
Chapter 14: Second inning


When Lu Chu stepped into the dazzling white light, he felt that he was immersed in the warm light for an instant, which made people feel relieved for no reason. Even the tense nerves that had been tense since the day he lost his senses were relieved. When the light faded, what appeared in front of his eyes was an existence similar to a different dimension. Looking around, it was clean and white, with only a few square screens floating in the air.

From just now to now, Lu Chu has accepted too many unbelievable so-called "truths" in his mind. Every word from the man's mouth is subverting Lu Chu's life in the past twenty years. Even so, there were still too many things he didn't understand.

What exactly is a "bureau"? What is the meaning of its existence? Do the people derived from the "games" including Lu Chu in the man's mouth return to the original point after each "game", repeating the same life over and over again


There were so many things like this that confused Lu Chu's thoughts. What concerned him most was what role the man named "7" played in the "game". Undoubtedly, the man had no ill intentions towards him and saved him. However, because of this, the identity of the man who seemed to have known everything earlier became more confusing.

Just as Lu Chu was staring at the floating objects in the air and lost in thought, one of the square screens suspended in the air suddenly moved and fell to the ground. This screen turned into a paper man from nowhere. "Hands and feet", then struggled to bounce up from the ground, and fell to Lu Chu's feet.

After thinking twice, Lu Chu bent down and picked up the paper-thin screen at his feet. He picked up the thing and presented it in front of his eyes for observation. At the same time, a line of words appeared on the originally empty screen——

"Congratulations on surviving the last 'game'."

Lu Chu looked at the above words for a long time without saying a word, and he thought to himself. He remembered the sentence that the man said, "the people from the real world who will be selected by the 'rules' by default", maybe it was referring to this time.

Immediately afterwards, several lines of words appeared on the screen one after another——

"Next, please enjoy your next 'inning'."

"request: escape

Clue: only one door is right

Reminder: At dawn, it will come humming a clear song and stepping on bloodstains"

After the last line of words disappeared, a door suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chu. The shape and size of the door was obviously far from the door at the top of the tower, but it gave Lu Chu the same feeling. On the other side of the door, there must be another door. world. When Lu Chu was thinking, the door suddenly opened, and the inside was as terrifying as a black hole, and he couldn't imagine what he would encounter after entering.

Seeing that Lu Chu did not move for a long time, another line of words appeared on the screen——

"If you resist, you will be wiped out.

Enter the countdown—10, 9…”

From this moment, Lu Chu deeply felt that he couldn't help himself. He didn't understand what the situation was, but right now, he had no other choice but to step through the door.

The best way at present is to take one step at a time, Lu Chu thought so, and stepped into the door step by step.


However, the world was spinning in seconds, and when Lu Chu realized it again, he was already standing in a cramped and gloomy room.

Lu Chu has just recovered his eyesight, and has just begun to recognize the appearance of all things. When he sees the things in front of him, he will naturally recall the shapes and sizes of them that he touched, and he can guess the things accurately. The things in the room are few and messy, randomly scattered on the floor and on the table. A single bed was placed on the side of the room, and the damp and musty smell came over the face. On the bed was a futon that was randomly put together. Lu Chu didn't know what color or substance the condensed lumps on the bedding were emitting a peculiar smell. But genuinely uncomfortable.

He was forced to carry out this "round" without any preparation. After Lu Chu observed the room, he did not search immediately, but recalled the few words that appeared on the screen just now.

The requirement is to "escape", which is not difficult to understand. It is to escape from this place. Although the town where he grew up has become a "game", there are many things that should be improved by himself. Therefore, even if he was born blind like Lu Chu, I have also heard of things like escape from the secret room; as for the clue "only one door is correct", it means that there are at least two or more doors here. Thinking of this, Lu Chu looked around, and there was only one door that could be called a "door".

More than two doors... Then he must know where the other doors are before he can analyze it further. Lu Chu began to observe the things in the house. The words "At dawn, it will come humming a clear song and stepping on bloodstains" that just appeared on the square screen undoubtedly meant that when dawn came, Lu Chu's situation would be extremely serious. danger, then he must solve the puzzle as soon as possible.

Resistance will be obliterated, and the fate of failure in the "game" is probably death.

After searching for a while, there was no useful information. Lu Chu fell into deep thought again, quietly and carefully thinking about the meaning of "door" for a while. After a while, Lu Chu, who should have stood still, came to the door silently, put his hand on the doorknob, and then gently twisted it.


The door opened without any hindrance...

But Lu Chu knew that outside this door was definitely not the correct answer.

Lu Chu has his own considerations for preparing to open this door before he has figured out the current situation. The sensitivity of his ears was not lost because of his binocular vision. Just as Lu Chu was thinking, he vaguely heard some sounds, "Ka-Ka-Ka-", boring and full of rhythm, like the second hand of a clock ticking. The sound of walking, the source of this sound is outside the door.

Therefore, he boldly guessed that the scope of his activities is not limited to this room, and the outside is also within the scope of activities.

As for whether there would be serious consequences for opening the door, Lu Chu naturally thought about it, maybe there would be the situation of "opening the door to kill" that Lu Chu had heard from others occasionally, but he believed in his intuition.


The sound of opening the door was particularly loud in this confined space. Looking out of the door, Lu Chu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the corridor outside the door, and took another breath when thinking of the current situation. He didn't go out in a hurry to find clues, but checked the items in the house again and again. When he found an old-fashioned flashlight, he froze for a moment, then picked up the flashlight, picked up a rusty knife under the bed, and walked out lightly.

The corridor was dark and eerily quiet. Lu Chu's steady breathing and the sound of the second hand moving became very clear. He turned his head and saw the old clock on the wall. Although the hands trembled and made sounds, they did not move. After a scale, it seems that it cannot be used to guess when "dawn" is.

Fortunately, Lu Chu was not afraid of the dark night. While walking carefully along the corridor that could allow four people to pass side by side, he looked around and found that there were indeed other doors.

After turning four right-angled turns and counting the other four doors, Lu Chu suddenly found himself back at the same place.

Standing in front of the door he came out of for a while, Lu Chu walked along the corridor again, and returned to the original point not long after.

After repeating back and forth several times, he finally confirmed that the structure of the corridor is like a "back". The room he came out of is the "mouth" in the center, and the "mouth" outside is the wall outside the corridor. caught in the middle. In addition, each outer wall has a door at the corner.