overwhelmed by fright, Du Yangnan had already calmed down completely. Hearing Cao Wenwen's words, she said in a cold tone, "Is it too late for you to worry now?"

A girl followed Du Yangnan's words and said in a low voice: "It's not us who angered the pen fairy, maybe it's just aimed at Cao Wenwen..."

When Cao Wenwen heard the words, she immediately looked at the girl viciously, and the girl was so frightened that she hid behind the person beside her.

Lu Chu thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Who still remembers the three girls who just went to the ktv?"

Tang Shizhe came to a sudden: "They should be... all right?"

"What I think about is not whether something happened to them," Lu Chu shook his head, "but what happened to us."

Before playing the pen fairy game, the three girls left the card playing corner together because of fear, and went to the ktv equipment. This family entertainment gathering place is very large. The ktv is not completely enclosed, but there are walls separating them, and the corners where they are located are blind spots from each other.

Logically speaking, the three girls didn't participate in this game, so nothing should happen to them, but just now the entire hall suddenly dimmed for a short time, and they should be visible in the KTV box that is not fully enclosed, but they are This did not respond. Furthermore, although there and here are blind spots for each other, they are not blind spots for sound. If you speak and sing loudly, you can hear each other.

It's this that makes people feel weird - except that when they just passed by, the people on Lu Chu's side heard the sound of the stereo, and after the game started, they never heard any other noises.

Think carefully.

Lu Chu told everyone what he thought.

Now, panic reached the commanding heights, and even Cao Wenwen, who loves to show off and grab people's attention, didn't speak anymore.

Tang Shizhe thought about their current situation, and suddenly trembled from shock, and turned to look at Du Yangnan: "Comrade, what should we do next?"

Du Yangnan was amused when he heard the words: "What do you ask me for?"

"It feels like you know a lot," Tang Shizhe explained, "and, haven't you read all kinds of horror movies at home and abroad..."

Gao Yong interjected directly: "Expo all kinds of horror films at home and abroad sounds very powerful, but what else can he do besides telling ghost stories?"

Du Yangnan was silent.

Lu Chu suggested: "In short, go and see what's going on in the private ktv room first."

Tang Shizhe echoed: "It makes sense, but maybe they are in the toilet. If we can't find anyone in the KTV private room, shall we go to the toilet again?"

Lu Chu nodded in agreement, then looked at the others: "Together?"

The girls didn't dare to move when they heard that they were going to leave here, and they might go to the toilet to find someone, which is often haunted by ghosts in horror movies.

Chen Hong wants to stay with Zhang Qian.

In the end, only Gao Yong, Du Yangnan, Tang Shizhe and two other boys wanted to go with them.

"Wait a minute," Cao Wenwen said suddenly, "I'll go too."

Du Yangnan said: "Don't follow if you are afraid, you will hold people back."

Cao Wenwen didn't listen to persuasion, but wanted to be together.

They had no choice but to take her with them.

Walk out of the chess and card area, pass the long dining table and billiard table, and arrive at the KTV private room.

There are only three walls around the private room, and on the other side there is an open space nearly two meters away without a door. From this side, you can vaguely see that the video screen on the wall inside is playing video, and the light changes, but there is no sound.

Lu Chu walked in first.

Sure enough, it was empty.

Tang Shizhe swallowed: "Maybe he is really going to the toilet."

"Go," Lu Chu said, "go to the toilet and have a look."

The toilet and kitchen are not in the same large room as the entertainment facilities, and it is necessary to get out of this space. The entertainment and dining area is separated from the kitchen and toilet by a corridor. After leaving the door of the entertainment room, the first thing you see is the kitchen with the door closed. Walking along the corridor and next to the corner of the stairs, there are two toilets with "male" and "female" stickers.

The dining place they rented is on the second floor of this building.

In the early hours of the morning, there was no sound of car horns passing by outside, and several people unconsciously lowered their footsteps.

While walking, Du Yangnan suddenly said: "Have you ever heard the saying 'zombie movies don't get together, horror movies don't leave the group'?"

Lu Chu nodded, this is not the first time he heard this sentence.

Seeing this, Du Yangnan smiled and said, "You say, are we outliers now?"

Cao Wenwen was startled by his words, and retorted: "The outliers are obviously the ones who stay where they are."

Gao Yong thought for a while: "According to the number of people, they have more people than us, so it seems that we are the ones who seem to be outliers."

Tang Shizhe tried to ease the atmosphere, and punched Gao Yong: "Don't scare me."

During the conversation, several people had already come to the toilet.

Looking at the two toilets with a man and a woman next to each other, Du Yangnan pointed to the women's room and said to Cao Wenwen, "You go to the women's room."

Cao Wenwen's voice was sharp: "Why?!"

"We are the only girl here," Du Yangnan said, "We won't let you come, you have to come, come and do something, in case they really go to the bathroom inside, some of us big men suddenly break into What's going on?"

Cao Wenwen had nothing to say, so she reluctantly walked to the women's toilet.

She knocked on the door: "Yang Yue, Tian Jiale, Liu Shengmei, are you inside?"

No one answered.

Cao Wenwen swallowed her saliva and turned the handle vigorously.

The handle turns easily and doesn't appear to be locked from the inside.

"Click—" the door opened.

Seeing the situation inside, Cao Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief: "No one."

However, just as she said this, a bloody head suddenly fell from the ceiling, rolled around, and rolled to her feet.

The air stagnates for a few seconds.

"Ahh—" Cao Wenwen stretched out her hands, and piercing screams resounded through the corridor.

At this moment, there were several screams at the same decibel level from the room of the entertainment facility, followed by chaotic and noisy footsteps, followed by a clanging sound. Not long after, someone opened the door and walked towards Lu Chu. They rushed over.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people in the room ran out, and two of them opened the kitchen door, hid in and locked it behind them, causing the people behind to pat the door, extremely angry and frightened, and could only run in the direction of Lu Chu. come over.

The corridor is spacious and long, and it can accommodate more than ten people without being crowded.

Chen Hong, who was following behind the crowd, took Zhang Qian's hand and shouted at Lu Chu and the others: "Run!"

Several of the fastest runners skipped over Lu Chu and they ran down the stairs directly, intending to go down to the first floor and escape from this place. They were so fast that they disappeared in no time. However, after only a few seconds, they ran down the stairs upstairs.

The people who returned to the original point and Lu Chu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and froze in place.

—Ghost hitting the wall

After seeing the whole process, Chen Hong, who was pulling Zhang Qian, didn't know where to run for a while.

"Kang kuang—kuang ku—" a rhythmic voice sounded.

Lu Chu and the others followed the sound and looked towards the door of the entertainment room, only to see a headless body staggering towards them. The position of the neck of the headless female corpse was cut very irregularly, the red and white flesh turned out, and the bright red blood was turbulently flowing. The clothes on her body were soaked in bright red with the blood, her body was blue and white, and every step she took left crimson footprints.

Looking at the head under Cao Wenwen's feet, Lu Chu knew that it was the same corpse.

Seeing such a horrific scene, Tang Shizhe almost lost his voice, pointed at the corpse slowly walking towards them, grabbed Lu Chu's arm and said, "!"

Because of the ghost hitting the wall, it was unrealistic to escape by taking the stairs. After thinking quickly, a few people rushed into the open women's toilet and locked the door behind them.

Gao Yong pointed to the men's toilet: "Where are we going!"

Hearing this, Du Yangnan rushed over and twisted the doorknob frantically, but in vain—the men's toilet was locked from the inside.

Lu Chu stood at the front, and the female corpse was getting closer and closer to them. Tang Shizhe pulled Lu Chu, trying to pull him behind him.

Lu Chu stood still, and when the female corpse stretched out her pale hands to touch him, he pushed Tang Shizhe away, and kicked the female corpse far away with a crisp roundabout kick. The headless female corpse slammed hard on the wall of the corridor, blood spattered all over the wall, she slipped along the wall and fell to the ground, lying on the ground twitched twice, without moving.

Everyone was silent.

Tang Shizhe was dumbfounded: "Big... big brother."