
Chapter 103: Seventh inning


Hearing this, Tang Shizhe immediately approached Lu Chu with small steps and put his arms around his shoulders, feeling very safe in his heart. Gao Yong also approached Lu Chu in small steps, seeking a sense of security.

But because they were too close to Lu Chu, Qi frowned lightly while hiding her figure.

Tang Shizhe felt a gust of cold wind blowing by, he took off the arm that was on Lu Chu's shoulder, rubbed his arm and said in horror: "This place is too dark..."

At this time, there were still three girls in their team, one was Zhang Qian, and the other two were named Sun Qiao and Yang Fengjuan.

Sun Qiao and Zhang Qian were very good friends, both of them were very timid, Chen Hong protected Zhang Qian, while Zhang Qian and Sun Qiao held hands tightly. Yang Fengjuan looks very courageous, but no matter how big she is, she cannot easily accept the impact of the scene in front of her.

Seeing the horror in the corridor, the three of them were breathless, turned their backs, and closed their eyes.

"Think about a way to escape," Chen Hongdao, "If this continues, we don't know when it will be our turn to die."

"What can I do?" Tang Shizhe was distressed. "I'm not quick-witted. I failed three exams last semester. At this time, don't expect to be able to count on me."

A few others said they had no clue.

Lu Chu thought for a moment, and said to himself: "To prevent this kind of supernatural event from happening, we must first find the root cause of the event, find and solve it, and then we can be rescued. But what is the root cause..."

Du Yangnan agreed: "I have watched so many horror movies, and they basically follow this routine. Art comes from life."

"The root?" Gao Yong asked back, "Isn't the root the pen fairy?"

Chen Hong was not sure: "It should be..."

Lu Chu shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple. I always feel that there is something we have missed."

Tang Shizhe asked: "What is missing?"

"I don't know yet, I can't remember it for a while." Lu Chu glanced at the stairs at the end of the corridor, "We need to find out by ourselves."

During the conversation, Du Yangnan suddenly looked around and asked, "Where is that woman Cao Wenwen?"

When Lu Chu heard this, his eyes fell on the corpses in the corridor.

Several people instantly understood that she was dead, so they stopped asking.

"However, something happened to Cao Wenwen, should this killing game stop?" Du Yangnan was puzzled.

After all, it was Cao Wenwen who did something wrong.

"It's hard to say, ghosts don't act according to human logic." Tang Shizhe took the lead to put forward the opposite opinion, "And I also agree with Lu Chu's statement, it seems that it didn't just kill because of the pen fairy game."

Du Yangnan thought for a while and suggested: "Why don't we go back first and try to see if we can invite Bixian back? Even if we can't please go back, it would be good to know some information about it."

Several people had no results after several discussions, so they agreed with Du Yangnan's statement, thinking that they would go back and find paper and pens, and try to ask the pen fairy away.

The turning point happened when they were about to find a pen and paper—

The corpses and blood in the corridor disappeared in an instant as if they had evaporated. At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the toilet, mixed with the sound of heavy objects falling and screams of fear.

Several people looked at each other and immediately understood that something had happened to the three people hiding in the toilet, so they ran towards the toilet at the same time.

It took only a few seconds for them to run to the toilet, but the noise inside had stopped.

Lu Chu's footsteps faltered.

It's always like this, that guy seems to be fooling them with evil intentions, making them keep watching their companions die miserably very close to them, but they can't do anything about it. Moreover, until now, except for the ghost image they saw behind Cao Wenwen before, they have never seen the real face of "it", and can only run around following the rhythm of "it" killing people.

Lu Chu stepped forward and opened the door of the toilet which was ajar.

A strong smell of blood came to the face.

I saw that the women's toilet where three people were originally hiding was piled up together, and there were five corpses lying there, two of which were the female corpses who had disappeared before, and the other three were the male classmates who were hiding there that Lu Chu and the others tried to call out. Among them was Wu Xuan who proposed to play the Pen Fairy game.

Seeing five more people die in front of them, the psychological endurance of the three girls was on the verge of collapse.

Lu Chu turned sideways to block the bloody death scene in front of him, which made the three girls feel better.

Compared with the extreme fear of girls, boys are relatively better. Although they are still disgusting and frightened, they are not so afraid that they can do nothing.

Lu Chu and the others saw the situation in the toilet.

The current situation is well explained—

There is only one wall separating the women's and men's toilets, and at this moment the wall has been pierced with a big hole, just big enough for an adult to crawl through. Two of the three girls who disappeared at the beginning turned into dead bodies, crawled along the holed wall to the women's toilet where the three living people were hiding, and killed them.

Lu Chu remembered that after the three people hid in the women's toilet, they tried to open the door of the women's toilet, but when they found that they couldn't open it, Lu Chu kicked the headless female corpse away.

Now it seems that there is a reason why the men's toilet can't be opened, because "it" wants the people in it to die.

Lu Chu and the others had no choice but to go back and find a pen and paper.

The pen had been broken into two pieces, and the paper had a large character "dead" written on it with an unknown black and red liquid. The liquid has dried up, leaving dark red and black marks, and the edges of the words, the paper has some dry wrinkles and rough marks after being soaked in water.

Seeing this, Tang Shizhe frowned: "By the way, this paper is no longer usable, right? When Lu Chu and I came here, we didn't even bring our schoolbags. We don't have new paper and pens. Do any of you have any?"

Du Yangnan raised his hand: "I still have."

With that said, he went to the sofa and found his bag, took out a piece of paper from it, and rummaged through the pen.

His face changed after flipping through it, and he took out a severed finger from his schoolbag with a bang, and threw it out in panic.

Lu Chu: "..."

Although everyone was taken aback by the severed finger, they still had to find the pen they should be looking for.

This time, Du Yangnan stopped rummaging, and turned the schoolbag upside down and shook frantically, all the contents fell out and piled on the sofa.

Du Yangnan took out a pen and put it on the table.

Tang Shizhe looked at the shaking things on the sofa and praised: "A photo album of beauties? Yes."

After a moment of silence, Du Yangnan punched him on the shoulder: "You're used to being scared now, why aren't you afraid? You still have the mood to pay attention to this."

How could Tang Shizhe not be afraid anymore, he quickly spread his hands and said, "I was wrong."

After everyone got ready, Chen Hong asked, "Who will play this time?"

It stands to reason that the person who hired the Bixian should send the Bixian away, but at this time two of the people who sent the Bixian died, leaving only Chen Hong and Gao Yong, and the other two naturally had to find someone to fill the vacancy.

Lu Chu took the lead and said, "I'll come."

Because of Lu Chu's previous toughness, everyone always felt that Lu Chulai had an inexplicable sense of security under the cover of a great god, and they all agreed.

After confirming one person, Du Yangnan asked, "Who will fill Cao Wenwen's position?"

"I think the same gender is more appropriate." Tang Shizhe suggested.

Indeed, if they were going to try to send away the pen fairy they had invited before, they would naturally use the same lineup to send them away. Now that Cao Wenwen is not here, they should choose someone of the same gender as her replacement. As the so-called male yang and female yin, this will not destroy the previous yin-yang ratio.

Now there are only three girls left, and they are all timid girls. It has become a difficult problem who to choose to play the game.

Du Yangnan asked the three girls, "Does any of you dare to play this game?"

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes were full of horror, and they were speechless.

They can't be forced, Du Yangnan persuaded: "This is for us to leave this place safely as soon as possible, and you don't want to stay here forever, if you don't find a solution, we will die here sooner or later. You don’t want to die yet, and I don’t think any of you want to die either.”

The three girls hesitated for a moment, Zhang Qian raised her hand weakly: "I... I'll come..."

Seeing this, Chen Hong worried and asked: "Is it possible?"

Zhang Qian's face turned pale, but she still shook her head: "It's okay, you sit by my side, I'm not afraid."

In this way, the four players who played the game were determined, and everyone sat down in the same order that Cao Wenwen and the others sat before, with a pen and a blank piece of paper in front of them.

However, the moment he sat down and was about to hold the pen, Lu Chu suddenly felt in a trance, and smelled a vaguely familiar and annoying smell at the tip of his nose.

When this smell was at its strongest, he could smell it on those corpses that had died tragically.

Lu Chu followed his breath and turned his head, and saw Zhang Qian who was only one step away from him, huddled in Chen Hong's arms.

Everyone has their own unique smell, including the spirit.

The smell of the guy who brought them this tragedy is everywhere, because the corpses he killed have appeared everywhere, so his smell permeates every place here, even so, there are differences in strength and weakness.

Zhang Qian is Chen Hong's girlfriend. As Chen Hong's friend and roommate, it is very necessary to maintain a polite relationship and distance with her. Therefore, Lu Chu has never been very close to her. Even during the escape, Lu Chu was with Tang Shizhe, and Chen Hong was on the other side protecting Zhang Qian.

This caused Lu Chu to never smell her breath.

At this moment, Lu Chu finally remembered what key clue he had forgotten - that was Chen Hong's tiredness and the Yin energy in him when school started.