
Chapter 3: first round



Turnip, who was rolling and playing in the same place, suddenly began to turn impatiently in circles, with a low growl in his throat, and from time to time he bent his forequarters and bared his fangs. Lu Chu came back to his senses, and before he had time to think about the meaning of the man's words, he blindly typed the names of the girl's parents on the mobile phone, trying to call them.


After a while, there was a sweet reminder from the customer service on the mobile phone—the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.

If you care, you will be chaotic, if you are concerned, you will be chaotic.

Lu Chu closed his dull eyes, raised his head slightly, and organized his thoughts.

Since the girl called herself instead of her parents, it only meant that she couldn't get in touch with them, and trying to call them by herself was useless.

After his thoughts settled down, Lu Chu realized that the man seemed to know what happened. He turned his body towards the man, lowered his eyes, and asked, "What do you mean by 'start'?"

Even if he couldn't see the man's expression, Lu Chu could feel that the man was extraordinarily calm and calm, like an outsider who knows everything and controls everything. The man looked at Lu Chu fixedly, but didn't answer his question. He seemed to be thinking, and after a while, he suddenly asked, "Why are you not smiling?"

Lu Chu said nothing, and frowned.

Why are you laughing

The man who got no answer stared at the corner of Lu Chu's mouth for a moment, and said calmly: "It has already started, but it is just the beginning."

"What started it?"

"You'll know."

Lu Chu didn't ask any more questions, but stood up and was about to go out. When Luo Bo saw his movements, he immediately stopped his anxious actions and followed Lu Chu closely, with a look of wariness in his eyes.

The man didn't say a word, just looked at Lu Chu who was smiling gently with him just now, frowning, and walked out the door silently.

He knew he would go to that girl to find out the truth.

Lu Chu knew where the girl's home was, but he didn't know which floor and which household it was. Holding the bamboo stick he usually used for walking, he stood at the gate of the girl's house, tapping the ground one after another, making a "da da da" sound.

Occasionally, there were passers-by in the community, and a middle-aged woman saw Lu Chu standing there without moving for a moment, so she kindly came over to him and asked him, "Young man, what can you do?"

Hearing this, Lu Chu quickly turned to the direction of the woman, and asked politely, "Hi, do you know Zhou Xiran?"

"Xiaoran, of course I know him, but you are..."

"I'm her teacher," Lu Chu smiled gently, "I came to visit her home because of something, but I was too confused to figure out the exact location. I just called her and no one answered, so I'm in a hurry now."

The folk customs of this town are simple and simple, and there are very few illegal and criminal incidents. In addition, Lu Chuchang is handsome and gentle. The woman did not have any doubts about his words, but said very enthusiastically: "So that's how it is. Yidong, I'll take you there."

"Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, that's a big deal!"

Hearing the woman's footsteps, Lu Chu judged the direction she was walking, and followed her with Carrot.

"You are a well-raised dog. You look very clever. These two eyes seem to have spirituality."

When mentioning radish, Lu Chu finally got a smile in his eyes: "Radish is smarter, and has been by my side since childhood."

"Carrot? It's a good name, it sounds easy to feed..."

The woman chatted with Lu Chu one after another, and suddenly looked at his eyes, which were covered with no expression, and asked, "What's wrong with your eyes..."

It’s no wonder she took so long to notice this. As the only blind person in history, seeing things like this is considered “heterogeneous” by normal people. In this town, it can be included as an “urban anecdote” , Among the "Ten Incredibles in the City" incidents, it is difficult for ordinary people to notice immediately. At most, they think that this person has been slightly lowering his head and still does not look into other people's eyes. He is probably a shy person.

It's not the first time Lu Chu has encountered such a thing, he smiled and said calmly: "My eyes can't see."

"Can't see?" The woman frowned immediately, "Why are you like my wife..."

When Lu Chu heard this, his heart sank: "What did you say?"

"My wife," the woman said, "I didn't know what happened last night, and suddenly told me that he couldn't see. Don't worry about it for a long time."

"You mean he'll be all right soon?"

"Yes," said the woman, the woman stopped suddenly, "this is here, Xiaoran's house is on the third floor, her mother and I are old friends."

At this time, the woman's mobile phone rang suddenly, and she turned it on to answer.

What was said over there, the woman frowned, her face full of anxiety: "How could it be, your father was still at home just now!... Um... Um... I'll go back right away!"

She hung up the phone and said apologetically to Lu Chu: "I'm sorry, little brother, something happened at home, I have to go back as soon as possible. Xiaoran's home is in 301, which is at the far end on the third floor."

Lu Chu smiled: "It's okay, I have to thank you for helping me so much, you can go back first, family matters are more important, I can do the rest myself."

The middle-aged woman left in a hurry, Lu Chu habitually nodded his bamboo stick, and then went upstairs.

"301." Lu Chu read while standing in front of a door.

After hearing this, Luobo let out a "Wow", and Lu Chu thought that this is it. Carrot is specially trained, and his parents spent a lot of time cultivating this kind of knowledge guide dog for him, and it can do simple counting.

"Ding dong—" Lu Chu rang the doorbell.

No one answered, he pressed it twice and still no one answered, so he knocked on the door and shouted: "Zhou Xiran, are you home?"

At this time, a woman walked upstairs with a large bag and asked Lu Chu, "Who are you, and why are you at my door?"

Lu Chu turned around after hearing the sound: "Hello, are you the owner of this house?"

"I'm..." The woman looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

Lu Chu apologized and said: "I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm Zhou Xiran's friend. She called me just now. She seemed to be in a hurry and couldn't reach you. But after we had a chat, she suddenly hung up the phone again. I'm worried That's why she came to see."

The woman was dubious, but seeing that Lu Chu was really kind and handsome, she whispered "What can happen to Xiaoran" and took out the key to open the door.


The door opened.

"Xiao Ran, mother came back from shopping—" the woman's originally cheerful voice suddenly paused, and then she shouted in horror, "Xiao Ran! What's wrong with you, Xiao Ran? Why are you bleeding so much?"

The moment Lu Chu opened the door, he smelled the pungent smell of blood, and the carrot spun around behind him and kept barking.

"It's so dark, I can't see it with the lights on..."

"It's so quiet, I smashed something, and there's no sound..."

"It hurts, it hurts... no, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt... the knife cuts the legs and arms, it doesn't hurt..."

The young girl's voice came slowly, sick and lifeless, as if she was just muttering to herself, while her mother yelled and threw herself on her, how could she not stop the scalding blood dripping from her body with her hands, trembling Calling for help with both hands.

"Go back." The man appeared behind Lu Chu silently.

Lu Chu was not surprised by his appearance at all. He knew that the man had been following him.

Lu Chu didn't look back, and said in a low voice, "What is the beginning?"

"infectious disease."

"What disease."

"The whole city lost consciousness."