
Chapter 16: Second inning


Hearing the sound, Lu Chu ran to the four knocked doors to observe in turn. Soon, he found that there were writings on the four doors that hadn't appeared before, which were distorted and hard to read like the words in the password box.

These four sentences are-

Here it comes, behind a certain door.

Be careful not to be caught by it.

The key opens the correct door when you see it.

The doll and the bear dance.

The first three sentences are obvious, this "it" opens any one of the four doors, comes in here, and poses a threat to Lu Chu's safety. When "it" appeared, Lu Chu had to avoid his pursuit, and at the same time seize the gap and open the correct door to escape.

As for the last sentence, Lu Chu was a little confused...

The most important thing now is to find the right door. The door knocking outside the corridor is getting louder and louder. There is a faint tendency to smash the door open. Judging from the strength of the door knocking, they are almost the same, and they cannot be distinguished. The difference, let alone see which door "it" is behind.

Lu Chu sorted out all the previous clues, and remembered the phrase "the way we came is the way we return".

The knock on the door gradually sounded, the mottled wall on the wall began to peel off, and the wall ash was scattered on the ground. Lu Chu gripped the key tightly.

He wants to live.

He wants to see 7.

7 still owes him an explanation.

After several times of contemplation, Lu Chu had already figured out how to decide to open the door.

The corridor is not wide enough to allow four people to pass through it side by side at the same time. The unique design of the word "Hui" with doors on every wall and the narrow space make it impossible for Lu Chu to escape. To avoid the pursuit of "it", Lu Chu had to take advantage of the narrow and repetitive terrain to walk it around a few times, stopping to open the correct door during the process.

The four doors are located on the right side of the wall, and the door of the small room is in the middle. Lu Chu adjusted the position and stood at the midline between the door of the small room and the door on the opposite wall, trying to distance himself from each door. , to ensure that when "it" appears at a certain door for a while, I have enough space and time to escape.

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang!"

The knock on the door turned into a knock on the door, which was vaguely mixed with "it" roaring and choking like a beast, as if accusing Lu Chu of why he didn't open the door for it or let him in.

Lu Chu held a knife in one hand and a key and a flashlight in the other. He decided to throw the flashlight at the moment he saw "it". In order to open the door as quickly as possible, it is best to hold the key in one hand alone, and the knife is to protect oneself, so it seems that the flashlight used for lighting can only be discarded. The width and length of the "back"-shaped corridor has been deeply in Lu Chu's heart during this time, because of the experience of people who can't see in the past 20 years, he can completely move forward in the dark by listening to the sound, which is his advantage.

Taking a step back, after the flashlight hits "it" and falls to the ground, if it is not broken, it can still illuminate a certain range, and the real blind spot is reduced again.

After making a plan, Lu Chu carefully listened to the movement around him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was only a "boom!", accompanied by a loud sound of the door opening, and a simple and honest voice came clearly: "I found you."

"It" didn't come out of the four doors in the corridor, but opened the door of the small room and walked out!

Lu Chu was shocked, saw its appearance clearly, smashed the flashlight at it, got a temporary buffer, then turned and ran!

Fortunately, just in case, Lu Chu didn't stand in front of the small room door, otherwise, being so close would be like throwing himself into a trap.

The footsteps behind him were clumsy and slow, and Lu Chu unconsciously slowed down, for fear that he would run too fast and run too fast and run into the teddy bear face to face.

Yes, "it" is a giant teddy bear.

Counting the time, it has only been less than a day since Lu Chu was able to see something. When he judged from the shape that it was a teddy bear, he still couldn't believe it, but then he saw the stain on its stomach. Cotton turned upside down, and he had to believe everything in front of him. This teddy bear was almost as tall as Lu Chu. The original glass eyes were closed and inserted with tattered cloth strips. The tattered cotton in the mouth was turned upside down and sewn on with needles and threads, like jagged teeth.

The most frightening thing was that the bear was holding a chainsaw in its hand, and the tip was dragging on the ground, making a screeching sound as it rubbed against the chainsaw, and a thick, dark liquid dripped slowly along the teeth of the chainsaw.

Xiong Mingming was unusually bulky and slow, but he followed Lu Chu step by step, unable to get rid of him no matter what, and Lu Chu couldn't get a chance to open the door. In desperation, Lu Chu quickened his pace, and for a while, the slow and clumsy walking of the giant bear and Lu Chu's brisk and hasty footsteps echoed in the "back" shaped corridor.

"Da da da—" This is the sound of Lu Chu's footsteps.

"Boom—boom—" This is the sound of a bear walking

Suddenly, the bear's footsteps disappeared.

Lu Chu stopped immediately, his body was cold, and he stood at a corner and watched. The location he was in happened to be the corridor at the door of the small room, and the light of the dropped flashlight illuminated a small area, which was barely enough for him to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Lu Chu held his breath, clenched the knife in his hand, stood at the corner and looked around the two corridors, guessing where it would appear.

Time passed slowly, and only the sound of Lu Chu's shallow breathing could be heard quietly in the corridor...

It was so quiet.

A bad premonition crawled up Lu Chu's back to his brain, causing chills all over his body—

"Huh...huh..." A burst of icy breath fell on the back of Lu Chu's neck, and at the same time, a dull and thick voice slowly sounded in his ears, "I found you."

The light from the flashlight shone from the middle of the corridor, casting the shadow of the raised half of the chainsaw on the wall on one side, almost blending with Lu Chu's shadow.

Lu Chu's breath stopped, and he quickly turned sideways to narrowly avoid the chainsaw that was swung down. After that, he didn't dare to stop at all, and rushed out with a stride. The giant bear followed after reacting for two seconds, dragging the chainsaw. At the first corner, Lu Chu deliberately slowed down his pace, listening to the distance between the giant bear and himself with his ears, and when it was about to catch him, he turned around as fast as he could and ran in the opposite direction!

The giant bear's body was heavy and slow, and it took another two seconds to react. At this time, Lu Chu quickly picked up the key and opened the door of the small room. He rushed in without even looking, and closed the door and locked it in one go.

After finishing all this, he sat on the ground against the door and gasped for breath.

- "The way you come is the way you go back".

Lu Chu came out of the door of the small room into the corridor, and the giant bear also appeared from that door, so the door of the small room can be regarded as the so-called "way of origin", so that the way back should also be that door.

Lu Chu boldly guessed that the small room opened with the key after the giant bear appeared was not the same as the room Lu Chu had directly entered and exited before.

He calmed down, and found that the room in front of him suddenly turned on the light, and the warm yellow light was full of gentle warmth. The dilapidated, gray-yellow room disappeared, replaced by clean and warm, neat sheets with cute patterns, and dolls all over the floor. , all of which confirmed Lu Chu's guess about the different rooms just now.

Myself... Is this a success

Lu Chu sat on the ground leaning against the door, lost in a daze.

At this moment, his body suddenly twitched and ached uncontrollably, and his consciousness began to slacken. When he came back to his senses, he found himself sitting on the bed with a soft pillow on his back and a cute thick covering on his legs. quilt, holding a plush teddy bear in his hand.

Lu Chu wanted to talk and get up, but found that his movements were completely out of his control. What surprised him most was that his hands had become very small, his hair was long and soft, and his stature looked like a six or seven-year-old... small girl.

This is not him.

Lu Chu was extremely calm, and he could face any suspenseful things calmly.

In this case, I seem to be on someone else, experiencing other people's lives.

Lu Chu watched as "he" held the teddy bear in his arms to his eyes, "giggled" and rubbed the bear's cheek with his face.

"It's my birthday today, Xiongxiong, can you dance with me?" The child followed innocently, and hugged the bear into the air with both hands, humming the ballad of "Dancing Doll and Bear", and then swayed it from time to time Laugh happily and shyly.

"Bang!" At this moment, the door was slammed open, and a woman with a fierce face came in, snatched the bear from "Lu Chu", threw it to the ground, stepped on it hard, and shouted sharply, " How could I have given birth to you trash! What’s the use of not being a son?! Will he look at us two... It seems, yes... Indeed, hahaha..." After a burst of cursing, the woman laughed wildly and ferociously, and asked herself He replied, "He will come to see you and buy you toys, what about me? I love him... Without me, where would you come from!"

After that, there was a burst of punching and kicking. Lu Chu is the child now, and the kind of unadulterated venting of anger fell on him one after another, causing pain.

The woman deliberately avoided the child's face. After hitting for a while, she felt bored and said "clean up by yourself" before slamming the door and going out.

Lu Chu watched "myself" lift off the quilt covering his legs. His legs under the quilt were bruised and bruised. He dragged his painful body and climbed out of the bed. He hugged the abandoned teddy bear to his chest, crying It fell down without knowing it, and wet the teddy bear's fur.

"Doll and bear dance, dance, dance, one two one

They danced in circles, danced, danced, one two one


"You are a bear and I am a doll."

The childish and choked voice was intermittent.

"Bear, it hurts so much, save me."


Time seems to be sped up, Lu Chu "him" has never been out of this room, he hugs the bear and talks to himself every day, occasionally "father" comes to visit, he will touch her head and say how good she is, after "father" leaves, she will The woman was ushered in even worse beatings to vent her anger, and finally one day, her legs could no longer be used.

Gradually, she stopped talking, and hugged the teddy bear without saying a word, her eyes glazed over.

"Bear, save me."

Lu Chu uncontrollably picked up the scissors next to him. He could only watch helplessly as "he" firmly and clumsily snapped out Xiong's beautiful eyeballs, and then patched them up with tattered cloth strips; Good needle and thread mending, and finally cut its belly hard, so that the cotton wool inside is turned out.

"Kacha—" the woman opened the door, and seeing the scene in front of her, she screamed, "What are you doing again? Did I give birth to you to embarrass myself?!"

As she spoke, she walked over a few steps, picked up the dilapidated teddy bear, and threw it out of the room.

No doubt another beating.

The woman went out in a good mood after beating, while the child was lying on the bed, humming a song time after time.

"Doll and bear dance, dance, dance, one two one



Suddenly there was the sound of a woman screaming and roaring from outside, followed by the sound of an electric start-up, the screaming stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of sharp objects embedded in flesh and blood.

A strong smell of blood came from outside the door.

Blood was spilling from the corner of the girl's mouth. It was obvious that she had just been beaten hard and her internal organs were injured, but she still sang softly and carefully.

The sound of electric rotation stopped, and the blood-red liquid meandered into the room, "Pa-ta-pa-ta-" the hideous teddy bear that was stitched became extremely huge, and came dancing with blood on the ground.

At this time, Lu Chu was still on the girl, so he could only repeat her movements uncontrollably, lying flat on the side of the bed, letting the blood flow from the corner of his mouth.

The giant bear was standing by the bed, holding a chainsaw that he did not know where to get in his hand, looking down at the girl with eyes inlaid with rags.

"Got you."

"I'm here to save you."

The sound of the chainsaw sounded, the giant bear raised its hand, and the corners of Lu Chu's lips curled up uncontrollably.

A burst of severe pain that divided the body into two halves came.


Waking up sweating profusely, Lu Chu was lying in a different space with a floating square screen.

One of the screens turned into the hands and feet of a paper man, and fell at Lu Chu's feet. Lu Chu picked it up, and sure enough, he saw that it said—Congratulations on surviving the last "game".

"Office" outside