
Chapter 117: Eighth inning


The door of the one-unit building in Block A was open, but several people had no intention of entering there to rest.

Intuition told them that it was not safe there.

One thing that concerned Lu Chu very much was why the players who were hostile to them just now were so sure that they would appear here, and why they were so sure that they were players and directly attacked them without saying a word. Moreover, Lu Chu thinks that a well-equipped armored vehicle is not something that can be easily found. They were lucky enough to come across it, so they have the current armored vehicle, but the opponent player can have two.

No matter how you look at the vicious battle just now, it is very weird, as if someone is manipulating the development of the matter.

After telling others about his thoughts, Lu Chu told everyone to be more careful from now on.

After that, Lu Chu concentrated his energy on listening to the surroundings, and finally found an unused front room as a place to avoid repairs temporarily.

Although Yuan Kejie was gone, she had used the gap to teach Lu Chu some simple lockpicking methods, which came in handy at this time. Lu Chu's unlocking speed was not as fast as Yuan Kejie's, but he still knocked on the shutter door in front of the unused front room smoothly.

Everyone was able to enter it and temporarily had a shelter.

Everyone looked very embarrassed, Liu Zebing asked: "How are you doing? Are you seriously injured?"

Song Gui shook his head: "We're fine, just a little injury. Qi Li saw that you were in danger, so he rushed out of the encirclement under the hail of bullets and was shot twice. I'm afraid the situation is not very good."

Hearing this, Lu Chu immediately looked at 7 worriedly.

All of them were more or less injured, their clothes were torn, and 7 also had blood on his body. Lu Chu thought it was the enemy's blood at first, but now he heard what Song Gui said, he walked up to Qi, looked at his shoulders and waist, and found that there were two bullet holes in each of them.

Lu Chu wanted to touch 7's wound, but he was afraid that he would hurt him, so he raised his head and asked him worriedly, "How do I take out the shrapnel?"

If it is not taken out, the flesh of the wound will gradually rot, and the wound will only become more and more painful.

7 took out the medical supplies from the backpack, looked at the several wounds on Lu Chu's body and said, "No hurry, only the shrapnel embedded in the side of the waist, I'll bandage it for you first."

At the shoulder, the bullet passed directly through his body without leaving any shrapnel.

"I have some skin wounds all over my body," Lu Chu insisted, "Treat your wounds first."

Lu Chu insisted on dealing with the wound later than him, and could not persuade him.

Seeing this, 7 was afraid that he would waste time and infect the wound on Lu Chu's body, so he quickly took out the dagger, lighter, and medical supplies, and prepared to treat his wound quickly.

He lifted up the hem of his clothes, revealing his muscular abs, lean and perfect waistline, and the bleeding bullet hole on the side of his waist. Immediately afterwards, 7 took out a dagger, burned the dagger red with a lighter, poured alcohol on his wound for simple disinfection, then cut into his flank with the blade, and directly attached the bullet stuck inside to the flesh raw It was pulled out, and along with the black shrapnel flowed out, there was also bright red warm blood. He blocked the turbulent blood with clean gauze, and then wrapped a long gauze around the waistline to complete the bandage.

The whole process was very fast, Qi Qi's complexion did not change, and he didn't make a muffled grunt, as if he was just doing something ordinary like taking a walk.

Seeing him like this, Lu Chu frowned distressedly.

Seeing this, 7 comforted him and said, "It doesn't hurt."

He has long been used to this kind of injury.

Hearing this, Lu Chu frowned even deeper. He took the alcohol and gauze from 7's hands, and while helping him treat the wound on his shoulder, he said, "Qi Li, you can't take your injury for granted."

Lu Chu's tone was particularly serious: "I will be worried."

With enthusiasm in his heart, 7 stretched out his hand to smooth the gap between Lu Chu's eyebrows, and replied in a deep voice: "Okay, I will pay attention later."

He is no longer alone, he has Lu Chu, so he can't let himself get hurt, and can't make Lu Chu worry.

Even if he is injured, it must be where he can't see it.

After Lu Chu treated 7's wound, 7 immediately took the medical supplies and treated his wound gently.

The others were also dealing with their wounds.

Miraculously, when they simply sterilized and bandaged the wound, the blood bar on the forearm would rise a little, indicating that their health had recovered.

Song Gui looked at the life value on his arm that was slowly rising after bandaging the wound, as well as the word "9", and fell into deep thought.

He saw this word appearing on Lu Chu's arm before, and he thought it represented the number of enemies they had annihilated. Song Gui was a little puzzled by this, so he raised his head and asked the others, "I want to make sure, is the number '9' written on everyone's arms?"

Everyone else nodded and exposed their forearms. Sure enough, including the four people on Dai Chenggong's side, everyone had the number "9" on their arms.

Song Gui raised his eyebrows: "The 'rules' must be really smart. They can know that our two teams are temporarily teamed up, and the number of people killed is counted together."

Dai Chenggong hurriedly said: "This is not a temporary team, we have always been teammates!"

Just kidding, how could they not hug these thick legs.

Song Gui smiled: "It's a happy cooperation."

Dai Chenggong: "Very happy!"

After a lot of tossing and resting, they finally regained some strength.

At this time, the sky outside gradually darkened, dusk fell, and the sun set in the west. The real carnival belonging to those hunters in the "Suppression Day" officially began.

Several people analyzed the current situation and discussed the next countermeasures.

Today, their cars are all ruined, they have no means of transportation and the most powerful weapons, but fortunately all kinds of medical supplies and weapons are still there.

Lu Chu thought for a while, then suddenly said: "When he snatched our armored vehicle at first, maybe he should have taken off the clothes of those dead men and women."

Song Gui pretended to be surprised: "You are such Lu Xiaochu?"

Others also looked at Lu Chu.

Lu Chu shook his head: "I just want to see if there is any body armor."

Song Gui smiled: "Every player has strength, and combat experience is not in vain. Hitting people only like headshots. With body armor, they can't defend against anything."

As he said that, Song Gui looked at 7 at the side: "Believe it or not, Qi Li can beat a person's heart to sudden arrest with his bare hands through the body armor."

Hearing this, Lu Chu looked at 7 who was sitting beside him.

Of course he believes that in his heart, 7 is omnipotent.

So this topic is so dead.

Several people continued to discuss the status quo, and Dai Chenggong suddenly asked, "Hey, tell me, does that guy named Zhang Xin want to make trouble?"

"It's hard for us to imagine what people in the game will do after their own plot collapses." Song Gui said, glanced at Lu Chu from the corner of his eye, and then continued, "That npc's character, character How, how far we know about our identity, we don't know yet, so many things cannot be judged. However, I think that what we were attacked just now has absolutely nothing to do with him."

"I also think," Lu Chu said, "I'm afraid it's an enemy rather than a friend."

Song Gui looked at Dai Chenggong: "The method you said requires the npc to escape, does it require the cooperation of that person?"

Dai Chenggong thought for a while and replied, "We need disabled people."

Song Gui touched his chin and said meaningfully: "Do you need my cooperation... This is very difficult."

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Lu Chu interjected, pointing out something.

Song Gui understood what he meant, and said with a smile, "That's really great."

Dai Chenggong is bewildered

While they were chatting, there was a sudden roar outside, and several people were startled.

At the same time, with a shock, the iron rolling door of the facade room on the first floor was blasted open a huge gap. Everyone immediately picked up their weapons, stood up and looked out. I saw two modified off-road vehicles parked not far from the door. Several people got out of the vehicle and pointed their guns at them.

Song Gui immediately said: "Run out first!" If you are trapped in the house, the space is narrow and there is nowhere to escape, only a dead end.

Several people in the house jumped out of the window immediately, and there were only two off-road vehicles outside at this time. Although the enemy's weapons are very good, each of them has guns and ammunition, which is not inferior to the opponent. The only thing that worked against them was that everyone on their side was slightly or seriously injured. Relying on the cover of nearby buildings and vehicles, the two sides fell into a fierce battle, with bullets flying all over the sky.

Dai Chenggong scolded while beating: "Did they press the tracker on us? Why are they haunting us?!"

Luo Qi also sneered: "They're more like dogs."

In the end, it was because of their rich combat experience and the humanoid weapon 7. Soon, several of the other party's people died.

At this moment, there was a "hum" sound from the sky as the propellers turned and cut through the air. Lu Chu and the others took advantage of the gap to look up at the source of the sound, and saw two helicopters flying slowly in the sky from a distance. Come, get closer to them. Seeing the suddenly relaxed expressions on the faces of those on the enemy side, one knew that the two helicopters were reinforcements of the other side.

Dai Chenggong swears: "Helicopter? Damn, what's the other party doing? Such high-end weapons?"

Everyone's attention was distracted by the approach of the two helicopters.

The distance between tall buildings and tall buildings in this city is very wide, which is unexpectedly suitable for helicopter flying. Because of the geographical advantage, the people above shot and threw grenades downward, but they were unable to fight back. The situation was extremely unfavorable to them. While dealing with the enemy's attack, Lu Chu was thinking about how to deal with the things in the sky.

Suddenly, the people in the off-road vehicle on the ground threw two smoke bombs and tear gas bombs at them, and the sight of Lu Chu and the others was blocked. There were chaotic footsteps in the distance, Lu Chu was hit hard on the head, and he was in a trance for a moment due to the severe pain. During this trance, someone grabbed him and stuffed him into the off-road vehicle.

The helicopters in the sky were still attacking the people on the ground. The smoke on the ground had not cleared yet, and the off-road vehicle galloped out of the range of the smoke.

Lu Chu shook his head, driving away the dull pain in his brain, he raised his eyes and looked beside him - the one who grabbed him was a tall man with glasses. The two of them were in the back seat of the off-road vehicle, and the man sat beside him, staring at him. Although the man was tall and strong, he had a handsome appearance. He looked like an ordinary college student, but there was a lingering smell of blood on his body.

Lu Chu had seen this person before, and it was the tall and strong boy in the six-member group they met at the beginning.

Lu Chu said calmly, "Who are you?"

The man smiled: "Zhang Xin."

Lu Chu looked at him: "You are Zhang Xin."

Zhang Xin took off his glasses and nodded with a smile: "Your name is Lu Chu, that person told me."

With a smile on his lips, he lowered his head and took out a clean cloth to wipe his glasses carefully: "I know we are the same, so I'm here to pick you up, we shouldn't be enemies."

The author has something to say: Dai Chenggong: What to do! Lu Chu was arrested!

Song Gui: No, your humanoid weapon Qi Li will arrive at the scene in ten minutes.